Releases: ipax77/dsstats
Releases · ipax77/dsstats
What's Changed
- Std TeamComp TE Map filter by @ipax77 in #469
- dotnet v8.0.3 by @ipax77 in #470
- fix microsoft store link by @ipax77 in #471
- Patch notes / Unit stats sc2 patch 5.0.13 by @ipax77 in #472
- dotnet 8.0.4 / replay log by @ipax77 in #473
- fix ratings mvp order by @ipax77 in #474
- UploadPage by @ipax77 in #475
- UploadPage by @ipax77 in #476
- Ih by @ipax77 in #477
- ih by @ipax77 in #478
- Ih Repository by @ipax77 in #479
- Decode Microservice by @ipax77 in #480
- Decode Microservice by @ipax77 in #481
- IH replays by @ipax77 in #482
- ih replays layout fix by @ipax77 in #483
- dotnet 8.0.5 / IH session performance by @ipax77 in #484
- Ih history by @ipax77 in #485
- ih history by @ipax77 in #486
- Ratings Region & Active Filter by @ipax77 in #487
- unit stats update by @ipax77 in #488
- Pickban by @ipax77 in #489
- PickBan by @ipax77 in #490
- PickBanStore by @ipax77 in #491
- PickBan tests by @ipax77 in #492
- BestTeammateWinrates by @ipax77 in #493
- Patch notes/changes by @ipax77 in #494
- ComboRatings - dsstats replay to sc2arcade replay mapping by @ipax77 in #495
- Improve ComboRatings by @ipax77 in #496
- Fix ComboRatings GetComboDsstatsCalcDtos by @ipax77 in #497
- Fix ComboRatings GetComboDsstatsCalcDtos by @ipax77 in #498
- maui v2.0.5 by @ipax77 in #499
- Fix comboratings import DateTime by @ipax77 in #500
- Map ArcadePlayers to (dsstats)Players by @ipax77 in #501
- Map ArcadePlayers to (dsstats)Players by @ipax77 in #502
- Delete ArcadePlayers by @ipax77 in #503
- TourneysService Create1v1Event by @ipax77 in #504
- dsstats.tourneys by @ipax77 in #505
- fix dsstats.tourneys replayEvent by @ipax77 in #506
- dsstats.tourneys SaveTourneyInfo set FileName by @ipax77 in #507
- CombineDsstatsSc2ArcadeReplays add by @ipax77 in #508
- FixArcadePlayers by @ipax77 in #509
- Update github actions by @ipax77 in #510
- Tourney link and stats query parameters by @ipax77 in #511
- dotnet 8.0.8 by @ipax77 in #512
- ChartJs v4.4.4, pax.BlazorChartJs v8.0.4 by @ipax77 in #513
- Annual Review by @ipax77 in #514
- Annual Review by @ipax77 in #515
- fix review year request by @ipax77 in #516
- Patch notes 2024-10-05 by @ipax77 in #517
- update dotnet v8.0.10 by @ipax77 in #518
- ChartJs v4.4.6 by @ipax77 in #519
- Update DsUnit Queen Weapon Acid Spines #520 by @ipax77 in #521
- fix queen migration by @ipax77 in #522
- ReplayComponent leaver duration indicator by @ipax77 in #523
- dotnet v8.0.11 by @ipax77 in #524
- readme update by @ipax77 in #525
Full Changelog: v2.0.4...v2.0.6.0
What's Changed
- pax.BlazorChartJs v0.8.1 by @ipax77 in #402
- lastSpawnHash duplicate check by @ipax77 in #404
- ReplayPlayers LastSpawnHash by @ipax77 in #405
- LastSpawnHashV3 by @ipax77 in #406
- top players loading blur by @ipax77 in #407
- fix download link by @ipax77 in #408
- fix #409 by @ipax77 in #410
- Fix Replays Link from player profile by @ipax77 in #411
- Replay middle chart with tier and gas annotations by @ipax77 in #412
- Replay middle chart with tier and gas annotations by @ipax77 in #413
- Combo Rating continue calculation / ChartJs v4.4.1 (pax.BlazorChartJs v0.8.2) by @ipax77 in #415
- Combo Rating continue calculation / ChartJs v4.4.1 (pax.BlazorChartJs v0.8.2) by @ipax77 in #416
- Localization by @ipax77 in #418
- Localization v2.0.2 by @ipax77 in #419
Full Changelog: v2.0.1...v2.0.2.0
What's Changed
- ComboRatings LeaverImpact / Pos by @ipax77 in #376
- Std patch notes by @ipax77 in #377
- cu by @ipax77 in #379
- SoftBans by @ipax77 in #380
- Replay AvgRatings (dotnet8 prep) by @ipax77 in #381
- background services disabled by @ipax77 in #382
- forward replay import to dev by @ipax77 in #383
- forward disable uploader player creation by @ipax77 in #384
- fix tests by @ipax77 in #385
- Forward GetLatestReplayDate by @ipax77 in #386
Full Changelog: v0.4.5.0...v0.5.0.0
What's Changed
- ComboRatings by @ipax77 in #363
- Combined ratings background service by @ipax77 in #364
- Replay Combo (Pre-) Ratings by @ipax77 in #366
- cu by @ipax77 in #367
- fix pre combo PlayerId by @ipax77 in #368
- Cmdr Strength with combo rating by @ipax77 in #369
- cu by @ipax77 in #370
- fix bubble chart flip tooltips by @ipax77 in #371
- Timeline Combo/Highlight/ArbitratyLine by @ipax77 in #372
- Timeline Combo/Highlight/ArbitraryLine by @ipax77 in #373
- Builds improvements by @ipax77 in #374
- SC2 Patch 5.0.12 - protocol 91115 by @ipax77 in #375
Full Changelog: v0.4.4.0...v0.4.5.0
What's Changed
- Readme update by @ipax77 in #347
- Background image mobile fix by @ipax77 in #348
- TeamComp by @ipax77 in #349
- Std TeamComp with AvgGain by @ipax77 in #350
- Winrate Std filter Commander.None by @ipax77 in #351
- Unitsearch by @ipax77 in #352
- Replays unit/upgrade search by @ipax77 in #353
- Replay bunker/cannon, base income and gas timings by @ipax77 in #354
- PlayerDetails cmd/std switch fixed. dotnet 6.0.21 by @ipax77 in #355
- SanitizePlayerName by @ipax77 in #356
- SanitizePlayerName by @ipax77 in #357
- pax.BlazorChartJs v0.6.0 / ChartJs v4.4.0 by @ipax77 in #358
- NoUploadAdjustment by @ipax77 in #359
- NoUploadRatingAdjustment by @ipax77 in #360
- Winrate win probability range filter by @ipax77 in #361
- v1.2.4 by @ipax77 in #362
Full Changelog: v0.4.3.0...v0.4.4.0
What's Changed
- SC2Arcade remove TE ratings by @ipax77 in #312
- Fix UpdateUploaderPlayers by @ipax77 in #313
- Duration redesign by @ipax77 in #314
- Duration redesign by @ipax77 in #315
- Duration with rating by @ipax77 in #316
- Duration with rating by @ipax77 in #317
- Timeline by @ipax77 in #318
- Timeline by @ipax77 in #319
- Winrate by @ipax77 in #320
- Winrate redesign by @ipax77 in #321
- Winrate Chart YAxis desc based on WinrateType by @ipax77 in #322
- Synergy by @ipax77 in #323
- Synergy redesign by @ipax77 in #324
- Damage by @ipax77 in #325
- Damage stats by @ipax77 in #326
- SC2Arcade daily recalculate by @ipax77 in #327
- Duration stats avg line by @ipax77 in #328
- Duration stats avg line by @ipax77 in #329
- Fix ArcadePlayerNames by @ipax77 in #330
- Player Ban (hotfix) by @ipax77 in #331
- cu by @ipax77 in #332
- Adjust replays with PlayerStateVictory (2023-03-30) by @ipax77 in #333
- Adjust replays trusted by @ipax77 in #334
- Front page redesign / Arcade replays by @ipax77 in #335
- Layout redesign by @ipax77 in #336
- Layout redesign by @ipax77 in #337
- AdjustReplay fix by @ipax77 in #338
- Uploader RealmId fix by @ipax77 in #339
- maui layout by @ipax77 in #340
- Text with d-inline-block and bgchart by @ipax77 in #341
- Layout redesign by @ipax77 in #343
- Advanced replay filter by @ipax77 in #344
- Advanced replay filter by @ipax77 in #345
- maui cu by @ipax77 in #346
Full Changelog: v0.4.2.0...v0.4.3.0
What's Changed
- pax.BlazorChartJs v0.5.1 by @ipax77 in #295
- Cmdr Strength Team Filter by @ipax77 in #296
- Fix mvp/main continue ratings by @ipax77 in #297
- Server stats by @ipax77 in #298
- Percentile Rank added to PlayerDetails by @ipax77 in #299
- Fix IsUpader to Player.UploaerId != null by @ipax77 in #300
- Replay middle change count by @ipax77 in #301
- Arcade player replays with Mmr change by @ipax77 in #302
- Fix typo by @ipax77 in #303
- Fix typo by @ipax77 in #304
- ComboPlayerDetails by @ipax77 in #305
- Fix Builds ReplayComponent parameter by @ipax77 in #306
- Fix CmdrReplays replay request by @ipax77 in #307
- Fix event replays request by @ipax77 in #308
- PlayerId Ratings by @ipax77 in #309
- Softrating by @ipax77 in #310
- SoftRatings by @ipax77 in #311
Full Changelog: v1.2.1...v0.4.2.0
What's Changed
- Arcade BackgroundService by @ipax77 in #263
- Arcade BackgroundService by @ipax77 in #264
- Fix ArcadePlayerRatings by @ipax77 in #265
- Player RegionId Fix by @ipax77 in #266
- Player Region Fix by @ipax77 in #267
- Fix PlayerService ToonId->Name by @ipax77 in #268
- ReplayRatings RatingType db-index by @ipax77 in #269
- Fix PlayerCmdrInfo Replay counts by @ipax77 in #271
- Fix TryFixDupPlayer by @ipax77 in #272
- Fix TryFixDupPlayer by @ipax77 in #273
- Arcadecrawler /-Ratings by @ipax77 in #274
- Arcade Replays / Ratings by @ipax77 in #275
- Uploader Players create fix by @ipax77 in #277
- PlayerRatingDetailsChart / ArcadeRatings continue by @ipax77 in #279
- PlayerRatingDetailsChart - Ratings rounded by @ipax77 in #280
- Fix Ratings continue calculation by @ipax77 in #281
- Fix Arcade ratings continue by @ipax77 in #282
- Fix ContinueReplayPlayerRatingsFromCsv2MySql by @ipax77 in #283
- Mmr over time cu by @ipax77 in #284
- MmrOverTime removed by @ipax77 in #285
- Player details group by week by @ipax77 in #286
- Fix player rating chart last rating by @ipax77 in #287
- Player rating chart last data fix by @ipax77 in #288
- Continue Calc fixes and tests by @ipax77 in #289
- Player details with realmId and regionId by @ipax77 in #290
- Fix Arcade ratings pos/change after continue by @ipax77 in #291
- v1.2.1 by @ipax77 in #292
Full Changelog: v0.4.0.0...v0.4.1.0
What's Changed
- dotnet update 6.0.15 by @ipax77 in #237
- Cmdrinfo by @ipax77 in #238
- CmdrInfo by @ipax77 in #239
- PlayerCmdrStrength by @ipax77 in #240
- PlayerCmdrStrength by @ipax77 in #241
- CmdrReplays / ReplayRating with Expectation to Win by @ipax77 in #242
- ReplayRating with Expectation to Win / CmdrReplays by @ipax77 in #243
- sitemap by @ipax77 in #244
- fix funStats update after options change by @ipax77 in #245
- Cmdrplayerteamrating by @ipax77 in #246
- Cmdr Info with Team rating / Replays optional by @ipax77 in #247
- fix humanizer cultureinfo by @ipax77 in #248
- fix humanizer culture better by @ipax77 in #249
- Microservice by @ipax77 in #253
- Ratings, Import rework by @ipax77 in #254
- Init Import by @ipax77 in #255
- ArcadeReplays / fix ArcadeRatings sort by @ipax77 in #256
- SC2ArcadeRatings and Replays by @ipax77 in #257
- SC2Arcade wiki info by @ipax77 in #258
- Arcade Region AS by @ipax77 in #259
- Realmid by @ipax77 in #260
- RealmId by @ipax77 in #261
- cu by @ipax77 in #262
Full Changelog: v0.3.17.0...v0.4.0.0
What's Changed
- Buildsbyratings by @ipax77 in #230
- Builds by Ratings by @ipax77 in #231
- Funstats by @ipax77 in #232
- FunStats by @ipax77 in #233
- Adjust replays during import by @ipax77 in #234
- Replay Upload with Uploaded flag by @ipax77 in #235
- v1.1.9 by @ipax77 in #236
Full Changelog: v1.1.8...v0.3.17.0