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A beautiful, fast, AMP-compliant Jekyll theme based on Tufte CSS.

Check it out here!

Google AMP

Tufte CSS

Immaculate is really fast, thanks to Google AMP. When served over Google's CDN, you will see typical DOMContentLoaded times of well under 100ms (when using the leaner stylesheet, see below). The benefits are most obvious for slower connections. On the Regular - 2G throttling setting in Chrome, the demo page still manages a DOMContentLoaded of under 500ms.

Immaculate includes tag support for some of the more commonly-used Tufte CSS layout options, including sidenotes, margin notes, and full-width figures. Other features, such as newthought or epigraphs, can be used by typing raw HTML in your Markdown files. I might add helper tags for these in the future.

Caveat (need hep!): AMP HTML does not allow form elements, including checkboxes, which are used in Tufte CSS to toggle the display of sidenotes and margin notes at smaller widths. As such, I've modified Immaculate to disable this functionality at smaller widths for the time being. It's a big deal, and I'm looking for help on emulating this functionality without using checkboxes.

Getting Started

git clone [email protected]:siawyoung/immaculate.git
cd immaculate
bundle install
bundle exec jekyll serve --baseurl ''

Modify the template files and _config.yml to your liking, and publish away!

Helper Tags

Immaculate comes with a few helper tags. The source code for these tags can be found in _plugins/shortcodes.rb.


{% image <src> <width> <height> <option?> %}

The image tag allows you to insert AMP-compliant images into the post.

src is the src attribute of the image tag.

width and height of the image must be specified, as per AMP specifications.

option - an optional argument which supports the following options:

  • fw - makes the image full width
  • raw - outputs the raw amp-img tag, can be used in conjunction with margin notes
Example usage
{% image 1200 600 fw %}


{% youtube <id> <width> <height> <option?> %}

The youtube tag allows you to insert AMP-compliant embedded Youtube videos into the post.

id is the Youtube viddeo ID.

width and height of the video must be specified, as per AMP specifications.

option - an optional argument which supports the following options:

  • fw - makes the video full width
  • raw - outputs the raw amp-youtube tag, can be used in conjunction with margin notes
Example usage
{% youtube aj2h3h1sf 600 400 %}


(See caveat above)

{% sidenote <id> <body> %}

The sidenote tag allows you insert sidenotes into the post.

id is a unique identifier for the sidenote, and it can be anything - it will not show up visually.

body is the body of the sidenote. It can also accommodate span-level HTML elements (<b>, <em>, <i>, no block-level elements).

Example usage
This is a very long{% sidenote meh Yes, <i>very</i> long. %} sentence.

Margin Note

(See caveat above)

{% marginnote <id> %}
{% endmarginnote %}

The marginnote tag block allows you to insert margin notes into the post.

id is a unique identifier for the margin note, and it can be anything - it will not show up visually.

body is the body of the sidenote. It can also accommodate span-level HTML elements (<b>, <em>, <i>, no block-level elements).

You can also use margin notes in conjunction with image and youtube tags by specifying the raw option.

Example usage
{% marginnote yt %}
{% youtube aj2h3h1sf 350 200 raw %}
This is a <b>extremely</b> succinct example.
{% endmarginnote %}


{% blockquote <footer> %}
{% endblockquote %}

Standard Markdown blockquotes are supported by Immaculate. Additionally, the blockquote tag block allows you to insert Tufte-styled blockquotes with footers.

Example usage
{% blockquote Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra %}

But say, my brothers, what can the child do that even the lion could not do? Why must the preying lion still become a child? The child is innocence and forgetting, a new beginning, a game, a self-propelled wheel, a first movement, a sacred “Yes.” For the game of creation, my brothers, a sacred “Yes” is needed: the spirit now wills his own will, and he who had been lost to the world now conquers the world.

{% endblockquote %}

Even faster performance

By default, Immaculate will utilize Tufte CSS's default font stack, which uses et-book. The custom font files are about 160kb in total, which is somewhat of a strain. If performance is important, Immaculate also ships with a leaner version of Tufte CSS, which uses just the Palatino stack instead. It has 99.29% Mac and 86.13% Windows distribution.

You just need to change the following line in _includes/styles.scss:

@import 'tufte';
// change to:
@import 'lean_tufte';

Just from pure anecdotal experience, using the leaner stylesheet reduces typical DOMContentLoaded times from 300ms down to 50ms when served through Google's CDN. Personally, et-book just looks a lot better to me, so pick whatever floats your boat.

Syntax highlighting

Immaculate supports syntax highlighting, but the stylesheet is commented out by default to keep the page lean. Simply uncomment the following line in _includes/styles.scss:

// @import 'syntax-highlighting';


How can I use the sans-serif versin of Tufte CSS, which uses Gill Sans?

You can override the CSS style in _includes/styles.scss with the font stack of your choice:

body {
  font-family: "Gill Sans"


Credits to Amplify for most of the AMP-related code.




A beautiful, fast, AMP-compliant Jekyll theme based on Tufte CSS.







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