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Kiryha edited this page Aug 25, 2021 · 30 revisions

Due to the pipeline restructure all files were washed out from the repo. You can download all hips as one zip file thought.


Grooming: nested clamping

Clump hairs around allready clumped hairs.

Infection algorythm

Scatter points, infect arbitrary points, simulate infection of other points.

Space colonization algorithm

Scatter points along surface or volume, grow organic structure.

Visualize and use VEX noise to delete points

Paint geometry (points) to black and white colors using noise pattern. Adjust noise look with "Size", "Offset" and "Threshold" parameters. Randomly delete (or paint with red color) black or white parts with "Delete White" and "Delete Black" sliders. To switch between deleting and painting use "Delete/Pint" toggle.

Tree with a space colonization algorithm

The tree made with a space colonization algorithm: create leaves, scutter over brunch, scatter brunches over the trunk


Procedural grass generator

Randomize copies VOP

Satter points, copy objects onto points, randomize position, rotation and scale of the copies.

Randomize copies VEX

Satter points, copy objects onto points, randomize position, rotation, and scale of the copies.

Rotate copies VEX

Satter points, copy objects onto points, rotate copies on X, Y, Z axes.

Pack the object

Scatter object along the surface of another object without intersections

Randomize Alembic copies

Create seamless animation, create different animation versions, export to Alembic, copy ABC and randomize file versions and time shift for each copie.

Recursive split

Iterate N times to shatter geometry with boolean SOP and deformed plane

Animate along the path

Allows moving objects along input paths. There are 2 solutions in the file.