Implementing Timeouts for GRPC and Streaming Servers #878
on: pull_request
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body: '{"body":"## Changes\\n## 🚀 Features\\n\\n- Removing `virsh` dependency @so-sahu (#228)\\n- Implemented qemu guest agent @lukas016 (#176)\\n- Honor graceful shutdown in `deleteMachine` integration test @Rohit-0505 (#189)\\n- Improved integration tests @so-sahu (#229)\\n- stop rewrite DeletedAt for every call @lukas016 (#223)\\n- Add `ResourceVersion` to internal `Machine` type @kasabe28 (#191)\\n- Add test cases for serverExec @ushabelgur (#200)\\n- Set `ResyncIntervalVolumeSize` in integration tests @so-sahu (#210)\\n- Rename `volume-size-resync-duration` flag to `volume-size-resync-interval` @so-sahu (#208)\\n- Replace machine state sync with libvirt lifecycle event subscription @lukas016 (#190)\\n- Handling Empty Files Before Unmarshalling to Prevent Unmarshal Errors @so-sahu (#163)\\n- Added `Terminating` \\\\& `Terminated` machine state @lukas016 (#169)\\n- Use `filepath.Join` in test case @Rohit-0505 (#160)\\n- Add integration tests @ushabelgur (#138)\\n- Implementing Graceful Shutdown for VMs @so-sahu (#101)\\n- Reconcile `Machine`s when `libvirt` VM state changes @so-sahu (#115)\\n- Implemented `Volume` resize @lukasfrank (#142)\\n- Fixed `nil pointer` dereference @lukasfrank (#139)\\n- Add logger to `main` package and improve logging @lukasfrank (#135)\\n- Implemented hugepages support @lukas016 (#113)\\n- Add `irictl-machine` to provider container @afritzler (#130)\\n- Fix RBAC: allow `machinepoollet` to update NIC status @afritzler (#121)\\n- Support for `Volume` resize @lukasfrank (#104)\\n- Implemented `AttachNetworkInterface` and `DetachNetworkInterface` @lukasfrank (#111)\\n- Fix nil deref in volume encryption handling @afritzler (#109)\\n- Add integration test workflow and test suite for `libvirt-provider` @kasabe28 (
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at /home/runner/work/_actions/release-drafter/release-drafter/v6/dist/index.js:8462:21
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