What's Changed
- Std TeamComp TE Map filter by @ipax77 in #469
- dotnet v8.0.3 by @ipax77 in #470
- fix microsoft store link by @ipax77 in #471
- Patch notes / Unit stats sc2 patch 5.0.13 by @ipax77 in #472
- dotnet 8.0.4 / replay log by @ipax77 in #473
- fix ratings mvp order by @ipax77 in #474
- UploadPage by @ipax77 in #475
- UploadPage by @ipax77 in #476
- Ih by @ipax77 in #477
- ih by @ipax77 in #478
- Ih Repository by @ipax77 in #479
- Decode Microservice by @ipax77 in #480
- Decode Microservice by @ipax77 in #481
- IH replays by @ipax77 in #482
- ih replays layout fix by @ipax77 in #483
- dotnet 8.0.5 / IH session performance by @ipax77 in #484
- Ih history by @ipax77 in #485
- ih history by @ipax77 in #486
- Ratings Region & Active Filter by @ipax77 in #487
- unit stats update by @ipax77 in #488
- Pickban by @ipax77 in #489
- PickBan by @ipax77 in #490
- PickBanStore by @ipax77 in #491
- PickBan tests by @ipax77 in #492
- BestTeammateWinrates by @ipax77 in #493
- Patch notes/changes by @ipax77 in #494
- ComboRatings - dsstats replay to sc2arcade replay mapping by @ipax77 in #495
- Improve ComboRatings by @ipax77 in #496
- Fix ComboRatings GetComboDsstatsCalcDtos by @ipax77 in #497
- Fix ComboRatings GetComboDsstatsCalcDtos by @ipax77 in #498
- maui v2.0.5 by @ipax77 in #499
- Fix comboratings import DateTime by @ipax77 in #500
- Map ArcadePlayers to (dsstats)Players by @ipax77 in #501
- Map ArcadePlayers to (dsstats)Players by @ipax77 in #502
- Delete ArcadePlayers by @ipax77 in #503
- TourneysService Create1v1Event by @ipax77 in #504
- dsstats.tourneys by @ipax77 in #505
- fix dsstats.tourneys replayEvent by @ipax77 in #506
- dsstats.tourneys SaveTourneyInfo set FileName by @ipax77 in #507
- CombineDsstatsSc2ArcadeReplays add by @ipax77 in #508
- FixArcadePlayers by @ipax77 in #509
- Update github actions by @ipax77 in #510
- Tourney link and stats query parameters by @ipax77 in #511
- dotnet 8.0.8 by @ipax77 in #512
- ChartJs v4.4.4, pax.BlazorChartJs v8.0.4 by @ipax77 in #513
- Annual Review by @ipax77 in #514
- Annual Review by @ipax77 in #515
- fix review year request by @ipax77 in #516
- Patch notes 2024-10-05 by @ipax77 in #517
- update dotnet v8.0.10 by @ipax77 in #518
- ChartJs v4.4.6 by @ipax77 in #519
- Update DsUnit Queen Weapon Acid Spines #520 by @ipax77 in #521
- fix queen migration by @ipax77 in #522
- ReplayComponent leaver duration indicator by @ipax77 in #523
- dotnet v8.0.11 by @ipax77 in #524
- readme update by @ipax77 in #525
Full Changelog: v2.0.4...v2.0.6.0