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fyf edited this page Aug 21, 2014 · 1 revision

Get the Source

CocosBuilder is an open source project released under MIT license. You can get the complete source code from GitHub. To build CocosBuilder you first need to download and install git. You can get it from here, if you do not have it installed already.

Run the following commands to download the complete source code:

git clone
cd CocosBuilder
git submodule update --init --recursive

When pulling updates you may also need to update the submodules. To get the latest version of CocosBuilder run the following commands (when inside the CocosBuilder directory):

git pull
git submodule update --init --recursive

CocosBuilder is developed on the develop branch, once the develop is reasonably stable it is merged into the master branch. When a new version it gets its own branch. For instance v2 holds the code for version 2.0.


If you are contributing bug fixes or other features, please send a pull request to the develop branch. For bug fixes and smaller additions, it is fine to just send a pull request. If you are planning a larger addition please post in the cocos2d forums before starting so that the addition is in line with the overall roadmap and that nobody else is currently working on the same features.