You can use functions in SDK to send all kinds of messages easily.
Example code:
//send text
func sendTextMessage(chatID, tenantKey, appID string) error {
// Necessary steps. Necessary params. ID and type correspond one by one
user := &protocol.UserInfo{
ID: chatID,
Type: protocol.UserTypeChatID,
// Necessary steps. Necessary params.
ctx := context.TODO()
//Penultimate param means rootid,if you want to reply a message,rootid is this message's id.You can use "" in general.
_, err := message.SendTextMessage(ctx, tenantKey, appID, user, "", "在飞书,享高效")
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("send text failed[%v]", err)
return nil
There are three ways to send pictures: imageKey, path and url.(priority: imageKey>path>url)
Example code:
//send image
func sendImageMessage(chatID, tenantKey, appID string) error {
//Necessary steps. Necessary params. ID and type correspond one by one
user := &protocol.UserInfo{
ID: chatID,
Type: protocol.UserTypeChatID,
//Necessary steps. Necessary params.
ctx := context.TODO()
//send image(use imageurl)
url := ""
_, err := message.SendImageMessage(ctx, tenantKey, appID, user, "", url, "", "")
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("send image failed[%v]", err)
return nil
If you want to use imageKey to send an image, you should get imageKey first.
Example code:
user := &protocol.UserInfo{
ID: chatID,
Type: protocol.UserTypeChatID,
ctx := context.TODO()
url := ""
imagekey,err := message.GetImageKey(ctx, tenantKey, appID, url, "" )
if err != nil{
return fmt.Errorf("get imageKey failed[%v]", err)
_, err = message.SendImageMessage(ctx, tenantKey, appID, user, "", "", "", imagekey)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("send image failed[%v]", err)
Example code:
//send rich text
func sendRichTextMessage(chatID, tenantKey, appID, userID string) error {
user := &protocol.UserInfo{
ID: chatID,
Type: protocol.UserTypeChatID,
ctx := context.TODO()
//add content of richtext
titleCN := "这是一个标题"
contentCN := message.NewRichTextContent()
// first line
message.NewTextTag("第一行 :", true, 1),
message.NewATag("超链接", true, ""),
message.NewAtTag("用户名", userID),
// second line
message.NewTextTag("第二行 :", true, 1),
message.NewTextTag("文本测试", true, 1),
titleUS := "this is a title"
contentUS := message.NewRichTextContent()
// first line
message.NewTextTag("first line :", true, 1),
message.NewAtTag("username", userID),
// second line
message.NewTextTag("second line :", true, 1),
message.NewTextTag("text test", true, 1),
postForm := make(map[protocol.Language]*protocol.RichTextForm)
postForm[protocol.ZhCN] = message.NewRichTextForm(&titleCN, contentCN)
postForm[protocol.EnUS] = message.NewRichTextForm(&titleUS, contentUS)
//send rich text
_, err := message.SendRichTextMessage(ctx, tenantKey, appID, user, "", postForm)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("send rich text failed[%v]", err)
return nil
Example code:
//send group shared card
func sendShareChatMessage(openID, tenantKey, appID, shareChatID string) error {
user := &protocol.UserInfo{
ID: openID,
Type: protocol.UserTypeOpenID,
ctx := context.TODO()
//send group shared card(last param means group chat id, and this message will be sent to this user by openid)
_, err := message.SendShareChatMessage(ctx, tenantKey, appID, user, "", shareChatID)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("send group card failed[%v]", err)
return nil