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Rendering Celeste posterior expectations

gostevehoward edited this page May 16, 2017 · 1 revision

The script bin/write_celeste_expectations.jl will read a catalog inferred by Celeste and write out a FITS image corresponding to a given SDSS field, with pixel values equal to the posterior expected brightness (in nMgy). The FITS file has five image extensions, one per color band. For example,

Celeste.jl$ julia bin/write_celeste_expectation.jl 3325 5 110

will write a FITS file corresponding to RCF 3325/5/110. This script looks for two external resources:

  1. SDSS files for the given RCF. You can download these by running, e.g., make RUN=3325 CAMCOL=5 FIELD=110 in the test/data directory.
  2. Celeste inferred catalog data, in files named like celeste-<ramin>-<ramax>-<decmin>-<decmax>.jld, where ramin/ramax/decmin/decmax are in degrees and specify the sky region catalogued. By default, the script looks in a subdirectory of /global/cscratch1, where catalog files are currently stored on NERSC servers. You can override that by passing --catalog-dir <path>.

For example, to generate a catalog locally (using coadd data for initialization) and use it:

$ pushd test/data && make RUN=3325 CAMCOL=5 FIELD=110 && popd
$ julia benchmark/accuracy/write_ground_truth_catalog_csv.jl coadd test/data/
$ julia benchmark/accuracy/run_celeste_on_field.jl --use-full-initialization benchmark/accuracy/output/coadd_for_3325_5_110_f86460183f.csv --run 3325 --camcol 5 --field 110
$ julia bin/write_celeste_expectation.jl 3325 5 110 --catalog-dir benchmark/accuracy/output

See Accuracy benchmarks for more on the scripts under benchmark/accuracy.

If you pass --subtract-sdss, the output imagery will have the SDSS pixel values subtracted, giving an indication of residuals from Celeste's fit. (Note this is (predicted - actual) the inverse of the usual definition of residual.)