Personal blog-style site for posting book reviews.
Based on Immaculate template using Tufte CSS
remove underline from sidenav list items15/03/2019
add home icon to top of sidenav15/03/2019
add paths to hrefs sidenav15/03/2019
set site title style to mirror page headings23/03/2019
remote double copyright element23/03/2019
add classactive
to sidenav 'tab' based on url24/03/2019
answer here -
move static pages into _pages folder24/03/2019
solution here -
set homepage 'tab' toactive
class by default on pageload24/03/2019
resolved by active class above -
fix order of nav links25/03/2019
solved by navigation_weight. see here -
fix blank nav links25/03/2019
solved by above -
add thumbnail images to post preview(?)24/03/2019
add tags to post preview24/03/2019
add labelling method to side navigation11/04/2019
- find a better way to store book metadata i.e. not as YAML frontmatter
add breadcrumbs beneath small header nav01/04/2019
added inline -
add reading time to post page and post index01/04/2019
see solution -
truncate post preview06/04/2019
see liquid filter -
collapse side-nav on smaller screen widths16/04/2019
remove breadcrumbs on smaller screens16/04/2019
make header and footer full-width i.e. outside of first-col16/04/2019
add teaser content to side-col03/05/2019
- fix side col layout on smaller screen widths
- add all posts to
page - paginate posts on homepage to 3
- fix header rules so full-width on all screen sizes
- look into original sidenote feature for footnote referencing
- make header sticky1
- change z-index of side-nav so overlays header
position: sticky;
top: 0;
background-color: #fff;
z-index: 1;
border-bottom: 1px solid whitesmoke;
├── Gemfile
├── Gemfile.lock
├── _config.yml /* main site information/values */
├── _data
│ └── book-data.yml /* book metadata displayed on site */
├── _includes
│ ├── book-meta.html /* book metadata (aside) */
│ ├── book-teaser.html /* extract from book (aside) */
│ ├── breadcrumbs.html /* current page displayed in header */
│ ├── col-two.html /* side column */
│ ├── coming-soon.html /* forthcoming review displayed on all pages execept posts (aside) */
│ ├── featured.html /* placeholder text displayed on all pages except posts (aside) */
│ ├── footer.html
│ ├── head.html
│ ├── header.html
│ ├── loop-thru-posts.html /* logic to reviews feed (not included anywhere) */
│ ├── metadata.json
│ ├── reading-time.html /* 'plugin' to calculate reading time of each post */
│ ├── scripts.html
│ ├── sidenav.html /* dynamic sidebar */
│ └── styles.scss /* custom styles imported into main stylesheet inc. overrides */
├── _layouts
│ ├── default-reverse.html /* default with column-reverse to display aside modules at top of page */
│ ├── default.html /* aside wraps to page bottom */
│ ├── page.html /* aside wraps to page bottom */
│ └── post.html /* aside wraps to page bottom */
├── _pages
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ ├── reviews
│ │ └── index.html /* nested index page set as paginate_path */
│ └──
├── _plugins
│ └── shortcodes.rb
├── _posts
│ └── reviews
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ └── 2019-05-01-d'
├── _sass
│ ├── _lean_tufte.scss /* trimmed down version of tufte.scss (not used) */
│ ├── _syntax-highlighting.scss
│ ├── _tufte.scss /* default styles */
│ └── responsive.scss /* media queries imported into main scss file */
├── _site /* where the site is compiled (contents hidden) */
├── all-posts.json /* in progress */
├── assets
│ ├── css
│ ├── et-book /* defaultfont files */
│ ├── icons /* from flaticon (see about page for more) */
│ ├── images /* naming convention is <author-surname>-<book-title>.jpg */
│ │ ├── black-prague-nights.jpg /* for example */
│ └── js
│ └── main.js /* contains the few scripts used on site */
├── feed.xml /* inherited from forked template (untested) */
├── index.html
41 directories, 137 files