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Merge branch 'ccr' into ccr-fetch-exceptions
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* ccr: (71 commits)
  Make CCR QA tests build again (elastic#33113)
  Add hook to skip asserting x-content equivalence (elastic#33114)
  Muted testListenersThrowingExceptionsDoNotCauseOtherListenersToBeSkipped
  [Rollup] Move getMetadata() methods out of rollup config objects (elastic#32579)
  fixed not returning response instance
  Muted testEmptyAuthorizedIndicesSearchForAllDisallowNoIndices
  Update Google Cloud Storage Library for Java (elastic#32940)
  Remove unsupported Version.V_5_* (elastic#32937)
  Required changes after merging in master branch.
  [DOCS] Add docs for Application Privileges (elastic#32635)
  Add versions 5.6.12 and 6.4.1
  Do NOT allow termvectors on nested fields (elastic#32728)
  [Rollup] Return empty response when aggs are missing (elastic#32796)
  [TEST] Add some ACL yaml tests for Rollup (elastic#33035)
  Move non duplicated actions back into xpack core (elastic#32952)
  Test fix - GraphExploreResponseTests should not randomise array elements Closes elastic#33086
  Use `addIfAbsent` instead of checking if an element is contained
  TESTS: Fix Random Fail in MockTcpTransportTests (elastic#33061)
  HLRC: Fix Compile Error From Missing Throws (elastic#33083)
  [DOCS] Remove reload password from docs cf. elastic#32889
jasontedor committed Aug 24, 2018
2 parents 477c3bf + 7fa8a72 commit 3efdf20
Showing 644 changed files with 15,103 additions and 6,891 deletions.
14 changes: 6 additions & 8 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -325,21 +325,19 @@ common configurations in our build and how we use them:

<dt>`compile`</dt><dd>Code that is on the classpath at both compile and
runtime. If the [`shadow`][shadow-plugin] plugin is applied to the project then
this code is bundled into the jar produced by the project.</dd>
<dt>`runtime`</dt><dd>Code that is not on the classpath at compile time but is
on the classpath at runtime. We mostly use this configuration to make sure that
we do not accidentally compile against dependencies of our dependencies also
known as "transitive" dependencies".</dd>
<dt>`compileOnly`</dt><dd>Code that is on the classpath at comile time but that
<dt>`compileOnly`</dt><dd>Code that is on the classpath at compile time but that
should not be shipped with the project because it is "provided" by the runtime
somehow. Elasticsearch plugins use this configuration to include dependencies
that are bundled with Elasticsearch's server.</dd>
<dt>`shadow`</dt><dd>Only available in projects with the shadow plugin. Code
that is on the classpath at both compile and runtime but it *not* bundled into
the jar produced by the project. If you depend on a project with the `shadow`
plugin then you need to depend on this configuration because it will bring
along all of the dependencies you need at runtime.</dd>
<dt>`bundle`</dt><dd>Only available in projects with the shadow plugin,
dependencies with this configuration are bundled into the jar produced by the
build. Since IDEs do not understand this configuration we rig them to treat
dependencies in this configuration as `compile` dependencies.</dd>
<dt>`testCompile`</dt><dd>Code that is on the classpath for compiling tests
that are part of this project but not production code. The canonical example
of this is `junit`.</dd>
39 changes: 13 additions & 26 deletions build.gradle
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ import org.elasticsearch.gradle.LoggedExec
import org.elasticsearch.gradle.Version
import org.elasticsearch.gradle.VersionCollection
import org.elasticsearch.gradle.VersionProperties
import org.elasticsearch.gradle.plugin.PluginBuildPlugin
import org.gradle.plugins.ide.eclipse.model.SourceFolder
import org.gradle.util.GradleVersion
import org.gradle.util.DistributionLocator
@@ -304,7 +305,7 @@ subprojects {
// org.elasticsearch:elasticsearch must be the last one or all the links for the
// other packages (e.g org.elasticsearch.client) will point to server rather than
// their own artifacts.
if (project.plugins.hasPlugin(BuildPlugin)) {
if (project.plugins.hasPlugin(BuildPlugin) || project.plugins.hasPlugin(PluginBuildPlugin)) {
String artifactsHost = VersionProperties.elasticsearch.isSnapshot() ? "" : ""
Closure sortClosure = { a, b -> <=> }
Closure depJavadocClosure = { shadowed, dep ->
@@ -322,13 +323,6 @@ subprojects {
project.javadoc.source += upstreamProject.javadoc.source
* Do not add those projects to the javadoc classpath because
* we are going to resolve them with their source instead.
project.javadoc.classpath = project.javadoc.classpath.filter { f ->
false == upstreamProject.configurations.archives.artifacts.files.files.contains(f)
* Instead we need the upstream project's javadoc classpath so
* we don't barf on the classes that it references.
@@ -345,16 +339,16 @@ subprojects {
.each({ c -> depJavadocClosure(hasShadow, c) })
.each({ c -> depJavadocClosure(false, c) })
.each({ c -> depJavadocClosure(hasShadow, c) })
.each({ c -> depJavadocClosure(false, c) })
if (hasShadow) {
.each({ c -> depJavadocClosure(false, c) })
.each({ c -> depJavadocClosure(true, c) })
@@ -523,25 +517,18 @@ allprojects {
allprojects {
* IntelliJ and Eclipse don't know about the shadow plugin so when we're
* in "IntelliJ mode" or "Eclipse mode" add "runtime" dependencies
* eveywhere where we see a "shadow" dependency which will cause them to
* reference shadowed projects directly rather than rely on the shadowing
* to include them. This is the correct thing for it to do because it
* doesn't run the jar shadowing at all. This isn't needed for the project
* in "IntelliJ mode" or "Eclipse mode" switch "bundle" dependencies into
* regular "compile" dependencies. This isn't needed for the project
* itself because the IDE configuration is done by SourceSets but it is
* *is* needed for projects that depends on the project doing the shadowing.
* Without this they won't properly depend on the shadowed project.
if (isEclipse || isIdea) {
configurations.all { Configuration configuration ->
dependencies.all { Dependency dep ->
if (dep instanceof ProjectDependency) {
if (dep.getTargetConfiguration() == 'shadow') {
configuration.dependencies.add(project.dependencies.project(path: dep.dependencyProject.path, configuration: 'runtime'))
project.plugins.withType(ShadowPlugin).whenPluginAdded {
project.afterEvaluate {
project.configurations.compile.extendsFrom project.configurations.bundle

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -79,8 +79,9 @@ class BuildPlugin implements Plugin<Project> {
// these plugins add lots of info to our jars
configureJars(project) // jar config must be added before info broker
// these plugins add lots of info to our jars
@@ -91,8 +92,8 @@ class BuildPlugin implements Plugin<Project> {

project.ext.versions = VersionProperties.versions
@@ -421,8 +422,10 @@ class BuildPlugin implements Plugin<Project> {

project.plugins.withType(ShadowPlugin).whenPluginAdded {
Configuration bundle = project.configurations.create('bundle')

@@ -528,12 +531,16 @@ class BuildPlugin implements Plugin<Project> {
project.tasks.withType(GenerateMavenPom.class) { GenerateMavenPom generatePOMTask ->
// The GenerateMavenPom task is aggressive about setting the destination, instead of fighting it,
// just make a copy.
generatePOMTask.ext.pomFileName = "${project.archivesBaseName}-${project.version}.pom"
generatePOMTask.ext.pomFileName = null
doLast {
project.copy {
from generatePOMTask.destination
into "${project.buildDir}/distributions"
rename { generatePOMTask.ext.pomFileName }
rename {
generatePOMTask.ext.pomFileName == null ?
"${project.archivesBaseName}-${project.version}.pom" :
// build poms with assemble (if the assemble task exists)
@@ -556,37 +563,27 @@ class BuildPlugin implements Plugin<Project> {
publications {
nebula(MavenPublication) {
artifacts = [ project.tasks.shadowJar ]
artifactId = project.archivesBaseName
* Configure the pom to include the "shadow" as compile dependencies
* because that is how we're using them but remove all other dependencies
* because they've been shaded into the jar.
pom.withXml { XmlProvider xml ->
Node root = xml.asNode()
Node dependenciesNode = root.appendNode('dependencies')
project.configurations.shadow.allDependencies.each {
if (false == it instanceof SelfResolvingDependency) {
Node dependencyNode = dependenciesNode.appendNode('dependency')
dependencyNode.appendNode('version', it.version)
dependencyNode.appendNode('scope', 'compile')
// Be tidy and remove the element if it is empty
if (dependenciesNode.children.empty) {

* Add dependencies that we are going to bundle to the compile classpath.
static void configureSourceSets(Project project) {
project.plugins.withType(ShadowPlugin).whenPluginAdded {
['main', 'test'].each {name ->
SourceSet sourceSet = project.sourceSets.findByName(name)
if (sourceSet != null) {
sourceSet.compileClasspath += project.configurations.bundle

/** Adds compiler settings to the project */
static void configureCompile(Project project) {
if (project.compilerJavaVersion < JavaVersion.VERSION_1_10) {
@@ -764,9 +761,16 @@ class BuildPlugin implements Plugin<Project> {
* better to be safe
* Bundle dependencies of the "bundled" configuration.
configurations = [project.configurations.bundle]
// Make sure we assemble the shadow jar
project.tasks.assemble.dependsOn project.tasks.shadowJar
project.artifacts {
apiElements project.tasks.shadowJar

@@ -873,13 +877,8 @@ class BuildPlugin implements Plugin<Project> {
exclude '**/*$*.class'

project.plugins.withType(ShadowPlugin).whenPluginAdded {
* If we make a shaded jar we test against it.
// Test against a shadow jar if we made one
classpath -= project.tasks.compileJava.outputs.files
classpath -= project.configurations.compile
classpath -= project.configurations.runtime
classpath += project.configurations.shadow
classpath += project.tasks.shadowJar.outputs.files
dependsOn project.tasks.shadowJar
@@ -905,26 +904,6 @@ class BuildPlugin implements Plugin<Project> {

project.plugins.withType(ShadowPlugin).whenPluginAdded {
* We need somewhere to configure dependencies that we don't wish
* to shade into the jar. The shadow plugin creates a "shadow"
* configuration which is *almost* exactly that. It is never
* bundled into the shaded jar but is used for main source
* compilation. Unfortunately, by default it is not used for
* *test* source compilation and isn't used in tests at all. This
* change makes it available for test compilation.
* Note that this isn't going to work properly with qa projects
* but they have no business applying the shadow plugin in the
* firstplace.
SourceSet testSourceSet = project.sourceSets.findByName('test')
if (testSourceSet != null) {
testSourceSet.compileClasspath += project.configurations.shadow

private static configurePrecommit(Project project) {
@@ -936,7 +915,7 @@ class BuildPlugin implements Plugin<Project> {'org.elasticsearch') == false
} - project.configurations.compileOnly
project.plugins.withType(ShadowPlugin).whenPluginAdded {
project.dependencyLicenses.dependencies += project.configurations.shadow.fileCollection {
project.dependencyLicenses.dependencies += project.configurations.bundle.fileCollection {'org.elasticsearch') == false
@@ -947,7 +926,7 @@ class BuildPlugin implements Plugin<Project> {
deps.runtimeConfiguration = project.configurations.runtime
project.plugins.withType(ShadowPlugin).whenPluginAdded {
deps.runtimeConfiguration = project.configurations.create('infoDeps')
deps.runtimeConfiguration.extendsFrom(project.configurations.runtime, project.configurations.shadow)
deps.runtimeConfiguration.extendsFrom(project.configurations.runtime, project.configurations.bundle)
deps.compileOnlyConfiguration = project.configurations.compileOnly
project.afterEvaluate {
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -138,9 +138,8 @@ class VersionCollection {
// caveat 0 - now dip back 2 versions to get the last supported snapshot version of the line
Version highestMinor = getHighestPreviousMinor(currentVersion.major - 1)
maintenanceBugfixSnapshot = replaceAsSnapshot(highestMinor)
// caveat 0 - the last supported snapshot of the line is on a version that we don't support (N-2)
maintenanceBugfixSnapshot = null
} else {
// caveat 3 did not apply. version is not a X.0.0, so we are somewhere on a X.Y line
// only check till minor == 0 of the major
@@ -293,7 +292,8 @@ class VersionCollection {
* If you have a list [5.0.2, 5.1.2, 6.0.1, 6.1.1] and pass in 6 for the nextMajorVersion, it will return you 5.1.2
private Version getHighestPreviousMinor(Integer nextMajorVersion) {
return versionSet.headSet(Version.fromString("${nextMajorVersion}.0.0")).last()
SortedSet<Version> result = versionSet.headSet(Version.fromString("${nextMajorVersion}.0.0"))
return result.isEmpty() ? null : result.last()

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -157,11 +157,10 @@ public class PluginBuildPlugin extends BuildPlugin {
from pluginMetadata // metadata (eg custom security policy)
* If the plugin is using the shadow plugin then we need to bundle
* "shadow" things rather than the default jar and dependencies so
* we don't hit jar hell.
* that shadow jar.
from { project.plugins.hasPlugin(ShadowPlugin) ? project.shadowJar : project.jar }
from { project.plugins.hasPlugin(ShadowPlugin) ? project.configurations.shadow : project.configurations.runtime - project.configurations.compileOnly }
from project.configurations.runtime - project.configurations.compileOnly
// extra files for the plugin to go into the zip
from('src/main/packaging') // TODO: move all config/bin/_size/etc into packaging
from('src/main') {
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@

package org.elasticsearch.gradle.precommit

import com.github.jengelman.gradle.plugins.shadow.ShadowPlugin
import org.elasticsearch.gradle.LoggedExec
import org.gradle.api.file.FileCollection
import org.gradle.api.tasks.OutputFile
@@ -39,6 +40,9 @@ public class JarHellTask extends LoggedExec {
public JarHellTask() {
project.afterEvaluate {
FileCollection classpath = project.sourceSets.test.runtimeClasspath
if (project.plugins.hasPlugin(ShadowPlugin)) {
classpath += project.configurations.bundle
description = "Runs CheckJarHell on ${classpath}"

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