This repo contains the template I use for my personal projects.
Please follow the instructions to create new project folder with cookiecutter and then link up-stream with GitHub.
# Install cookiecutter
conda install cookiecutter
# create folder with cookiecutter
follow the instructions and create your own project folder
create a repo in GitHub without any files (saves some work later, do not even init README)
change dir to project folder created with cookiecutter
cd <project-folder>
# init git
git init
git add .
git commit -m "init"
git branch -M main
# link with GitHub
git remote add origin <project-url>
# push
git push -u origin main
Now you have both local machine and GitHub repo set up!
Installing requirements can be done via either pip or conda
pip install -r requirement.txt
conda install --file requirements.txt
You can export your required packages with pip list
pip list --format=freeze > requirement.txt