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@boundsj boundsj released this 24 Jun 22:47
· 7965 commits to master since this release

Changes since ios-v3.3.0-beta.1:

  • Tapping repeatedly near a bunch of overlapping view-backed annotations now cycles among the annotations, for consistency with non-view-backed point annotations. (#5460)
  • Selecting a view-backed annotation brings the view to the front, for consistency with non-view-backed point annotations. (#5264)
  • Eliminated console logging related to view backed annotations that had no image representation. (#5461)
  • Fixed a crash setting MGLMapView’s userLocationVerticalAlignment property before a user location update has occurred. (#5274)
  • Added selected, enabled, and draggable properties to MGLAnnotationView. (#5297, #5373)
  • Added -mapView:didSelectAnnotationView: and -mapView:didDeselectAnnotationView: to MGLMapViewDelegate. (#5297)
  • Added -viewForAnnotation: to MGLMapView. (#5413)
  • Added a method to MGLMapView, -anchorPointForGesture:, that you can override to anchor gestures at a point other than the user location. (#5302)
  • Fixed an issue causing rendering artifacts along roads on iPhone 6 devices. (#5260)
  • If you apply a transform to an annotation view in -[MGLMapViewDelegate mapViewDidFinishRenderingFrame:fullyRendered:], MGLMapView no longer immediately overrides the transform. (#5287)
  • Fixed an issue causing the default pin icon to appear beneath an annotation view after changing its coordinate property. (#5263)
  • Suppressed console spew that was triggered by MGLAnnotationView. (#5461)
  • -[MGLMapView addAnnotations:] now ignores instances of MGLMultiPointFeature instead of asserting. (#5262)
  • Fixed a compiler warning that occurs when dequeueing a subclass of MGLAnnotationView from the annotation view reuse queue. (#5244)
  • Replaced the wireframe debug mask with an overdraw visualization debug mask to match Mapbox GL JS’s overdraw inspector. (#5403)

To install this prerelease via CocoaPods, point your Podfile to or

Documentation is available online or as part of the download.