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X4. CCBi File Format

fyf edited this page Aug 21, 2014 · 1 revision

CocosBuilder - CCBi File Format

This is a description of the CocosBuilder export (publish) file format for Cocos2d-iphone. It is a binary file format designed to be as compact as possible and very quick to load. This document covers version 4 of the ccbi file format, relased with CocosBuilder 3. If you are implementing or porting a reader for the ccbi file format, you may want to also have a look at the CCBReader, which is the reference implementation.

Basic types

The file format is built upon a set of basic types, such as integers, floats and strings.


A single unsigned integer saved in a byte


Saved as a 0 or 1 in a single byte


A unsigned integer, stored using Elias gamma encoding ( ). Before being stored, 1 is added to the number to support 0 values. The last byte is padded with 0:s so that the next written value is aligned to even bytes.


A signed integer, stored using Elias gamma encoding. Before being stored, the number is transformed to a positive integer using bijection. 0 -> 1, -1 -> 2, 1 -> 3, -2 -> 4, 2 -> 5, etc.


The first byte of the float defines how it is stored. Possible values are:

  • 0 -> 0.0f
  • 1 -> 1.0f
  • 2 -> -1.0f
  • 3 -> 0.5f
  • 4 -> Saved as INT
  • 5 -> Saved as full 4 byte float number


Strings are saved as Java-style UTF8:s. The first two bytes define the length of the string, then the string is saved using UTF8 encoding (without a trailing \0);

Strings and String cache


To save space, all strings are written to a string cache at the beginning of the file.

Type Name Description
UINT numStrings Number of strings in the string cache
STRING str[0] First string in cache
STRING str[1] Second string in cache
STRING str[numStrings-1] Last string in cache


A cached string is saved using a single UINT which refers to the strings index in the string cache.



The header is used to ensure the file has the right type and version.

Type Name Description
BYTE magic0 Must be 'i'
BYTE magic1 Must be 'b'
BYTE magic2 Must be 'c'
BYTE magic3 Must be 'c'
UINT version Must be 4
BOOLEAN jsControlled True if the file is using a JS Controller object

Animation Sequences


Information about one of the sequences in this document.

Type Name Description
FLOAT duration Length of the sequence in seconds
CSTRING name Name of the sequence
UINT sequenceId Id of the sequence
SINT chainedSequenceId Id of a chained sequence or -1 if none


Provides information about the animation sequneces (timelines) used by this document. The actual keyframes are saved together with the nodes.

Type Name Description
UINT numSequences Number of sequences used in this document
SEQUENCE seq[0] First sequence
SEQUENCE seq[1] Second sequence
SEQUENCE seq[numSequences-1] Last sequence

Node graph


Represents a property of a node. For type IDs and how they are serialized, see the Property Types document.

Type Name Description
UINT typeID ID of the type
CSTRING propertyName The name of the property
BYTE platform The type of platform the property is supported for. Can be 0 = any platform, 1 = iOS only, 2 = Mac only
n/a serializedValue Value serialized as described in the Property Types document


Represents a keyframe used in animations, part of NODE_SEQUENCE_PROPERTY.

Type Name Description
FLOAT time The time in seconds of the keyframe
UINT easingType The type of easing used in between this keyframe and the following. (Easing types defined in table below)
FLOAT easingOpt Setting used with the easing (rate for cubic and period for elastic). This is only saved if easing type is 2,3,4,5,6, or 7
n/a serializedValue Value serialized as describe in the Property Types document under Animated Properties

Easing types used by KEYFRAME:

Value Easing type
0 Instant
1 Linear
2 Cubic in
3 Cubic out
4 Cubic in/out
5 Elastic in
6 Elastic out
7 Elastic in/out
8 Bounce in
9 Bounce out
10 Bounce in/out
11 Back in
12 Back out
13 Back in/out


A property used in an animation sequence for a specific node, contains a set of keyframes. All keyframes are saved ordered by there time.

Type Name Description
CSTRING name Name of the sequence
UINT type The type of the property (defined in Animated Properties)
UINT numKeyframes Number of keyframes used by this property
KEYFRAME keyframe[0] First keyframe
KEYFRAME keyframe[1] Second keyframe
KEYFRAME keyframe[numKeyframes-1] Last keyframe


An animation sequence associated with a node.

Type Name Description
UINT numProperties Number of animated properties in this sequence
NODE_SEQUENCE_PROPERTY property[0] The first property used in the sequence
NODE_SEQUENCE_PROPERTY property[1] The second property used in the sequence
NODE_SEQUENCE_PROPERTY property[numProperties-1] The last property used in the sequence


Represents a node or a node graph (if the node has children). Nodes that uses the CCBFile class (sub ccb-files) are handled slightly different when loaded. The node graph associated with the ccbFile property should replace the CCBFile node, but some the properties by the CCBFile node should override the ones in the ccbFile property. The properties that should be overriden are; all extra properties, and position, rotation, scale, tag and visible.

Type Name Description
CSTRING class Name of the nodes class
CSTRING jsController Name of the js controller, only written if jsControlled is set in the HEADER
UINT memberVarAssignmentType The target this node should be assigned as a variable for. 0 = No target, 1 = documents root node, 2 = owner (as passed to CCBReader)
CSTRING memberVarAssignmentName The name of the variable this node should be assigned to (only written if memberVarAssignmentType != 0)
UINT numSequences Number animation sequences saved for this node
NODE_SEQUENCE sequence[0] The first sequence of this node
NODE_SEQUENCE sequence[1] The second sequence of this node
NODE_SEQUENCE sequence[numSequences-1] The last sequence of this node
UINT numRegularProperties Number of regular properties saved for this node
UINT numExtraProperties Number of regular properties saved for this node
PROPERTY property[0] The first property of this node
PROPERTY property[1] The second property of this node
PROPERTY property[numRegularProperties+numExtraProperties-1] The last property of this node
UINT numChildren Number of children of this node
NODE child[0] The first child of this node
NODE child[1] The second child of this node
NODE child[numProperties-1] The last child of this node

Overall document structure


The top structure of a CCBi document.

Type Name Description
HEADER header Document header
STRING_CACHE stringCache All strings referenced by this file
SEQUENCES sequences Information about the animation sequences used in this file
NODE rootNode The root node of this document (which can also have children)