This repository has been archived by the owner on Aug 8, 2023. It is now read-only.
Release Android v5.1.0-beta.4
- Support for FillExtrusionLayer #8431
- Limit Viewport #8622
- Transition Properties for Layer attributes #8509
- Style wide transition duration and transition offset in milliseconds #8576
- Transifex integration, Catalan & Dutch translations #8556
- LatLngBounds includes with another bounds #8517
- LatLngBounds includes takes in account LatLng on the edges (cfr. core) #8517
- LatLngBounds facility getters/setters for LatLng #8517
- Expose world bounds in LatLngBounds #8517
- OfflineRegion are validated if found in the world bounds, else onError will be invoked #8517
- Polygon holes #8557 and #8722
- Custom location source #8710
- Expose source layer identifier #8709.
- Ensure surface is created after display and context #8759
- Harden telemetry event dispatch #8767
- Move LatLngBounds calculation for CameraUpdateFactory to core #8765
- Spanish, Lithuanian, and Vietnamese localizations #8852
- Warning when updating a non-added annotation #8832
- Share location source between components #8825
- Test application runtime permissions for pre lollipop devices #8823
- Do not call OnMarkerClick listener twice #8804
- Rework instrumentation tests #8793
- Set first render flag to false when destroying the surface #8739
- Post resetting tracking settings to avoid race condition reset #8738
- Expose Source Layer identifier #8709
- Derived source attribution #8630
- Consistent use of duration unit #8578
- When a layer is added, reload its source's tiles #8963
- Update release script to support CircleCI builds #8950
- URL getter on Sources #8959
- Build SNAPSHOT from release branch CI configuration #8958
- Fix UI test filter in Makefile #8960
- Allow filesource url transform reset #8957
- Bump & fixup dependencies #8921
- Ignore already deleted region #8920
- Keep offline observer when timeout occurs #8919
- Show error message when no browser installed #8920
- Reset observers of removed Sources and Layers #8900
- Only build custom layer .so for debug builds #8885
- Update localizations #8883
- Reset observers of removed Sources and Layers #8862
- Remove force style cascade #8866
- Add binding support for Light #9013
- Update attribution with new Mapbox wordmark #8774
- LatLngBounds bearing default value #9102
- Stop location updates when toggling MyLocationView #9099
- Horizontally rotated in snapshot #9083
- Disable letter spacing for Arabic text #9071
- Correct bearing conversion when animating the map #9050
- Don't leak selected markers when removing #9047
- Bump tools and support lib version #9046
- MarkerView deselect events with OnMarkerViewClickListener #9047
- Option to disable location change animation #9210
- Invalidating MyLocationView bearing when not following #9212
- Remove upgrade runtime exceptions #9191
- Check source usage before removal #9129
- Fix tracking mode + camera race condition #9133
- Harden orientation changes #9128
- Infinite location animation updates #9194
- Invoke callback with valid fling gestures #9192
- Keep location tracking after screen rotation #9187
- Update components with camera values when animating #9174
- Validate if gestures should execute #9173
- Custom location source and LOST integration #9142