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Jérémy Anger edited this page Jun 17, 2020 · 8 revisions

Editing the user configuration does not change anything

On snap, the user configuration is located in /home/<user>/snap/vpv/current/.vpvrc.

Because of this, the following commands will have very different behaviors:

# ~ expanded by the shell which is not run in snap confinement (-> /home/user/Pictures)
$ vpv ~/Pictures
# ~ expanded by vpv, run in snap confinement (-> /home/user/snap/vpv/current/Pictures)
$ vpv '~/Pictures'

cannot open path of the current working directory: permission denied

This issue happens with snap when opening vpv from a shell inside a fuse directory (e.g. using sshfs).

To fix it, edit /etc/fuse.conf as root and uncomment the line user_allow_other. When mounting a remote folder using sshfs, add the option -o allow_other.

If vpv indicates that it cannot load remote images due to permission issues, add the options -o uid=$(id -u) -o gid=$(id -g).

I cannot execute programs in the vpv terminal

This issue is again related to snap. Only basic commands (ls, echo, etc) are available under snap. I do not know how to fix this.

My image X does not load.

Please open an issue or send me an email.