The motivation behind this project was to get better results, on the DrugProt corpus (drug and chemical-protein interactions), through the adaptation of the BiOnt system.
Pursue the steps of requirements.txt in the folders: bin; data; drugprot-evaluation-library.
- Ontology mapping and Ancestor linking are multiprocessed;
- Added faster sentence segmenter (pysbd);
- GO and ChEBI entities ancestors are populated through the .db file and via API;
- Creation of additional senteces with the overlapped entities;
- Improved text tokenization;
- Optimization of some functions;
- Fixed minor bugs.
Principal variations between the models shown below are as follows:
baseline: Model generated using a modified version of the BiOnt system used in the BioCreative VII Track 1 challenge.
main ents: The largest term from the previously identified overlapping entities is used, while the rest are discarded.
extra ents: Creates new sentences that incorporate one GENE term and one CHEMICAL term mentioned in the original sentence.
Model | Precision | Recall | F1-Score |
baseline | 0.618 | 0.097 | 0.168 |
main ents | 0.24 | 0.293 | 0.264 |
extra ents | 0.149 | 0.262 | 0.19 |
main ents (updated) | 0.444 | 0.447 | 0.445 |
extra ents (updated) | 0.449 | 0.431 | 0.44 |
Micro-averaged results of the three models predicting the relations of the DrugProt development dataset.
- $2: type_of_action (preprocess)
- $3: preprocessing_method (extra or main)
- $4: temporary_directory
python src/ preprocess main temp/
python src/ preprocess main temp_dev/
- $2: type_of_action (train)
- $3: model_name
- $4: channels (words; wordnet; concatenation_ancestors)
- $5: temporary_directory
python src/ train model_name words wordnet concatenation_ancestors temp/
- $2: type_of_action (test)
- $3: model_name
- $4: channels (words; wordnet; concatenation_ancestors)
- $5: temporary_directory
python src/ test model_name words wordnet concatenation_ancestors temp_dev/
Coverting the result file into a friendly format to be evaluated
- $2: path to Prediction TXT file
- $3: path to new Prediction TSV file
python scripts/ results/model_name_results.txt results/model_name_results.tsv
Using the DrugProt Evaluation library
- $2: -g/--gs_path: path to Gold Standard relations TSV file
- $3: -p/--pred_path: path to Prediction TSV file
- $4: -e/--ent_path: path to Gold Standard entities TSV file
- $5: --pmids: path to list of relevant PMIDs
python drugprot-evaluation-library/src/ -g gs-data/drugprot_development_relations.tsv -p results/model_name_results.tsv -e gs-data/drugprot_development_entities.tsv --pmids gs-data/pmids.txt