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@1ec5 1ec5 released this 14 Jul 21:41
· 7929 commits to master since this release

Changes since ios-v3.2.3:

Styles and data

  • Added methods to MGLMapView for obtaining the underlying map data rendered by the current style, along with additional classes to represent complex geometry in that data. (#5110)
  • Improved performance viewing regions with large landcover polygons when viewing a style that uses the Mapbox Streets source. (#2444)
  • Fixed a memory leak when using raster resources. (#5141)
  • Rendering now occurs on the main thread, fixing a hang when calling -[MGLMapView styleURL] before the map view has fully loaded or while the application is in the background. (#2909)
  • Added a -reloadStyle: action to MGLMapView to force a reload of the current style. (#4728)
  • A more specific user agent string is now sent with style and tile requests. (#4012)
  • Added a new option to MGLMapDebugMaskOptions, MGLMapDebugOverdrawVisualizationMask, that highlights overlapping drawing operations instead of the usual rendered output. (#5403)


  • The compass, user dot, and visible annotations are now accessible to VoiceOver users. (#1496)
  • Added a method to MGLMapView, -anchorPointForGesture:, that you can override to anchor gestures at a point other than the user location. (#5302)
  • Added a property to MGLMapView, decelerationRate, that allows you to speed up or slow down the drift animation at the end of a user gesture. You can also use this property to disable the drift animation entirely. (#5504)
  • Improved responsiveness when zooming in then immediately panning around. (#4595)
  • Added a new method, -[MGLMapView cameraThatFitsCoordinateBounds:], to get a camera that you can pass into -setCamera: that fits the given coordinate bounds. (#4790)


  • MGLPointAnnotation and custom MGLAnnotation implementations (but not MGLMultiPoint) can be backed by an MGLAnnotationView instead of an MGLAnnotationImage. MGLAnnotationView is a subclass of UIView, so you can use Core Animation and other familiar technologies with it. To associate an MGLAnnotation with an MGLAnnotationView, implement -mapView:viewForAnnotation: in your MGLMapViewDelegate class. (#4801)
  • An MGLAnnotation can be relocated by changing its coordinate property in a KVO-compliant way. An MGLMultiPoint cannot be relocated. (#3835)
  • Setting the image property of an MGLAnnotationImage to nil resets it to the default red pin image and reclaims resources that can be used to customize additional annotations. (#3835)
  • An MGLPolygon can now have interior polygons, representing holes knocked out of the overall shape. (#5110)

User location

  • The user dot now moves smoothly between user location updates while user location tracking is disabled. (#1582)
  • Fixed an issue preventing KVO change notifications from being generated on MGLMapView’s userTrackingMode key path when -setUserTrackingMode:animated: is called. (#4724)
  • Fixed a crash setting MGLMapView’s userLocationVerticalAlignment property before a user location update has occurred. (#5278)
  • Mapbox Telemetry is automatically disabled while the host application is running in the iOS Simulator. (#4726)

Offline maps

  • MGLOfflinePackProgress now indicates how many tiles have been downloaded and how much space they take up. (#4874)
  • Fixed an issue where the tile cache could be included in iCloud backups on the first launch. (#5124, #5601)
  • Suppressed “Unable to make space for entry” console spew. (#4708)
  • Deprecated -[MGLMapView emptyMemoryCache]. (#4725)


  • Improved the design of the generated API documentation. (#5306)
  • Applications linking against the SDK static framework no longer need to add -ObjC to the Other Linker Flags (OTHER_LDFLAGS) build setting. If you previously added this flag solely for this SDK, removing the flag may potentially reduce the overall size of your application. (#4641)
  • Removed the armv7s slice from the SDK to reduce its size. iPhone 5 and iPhone 5c automatically use the armv7 slice instead. (#4641)
  • The SDK is now localizable. No localizations are currently provided, other than English, but if you need a particular localization, you can install the SDK manually and drop a .lproj folder into the framework. (#4783)
  • Removed unused SVG files from the SDK’s resource bundle. (#4641)

Other changes

  • Added category methods on NSValue for converting to and from the structure types defined in MGLGeometry.h. (#4802)
  • Added NSFormatter subclasses for converting geographic coordinates and directions into display strings. (#4802)
  • Added MGLCoordinateInCoordinateBounds(), a function that tests whether or not a coordinate is in a given bounds. (#5053)

Documentation is available online or as part of the download.