Hi there, I'm Ling (He/His)
- 🏫 My formal background is in Statistics and Quantitative Economics
- 🔭 Currently working as a media data scientist, focusing on TV, digital and eCommerce marketing work
- 🌱 I hope to explore more on applying Bayesian statistics and advanced deep learning methods (GAN, Autoencoder, RL) to solve "traditional" business problems, please contact me if you are interested in these topics too!
- 💬 I'm open for conversations on applying machine learning and data science methods in economics (including business) and statistics field
- 📫 You can reach me at lingjie[at]u.nus.edu
My workflow revolves around SSH-ing from MacOS to Ubuntu server, using Tmux and Neovim. You might find my config interesting if you are interested in my workflow.
Setting up new repository for data science work is troublesome, I have a template built with cookiecutter to simplify the process.
Juniors who are looking for relevant academic and data science materials might be interested in my past cheatsheet and projects I did when I first started learning data science. If you are interested in joining the data science field, please feel free to contact me.