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Releases: juanosarg/AlphaGenes

RimWorld Release version

21 Feb 18:32
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  • Update the leather/meat genes to use the new VEF features related to them. Removed all the patches that VEF now handles. Updated descriptions of genes where relevant. Courtesy of Sokyran

Utils.ReturnGenePawnHasFromList is no longer used, as it was only used by the Harmony patches that were removed.

RimWorld Release version

06 Feb 09:01
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  • Fix: twitching finger spike gene was suddenly not displaying correctly

RimWorld Release Version

08 Jan 07:35
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  • Removed wastepacks from one of the biolab maps, as the game was incorrectly having them cause a faction impact when leaving the map

RimWorld Release Version

07 Jan 07:48
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  • Added: child body graphics for all body type genes, such as Slug body, gaunt body, true black body, etc
  • Tweak: added Mood exclusion tag to Unfeeling gene

RimWorld Release version

28 Nov 15:48
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  • Fix: Forsaken armors were categorized twice
  • Fix: Pawns without the Forsaken knowledge gene will no longer search for Forsaken armor when their armor is tattered
  • Fix: Shambler specific genes shouldn't produce their effects if the gene is not active (this is a change in the VE Framework so it will take a lil while to take effect)
  • Tweak: Only 1 out of 3 shamblers will now spawn with shambler genes, to reduce their difficulty
  • Tweak: Ultima cloth is now sellable
  • Tweak: Removed text from the description of the Forsaken Cloak suggesting that it has a built in shield, which has already been removed.

RimWorld Release Version

13 Nov 08:24
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  • Added three new abandoned lab variations

RimWorld Release version

05 Nov 14:43
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  • Added: New xenotype, the Forsaken, a classic RimWorld race, using the Biotech genetics system, thanks to Major Quadrangle and Matsay
  • Added: 17 new genes, 3 new plants, apparel and armor that can only be used by Forsaken
  • Added: a new workbench that can only be built by Forsaken, to forge their weapons and armors
  • Added: 3 new archo gene tools that will appear in abandoned labs
  • Tweak: mothballing improvements for hediffs in low priority world pawns
  • Tweak: acidic shamblers will now display visually, and their attacks will be slightly less powerful

RimWorld Release Version

17 Oct 06:46
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  • Fix: save/load issues with shambler plague. Courtesy of Sokyran the Dragon

RimWorld Release version

12 Oct 17:14
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  • Tweak: two changes to pocket plane abilities. They will only be usable from a colony map, to avoid people using the ability while caravaning or on temporary quest maps, that then are destroyed and trap the pawn in a limbo. If the original map is STILL destroyed somehow, the mod will inform the player the pawn is trapped forever

RimWorld Release Version

10 Oct 06:15
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  • Made gene tools not possible to target self, as it wasn't working anyway
  • Replace System.Random with Verse.Rand for multiplayer compat. Courtesy of Sokyran the Dragon