Skip List Map is a concurrent map. this Map is goroutine safety for reading/updating/deleting, no-require locking and coordination.
- buckets, elemenet(key/value item) structure is concurrent embeded-linked list. (using list_encabezado)
- keep key order by hash function.
- ability to store value ( value of key/vale) and elemet of ket/value item(detail is later)
- improve performance for sync.Map/ internal map in write heavy environment.
golang >= 1.17
Install this package through go get.
go get ""
package main
import (
//create skip list map
sMap := skiplistmap.New()
// create make with configure MaxPerBucket
// sMap := skiplistmap.New(skiplistmap.MaxPefBucket(12))
// sMap := skiplistmap.New(skiplistmap.MaxPefBucket(12))
// Set/Add values
sMap.Set("test1", 1)
sMap.Set("test2", 2)
// get the value for a key, return nil if not found, the ok is found.
inf, ok := sMap.Get("test1")
var value1 int
if ok {
value1 = inf.(int)
ok = sMap.GetByFn(func(v interface{}) {
value = v.(int)
// if directry using key/value item. use SampleItem struct
sMap2 := skiplistmap.New(skiplistmap.MaxPefBucket(12))
item := &skiplistmap.SampleItem{
K: "test1",
V: 1234
// store item
ok = sMap2.StoreItem(item)
// get key/value item
item, ok = sMap.LoadItem("test1")
// get next key/value
nItem := sMap.Next()
// traverse all item or key/value
sMap.RangeItem(func(item MapItem) bool {
fmt.Printf("key=%+v\n", item.Key())
sMap.Range(func(key, value interface{}) bool {
fmt.Printf("key=%+v\n", key)
// delete marking. set nil as value.
// delete key/value entry from map. traverse locked for deleting item to acceess concurrent
- 100000 record. set key/value before benchmark
- mapWithMutex map[interface{}]interface{} with sync.RWMutex
- skiplistmap4 this package's item pool mode
- skiplistmap5 embedded item pool in bucket.
- hashmap package
- cmap package
Benchmark_Map/mapWithMutex_w/_0_bucket=__0-16 15610328 76.12 ns/op 15 B/op 1 allocs/op
Benchmark_Map/sync.Map_____w/_0_bucket=__0-16 25813341 43.37 ns/op 63 B/op 2 allocs/op
Benchmark_Map/skiplistmap4_w/_0_bucket=_16-16 35947046 38.25 ns/op 15 B/op 1 allocs/op
Benchmark_Map/skiplistmap4_w/_0_bucket=_32-16 36800390 36.61 ns/op 15 B/op 1 allocs/op
Benchmark_Map/skiplistmap5_w/_0_bucket=_16-16 46779364 27.37 ns/op 15 B/op 1 allocs/op
Benchmark_Map/skiplistmap5_w/_0_bucket=_32-16 49452940 27.01 ns/op 15 B/op 1 allocs/op
Benchmark_Map/skiplistmap5_w/_0_bucket=_64-16 47740882 27.45 ns/op 15 B/op 1 allocs/op
Benchmark_Map/hashmap______w/_0_bucket=__0-16 20071834 63.11 ns/op 31 B/op 2 allocs/op
Benchmark_Map/cmap.Cmap____w/_0_bucket=__0-16 1841415 721.00 ns/op 935 B/op 5 allocs/op
Benchmark_Map/mapWithMutex_w/50_bucket=__0-16 2895382 377.3 ns/op 16 B/op 1 allocs/op
Benchmark_Map/sync.Map_____w/50_bucket=__0-16 9532836 137.4 ns/op 140 B/op 4 allocs/op
Benchmark_Map/skiplistmap4_w/50_bucket=_16-16 33024600 50.80 ns/op 21 B/op 2 allocs/op
Benchmark_Map/skiplistmap4_w/50_bucket=_32-16 33231843 48.75 ns/op 21 B/op 2 allocs/op
Benchmark_Map/skiplistmap5_w/50_bucket=_16-16 33412243 38.20 ns/op 21 B/op 2 allocs/op
Benchmark_Map/skiplistmap5_w/50_bucket=_32-16 34377592 38.60 ns/op 20 B/op 2 allocs/op
Benchmark_Map/skiplistmap5_w/50_bucket=_64-16 32261986 39.33 ns/op 20 B/op 2 allocs/op
Benchmark_Map/hashmap______w/50_bucket=__0-16 37279302 66.94 ns/op 65 B/op 3 allocs/op
Benchmark_Map/cmap_________w/50_bucket=__0-16 1592382 733.2 ns/op 1069 B/op 7 allocs/op
- lock free , thread safe concurrent without lock. embedded pool mode is using lock per bucket
- buckets, items(key/value items) is doubly linked-list. this linked list is embedded type. so faster
- items is shards per hash key single bytes. items in the same shard is high-locality because in same slice.
- next/prev pointer of items's linked list is relative pointer. low-cost copy for expand shad slice. (elist_head)