What git concepts were you struggling with prior to the GPS session? I was having a really hard time understanding pull requests. I also tended to type commands wrong without checking first.
What concepts were clarified during the GPS? I understand pull requests now and have a clearer conception of merging! I've also memorized more commands and learned how to open files in terminal.
What questions did you ask your pair and the guide? I had a lot of questions about how pairing sessions work in general, and best practices. My guide was especially helpful with how GitHub works in the "real world". For example, never merge your own pull requests, etc.
What still confuses you about git? I'm having a little trouble navigating back and forth between my local repo and the remote repo. I'm going to be doing a lot more practice with that on my own.
How was your first experience of pairing in a GPS? Today was my first pairing session and my first GPS (at the same time!). It was good to have Katy there to help and give us real-time feedback. I liked working through problems with a pair, and I have a much better understanding of driver/navigator now and how that works.