Takes the repo off GitHub onto my computer (repo still exists on GitHub, along with the copy on my computer)
Creates file (awesome_page.md) on my computer (in phase-0-gps-1 directory)
Adds awesome_page.md to the stage
commits awesome_page.md to our repo. It is now officially added to our repo in our local copy, along with an explanation of our commit. Next time, we will add the destination.
This pushes our changes from our local copy to the master on GitHub. This enables the navigator to clone the new (modified) files. This is why we use GitHub - it allows us both to work and share our changes easily.
The navigator clones the new file to her local computer.
We created a new branch (add-command-log) on the driver's terminal (local computer). This sets up a place for us to make changes without affecting the master branch (copies all the code we have up to that point, all changes made after this are not made on the master branch until we decide to)
opens the readme.md file for editing in Sublime