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@MapboxCI MapboxCI released this 03 Apr 00:37
· 3655 commits to master since this release

Changes since Mapbox iOS SDK v4.0.0-beta.2:

Map content sources

  • Renamed MGLRasterSource to MGLRasterTileSource and MGLVectorSource to MGLVectorTileSource. (#11568)
  • Added an MGLTileSourceOptionDEMEncoding option for specifying the DEM encoding format used by an MGLRasterDEMSource object. The Mapzen Terrarium encoding is now supported in addition to the Mapbox format. (#11274)

Style layer properties

  • Any expression in style JSON can now be represented in an NSExpression, whether natively or through a general-purpose MGL_FUNCTION() syntax. (#11389, #11472)
  • Simplified the syntax for various expression functions. An expression format such as FUNCTION('Old', 'stringByAppendingString:', ' ', 'MacDonald') becomes mgl_join({'Old', ' ', 'MacDonald'}). (#11472)
  • {Curly braces} inside a non–constant value expression are now interpreted as literal curly braces instead of a token. To set the MGLSymbolStyleLayer.text or MGLSymbolStyleLayer.iconImageName property to the result of concatenating multiple feature attributes, use the mgl_join: expression function. (#11509, #11472)
  • Added an MGL_IF() expression function that, unlike a conditional expression, can take any number of cases. It is no longer necessary to deeply nest conditional expressions for “else if” logic. This function corresponds to the case expression operator in style JSON. (#11450, #11472)
  • Added an MGL_MATCH() expression function corresponding to the case expression operator in JSON. This function is akin to a “switch…case” statement in Objective-C or Swift. (#11464, #11472)
  • Added an mgl_coalesce: expression function that behaves like the ?: operator in Objective-C or the ?? operator in Swift. (#11464)
  • Added support for array subscripting inside expression formats, as well as $mgl_geometryType, $mgl_featureIdentifier, and $mgl_featureProperties variables for introspecting the feature being evaluated. (#11528)
  • Added support for the CAST() syntax in expression formats. (#11472)
  • Layer property getters now represent linear interpolation with a curve type of linear instead of exponential. (#11565)

Map rendering

  • Reduced memory usage by clearing in-memory tile cache before entering background. (#11197)
  • Fixed an issue where symbols with empty titles would always be hidden. (#11206)
  • Fixed an issue where a tilted map could flicker while displaying rotating symbols. (#11488)
  • Increased the maximum width of labels by a factor of two. (#11508)


  • Fixed an issue where tapping a group of annotations may not have selected the nearest annotation. (#11438)
  • The MGLMapView.selectedAnnotations property (backed by -[MGLMapView setSelectedAnnotations:]) now selects annotations that are off-screen. (#9790)
  • The animated parameter to -[MGLMapView selectAnnotation:animated:] now controls whether the annotation and its callout are brought on-screen. If animated is NO then the annotation is selected if offscreen, but the map is not panned. Currently only point annotations are supported. Setting the MGLMapView.selectedAnnotations property now animates. (#3249)
  • Fixed a crash when rapidly adding and removing annotations. (#11551, #11575)

Other changes

  • The -[MGLMapView convertRect:toCoordinateBoundsFromView:] method and the MGLMapView.visibleCoordinateBounds property’s getter now indicate that the coordinate bounds straddles the antimeridian by extending one side beyond ±180 degrees longitude. (#11265)
  • Added haptic feedback that occurs when the user rotates the map to due north, configurable via MGLMapView.hapticFeedbackEnabled. (#10847)
  • Added MGLMapView.showsScale as the recommended way to show the scale bar. This property can be set directly in Interface Builder. (#11335)
  • Fixed an issue where the scale bar would not appear until the map had moved. (#11335)

To install this prerelease via CocoaPods, point your Podfile to either of these URLs:

Documentation is available online or as part of the download.