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Feature ‐ Set language and script of literal

Matt Miller edited this page Aug 1, 2023 · 1 revision

In Marva you are able to change the language and script of any literal in the editor via a button in the tool bar:


This displays a interface of all the literals in the resource the ability change the language and script.

The script-lang format for storing it in RDF uses ISO 639-1 and ISO 639-2 for the language part and ISO 15924 for the script.

This is the interface to change the script/lang:


This is not necessarily the interface they need to change the literal script/lang, but they need some sort of interface to do that. This interface was based on the idea of being able to review all the literals at the end before you post so you could quickly change the script/lang on various fields. But it might be overkill for only ever needing to flip the script/lang on a couple of fields like Title and Provision activity.

Also tied up with how non-latin/english literals are stored in the graph, at LC with BF we decided all literals are english/latin unless marked otherwise.