Deprecated, please use oapi-sdk-go
botframework-go is a golang Software Development Kit which gives tools and interfaces to developers needed to access to Lark Open Platfom APIs.
It support for developing a robot application or mini-program application based on the Lark Open Platfom.
It support for generateing code using Gin framework.
- EventRegister
- EventCallback
List of supported notification
- Request approved
- Leave approved
- Overtime approved
- Shift change approved
- Correction request approved
- Business trip approved
- App enabled
- Contacts updates
- Message
- Bot removed from group chat
- Bot invited to group chat
- Create p2p chat
- App ticket event
- App status change
- User in or out the group chat
- Disband chat
- Change group chat config
- Order paid
- Create a widget instance event
- Delete a widget instance event
- Read message
- App uninstall
Obtain tenant_access_token (ISV apps or internal apps)
- GetTenantAccessToken
Obtain app_access_token (ISV apps or internal apps)
- GetAppAccessToken
Re-pushing app_ticket
- ReSendAppTicket
- Mini Program Authentication
- Open SSO Authentication
- SendTextMessage
- SendImageMessage
- SendRichTextMessage
- SendShareChatMessage
- SendCardMessage
- SendTextMessageBatch
- SendImageMessageBatch
- SendRichTextMessageBatch
- SendShareChatMessageBatch
- SendCardMessageBatch
- GetChatInfo
- GetChatList
- CheckUserInGroup
- CheckBotInGroup
- CheckUserBotInSameGroup
- UpdateChatInfo
- CreateChat
- AddUserToChat
- DeleteUserFromChat
- DisbandChat
- Richtext Builder
- Card Builder
- SDK: Lark open platform APIs
- appconfig: Appinfo config
- auth: Authorization
- authentication: Authentication
- chat: Group
- common: Common functions/definition
- event: Event notification/card action callback/bot command callback
- message: Bot send message
- protocol: Lark open platform protocol
- generatecode: Generate code using Gin framework
Log Initialization function func InitLogger(log LogInterface, option interface{})
. demo: common.InitLogger(common.NewCommonLogger(), common.DefaultOption())
Developers can use the custom log library by implementing the LogInterface interface
You must init app config before using SDK. You can follow these steps to do it.
- Get necessary information, such as AppID, AppSecret, VerifyToken and EncryptKey. But you'd better not use clear text in code. Getting them from database or environment variable is a better way.
- Init app config.
- Get appTickey if your app is Independent Software Vendor App, otherwise you can ignore this.
- Register events what you want.
- get config from redis.
demo code - get config from environment variable.
conf := &appconfig.AppConfig{
AppID: os.Getenv("AppID"), //get it from lark-voucher and basic information。
AppType: protocol.InternalApp, //AppType only has two types: Independent Software Vendor App(ISVApp) or Internal App.
AppSecret: os.Getenv("AppSecret"), //get it from lark-voucher and basic information.
VerifyToken: os.Getenv("VerifyToken"), //get it from lark-event subscriptions.
EncryptKey: os.Getenv("EncryptKey"), //get it from lark-event subscriptions.
SDK DB Client interface.
It is used for: read/write app ticket ; read/write user session data for authentication operations; read sensitive information such as app secret.
Default Redis Client. Need to be initialized before use.
redisClient := &common.DefaultRedisClient{}
err := redisClient.InitDB(map[string]string{"addr": ""})
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("init redis-client error[%v]", err)
Developers can use the custom db client library by implementing the DBClient interface
Path: # relative path in GOPATH or go module name
GenCodePath: # Code generation absolute path. If it is empty, the configuration item named "Path" will be used.
EventWebhook: /webhook/event
CardWebhook: /webhook/card
AppID: cli_12345 # your app id
Description: test_demo # your app description
IsISVApp: false # ISV App flag, false is default
- EventName: Message # required
# - EventName: AppTicket # use as needed, ISVApp must
# - EventName: Approval # use as needed
# - EventName: LeaveApproval # use as needed
# - EventName: WorkApproval # use as needed
# - EventName: ShiftApproval # use as needed
# - EventName: RemedyApproval # use as needed
# - EventName: TripApproval # use as needed
# - EventName: AppOpen # use as needed
# - EventName: ContactUser # use as needed
# - EventName: ContactDept # use as needed
# - EventName: ContactScope # use as needed
# - EventName: RemoveBot # use as needed
# - EventName: AddBot # use as needed
# - EventName: P2PChatCreate # use as needed
# - EventName: AppStatusChange # use as needed
# - EventName: UserToChat # use as needed
# - EventName: ChatDisband # use as needed
# - EventName: GroupSettingUpdate # use as needed
# - EventName: OrderPaid # use as needed
# - EventName: CreateWidgetInstance # use as needed
# - EventName: DeleteWidgetInstance # use as needed
# - EventName: MessageRead # use as needed
- Cmd: default # required
Description: Text that is empty or isnot matched
# - Cmd: help
# Description: Text that begin with the word help
# - Cmd: show
# Description: Text that begin with the word show
- MethodName: create
- MethodName: delete
- MethodName: update
# cd projectPath
go build
./botframework-go -f ./generatecode/demo.yml
- If the code is first generated, all code files are generated by the configuration file.
- If you modify the configuration file later, and regenerate the code on the original path, only the
file will be forced updated, other files are not updated to avoid overwriting user-defined code. - Because the
file will be forced update, you should not write your business code in the file.