Release Notes
Another day, another release. These are the release notes for the version v0.19.0
Release for v0.19.0 (Feb 2025):
- Added terraform changes to add a second policy and its attachment under the same role.(This changes is to bypass the 6144 chars limit for one policy)
- Add missing permission for some APIs under services ses, sesv2, and backup;
- Add permissions for
- kinesisvideo
- amp
- appstream
- personalize
- codeartifact
- fis
- Add permissions for future services to come:
- memoryDB
- resource groups
- qbusiness
- qapps
- qconnect
- servicecatalogappregistry
- oam
- clouddirectory
- optimizationhub
- budgets
- billingconsole
- feat(RAIN-94335): Adding permission for terraform version 0.19.0 (#128) (LMAX-iwnf)(c944e62)
- feat(RAIN-94239): Rm modify terraform to add a policy (#127) (LMAX-iwnf)(664dfaa)
- feat: add AWS personalize service permissions (#125) (ljohnny-git)(a40e918)
- feat: add permissions for appstream (#123) (ljohnny-git)(c0ccfb8)
Other Changes
- ci: version bump to v0.18.1-dev (Lacework)(86b54bd)