##2016-12-31 - Release 0.2.2 (diff)
- Really fixed the licence/license file (hopefully).
- Typos in the documentation.
- Improvements to the documentation.
##2016-12-30 - Release 0.2.1 (diff)
Renamed the licence file.
##2016-12-30 - Release 0.2.0 (diff)
- Rename of the module from locp-odoo9 to locp-odoo.
- Now supports Odoo 10.
- Added support for CentOS 7.
- Implemented better acceptance tests.
- Specified that the licence is Apache 2.
##2016-12-23 - Release 0.1.2 (diff)
Announce that the module has been renamed from locp-odoo9 to locp-odoo.
##2016-10-09 - Release 0.1.1 (diff)
Corrected metadata for the module.
##2016-10-09 - Release 0.1.0
Initial release.