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Releases: juanosarg/AlphaGenes

RimWorld Release version

02 Jan 15:45
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  • Added: new xenotype, Efreet. A modified strain of the impid xenotype designed as terrifying shock troopers, efreet were created to be as intimidating as possible. Whereas impids are adept at fire-based, ranged combat, Efreet are perfectly capable of ripping their enemies to shreds in close quarters combat with their fearsome claws. Efreet possess incredible heat resistant capabilities, and are immune to fire, being almost obssessed with it.
  • Added: 7 new "demon" themed cosmetic genes: Devil eyes, Demon wings, Demon tails, Terror mask, Demon ears, Demons horns and Quad demon horns.
  • Added: 4 new "acid" themed genes: Acidic blood, Acid immunity, Acidic detonation and Acid fangs
  • Added: 4 new assorted genes: Venomous fangs, Clawed hands, Fire obssession and Heat immunity (archite)

RimWorld Release version

24 Dec 17:30
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  • Tweak: added new exvlusion tags for compatibility with the new Alpha Genes - Insectoid Mutations mod
  • Fix: added null check to Reactive armour hediff

RimWorld Release version

22 Dec 13:03
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  • Added: new gene, Innate psylink. Gives a psylink to the pawn. Requires Royalty, of course
  • Added: new gene, Royal jelly production. Like the insect jelly gene, but producing royal insect jelly. Requires Vanilla Factions Expanded - Insectoids
  • Added: new gene, Crab claw. Yeah.
  • Tweak: Added new blacklisted animals to the summoning genes (basically, the summoned animals in VE Psycasts). Please report if this causes problems, as I'm not sure I can add new blacklists in a running save.

RimWorld Release version

20 Dec 21:48
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  • Fix: Added a check to avoid babies with Frail bones triggering the gene's effect

RimWorld Release version

19 Dec 21:40
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  • Fix: Disabled animal summoning genes from appearing on Unstable mutations (except for the three randomized ones)
  • Fix: Typos

RimWorld Release version

19 Dec 14:18
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  • Added: new xenotype, Hivelings. Barely human, insectoid-like mutants that reproduce via parasitic infestation.
  • Added: new xenotype, Mind devourers. A xenotype of powerful brain devouring psychics that are reviled by any other humans around the Rim.
  • Added: 15 new genes themed around the "Eldritch" theme. Ten of them are cosmetic, the other five are functional: Eldritch visage, Unstable mind, Psychic insanity (needs Royalty), Insanity blast, Devour brain, Eldritch horns, Ornate eldritch horns, Eye of Shub-Niggurath, Body tentacles, Horn crown, Upper tentacles, Third eye, Face tentacles, Long ears and Ear wings
  • Added: 2 new insectoid themed genes: Proboscis and Hiveling voice
  • Added: Gene syphon gene. Allows the caster to forcefully extract a gene from an incapacitated but living person, incorporating it into their xenotype as a xenogene. The gene is chosen at random. This will kill the target.
  • Added: potentially infinite "Animal summon" genes. These are temporary summons that the caster can call to help in combat. One gene per animal, base game or modded! To avoid cluttering, well... everything, by default the xenotype UI will just generate three "Random summon" genes (minor, normal and major, by animal body size), and those genes will turn into a random animal summon gene. Via mod options the player can allow ALL individual animal summon genes to appear on the UI, to make more specific custom xenotypes. Animals can potentially be blacklisted by modders via XML.
  • Tweak: Added "BodySize" exclusion tag to body size altering genes, for mod compatibility.
  • Tweak: Added the new xenotypes to the two custom factions, plus the Taukai
  • Tweak: Added new xenotype icons to custom icons
  • Fix: Mod settings were still referring to gene tampering coma as lasting 15 days, instead of 3
  • Fix: unsettling appearance should have no effect if its gene is present but not active
  • Fix: Parasitic stinger now has no effect on Deathless pawns, as the game didn't like that

RimWorld Release version

14 Dec 07:48
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  • Fix: parasitic implantation wasn't applying the "mother's" genes to the baby

RimWorld Release version

13 Dec 15:20
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  • Added: three new genes, no tusks / mandibles, no upper antennae, no lower antennae. With these genes you can create xenotypes in which a pawn can have these things or a lack of them at random
  • Tweak: teratogenesis should now be the first gene in its category
  • Tweak: light sustenance now indicates: "Artificial light of sufficient strength will also do the trick."
  • Tweak: egg laying now indicates: "Human eggs are not edible."
  • Tweak: colourful feathered wings are now called pegasus wings, as the name was duplicated
  • Tweak: scaly body now multiplies move speed by 9, up from 3, as it was barely noticeable
  • Fix: Insect stinger, parasitic stinger and insect rally didn't have a commonality of 0 and thus could appear in normal genepacks
  • Fix: So many typos
  • Fix: Insect jelly production description fix
  • Fix: HediffComp_RandomMutation crash when one of the temporary genes had been ripped

RimWorld Release version

12 Dec 12:53
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  • Fix: Regeneration wasn't on the archite gene category
  • Fix: Fission was still indicating 60 days instead of 25

RimWorld Release version

12 Dec 10:47
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  • Added: new gene, the Parasitic Stinger. This ability allows a pawn to inject a victim with parasitic eggs every two days. These eggs will grow inside the victim over a period of 15 days, increasing their pain and their hunger rate, until a baby erupts from their chest, killing them in the process. The baby has a 25% chance per gene of "absorbing" any of the genes of the poor host as xenogenes.
  • Tweak: removed the Mote_XenogermImplantation appearing when using the insect stinger ability
  • Tweak: Regeneration is now an archite gene with high cost, as due to the changes made to the comp class (it now heals tended wounds too) it was too powerful
  • Tweak: the Fission archite gene will now act every 25 days, instead of 60, as it was way too long for an archite gene