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Philippe Gauthier edited this page Nov 5, 2020 · 36 revisions

Greta: Embodied Conversational Agent

Greta is a real-time three dimensional embodied conversational agent with a 3D model of a woman compliant with MPEG-4 animation standard. It is able to communicate using a rich palette of verbal and nonverbal behaviours. Greta can talk and simultaneously show facial expressions, gestures, gaze, and head movements.

Two standard XML languages FML and BML allows the user to define her communicative intentions and behaviours based on standard SAIBA architecture.

Greta can be used with different external TTS softwares. Currently she can speak various languages: English, Italian, French, German, Swedish and Polish.

Greta is used in various European projects: ANIMATAS, ARIA-VALUSPA, Council-of-Coaches, ILHAIRE, REVERIE, SSPNet, TARDIS, VERVE, and national French projects: A1:1, Acorformed, Anipev, CECIL,IMMEMO, GV-LEX, Impressions, MOCA, Social-touch, TAPAS. It is integrated in several open-source architectures for human-agent interaction: ARIA-VALUSPA/AVP Aria-Valuspa, SEMAINE, and lately in the Agents United Plateform.

System demonstrator

You can find the installer of the public version of Greta System (Psyclone version), the installer of the ActiveMQ version for the SEMAINE project and some demo videos.

Content of the wiki pages

The wiki is structured in order to give you enough knowledge to use the Greta platform. As you can see in the sidebar at right the wiki is divided in 4 areas:

  • Getting started with Greta: here you will find tutorials about how install the platform and getting start with it. It will give you a guide in the installation's steps and also examples to how use the platform, generate gestures, facial expressions, hand shapes and instances for interacion;
  • Overview: in this section you will have more details about the main modules of the platform, what are thier functionalities and how to use them;
  • Projects: to have an idea of which project Greta is involved in;
  • Others: you will find information about others modules
Note that the code in the github is divided in 2 main branches:
  • master: is the main version, under LGPL licence, that contains all the latest modifications (Download this);
  • gpl: is the GPL version, that contains all the latest modifications including GPL parts

Getting started with Greta

Greta Architecture

Quick start



Core functionality

Auxiliary functionalities

Preview functionality

Nothing to show here

Previous functionality (possibly it still works, but not supported anymore)

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