- Description
- Setup - The basics of getting started with odoo
- Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
- Reference - An under-the-hood peek at what the module is doing and how
- Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
- Development - Guide for contributing to the module
Install Odoo Communinty edition in a manner similar to that described in Installing Odoo.
- Installs the
package from the Odoo repository. - Configures
. - Manipulates the running state of the
service. - Optionally configures repositories to enable package installations from the Odoo nightly builds.
- Optionally installs the
package from the Odoo repository.
include ::odoo::repo10
include ::odoo
or for Odoo 9:
include ::odoo::repo9
include ::odoo
Do not have both ::odoo::repo9
and ::odoo::repo10
in your catalogue for
the same node as they will both be attempting to update the repository file.
The following example will install a basic PostgreSQL database on the
node (using
it then configures the the Odoo 9 repositories. It then installs the
and wkhtmltopdf
packages with some settings for the Odoo
class { 'postgresql::server':
before => Class['odoo']
class { '::odoo::repo9':
before => Class['odoo']
class { '::odoo':
config_file => '/etc/odoo/openerp-server.conf',
install_wkhtmltopdf => true,
settings => {
'options' => {
'admin_passwd' => 'XXX_TOP_SECRET_XXX',
'db_host' => 'False',
'db_port' => 'False',
'db_user' => 'odoo',
'db_password' => 'False',
'addons_path' => '/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/openerp/addons',
version => present,
To do the same for Odoo 10:
class { 'postgresql::server':
before => Class['odoo']
class { '::odoo::repo10':
before => Class['odoo']
class { '::odoo':
install_wkhtmltopdf => true,
settings => {
'options' => {
'admin_passwd' => 'XXX_TOP_SECRET_XXX',
'db_host' => 'False',
'db_port' => 'False',
'db_user' => 'odoo',
'db_password' => 'False',
'addons_path' => '/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/odoo/addons',
- [odoo] (http://locp.github.io/puppet-odoo/puppet_classes/odoo.html)
- [odoo::repo9] (http://locp.github.io/puppet-odoo/puppet_classes/odoo_3A_3Arepo9.html)
- [odoo::repo10] (http://locp.github.io/puppet-odoo/puppet_classes/odoo_3A_3Arepo10.html)
This module does not in anyway configure PostgreSQL.
Contributions will be gratefully accepted. Please go to the project page, fork the project, make your changes locally and then raise a pull request. Details on how to do this are available at https://guides.github.com/activities/contributing-to-open-source.