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Jérémy Anger edited this page Dec 2, 2020 · 3 revisions


drag & drop

tag buttons

selection icons

player 'bouncy' mode


vpv is not an image editor, but temporary manipulation can be useful for visualization

plambda and octave integration

vpv noisy nc denoised e:'1,2 -'

vpv denoised nv nc denoised o:'2 @(x)fftshift(abs(fft2(x)))'

vpv groundtruth e:'1 x x,l 0.5 * -'
vpv groundtruth e:'1 x x,l $1 * -'

vpv noisy denoised o:'1,2 @(x,y) cat(2, x(:,1:round($1)), y(:,round($1)+1:end))' l:fullscreen

vpv sar-image.tif e:'1 x[0] x[1] hypot'
vpv sar-image.tif e:'1 x[0] x[1] atan2'
vpv sar-image.tif o:'1 @(x)hypot(x(:,:,1),x(:,:,2))'
vpv sar-image.tif o:'1 @(x)atan2(x(:,:,1),x(:,:,2))'



vpv groundtruth svg:groundtruth_faces

display='absolute' (vpv-specific)

vpv groundtruth svg:gt.svg denoised svg:deno.svg


vpv groundtruth denoised t:'imgerr PSNR #1 #2'

numpy arrays

.npy support (4D arrays)
    [n, h, w, c] = sequence of multichannel images
    try to detect between [h, w, c] and [n, h, w]

livereload (altough I need to debug it)

vpv test.npy

plugin system

+--------------- vpv --------------------+
|                                        |
|    +----------+     +--+--------+      |
|    |          |     |  |userconf|      |
|    |          |     |  +--------|      |
|    |          |     |           |      |
|    |          +----->           |      |
|    |   C++    |     |   Lua     |      |      (process spawned by python.lua)
|    |          <-----+           |      |      +---------- Python -----------+
|    |          |     +- Plugins -+      |      |              |  Google      |
|    |          |     |dispatcher |      |      |              |   Earth      |
|    |          |     +-----------+      |      |  dispatcher  +--------------+
|    |          |     |   |   | .------pipe----->              |  Profile     |
|    |          |     |   |   | ·<-----pipe-----+              +--------------+
|    +----------+     +---+---+---+      |      |              |  Your plugin |
|                                        |      |              |  here        |
+----------------------------------------+      +--------------+--------------+

located at for now

API not fully developed (but will look pythonic)

  • google earth: get events and sequence information

  • profile (work in progress): fetch pixels and display SVG

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