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ProxySQL Admin

The ProxySQL Admin (proxysql-admin) solution configures Percona XtraDB cluster nodes into ProxySQL.

proxysql-admin usage info

Usage: [ options ]
  --config-file                      Read login credentials from a configuration file (overrides any login credentials specified on the command line)
  --quick-demo                       Setup a quick demo with no authentication
  --proxysql-username=user_name      Username for connecting to the ProxySQL service
  --proxysql-password[=password]     Password for connecting to the ProxySQL service
  --proxysql-port=port_num           Port Nr. for connecting to the ProxySQL service
  --proxysql-hostname=host_name      Hostname for connecting to the ProxySQL service
  --cluster-username=user_name       Username for connecting to the Percona XtraDB Cluster node
  --cluster-password[=password]      Password for connecting to the Percona XtraDB Cluster node
  --cluster-port=port_num            Port Nr. for connecting to the Percona XtraDB Cluster node
  --cluster-hostname=host_name       Hostname for connecting to the Percona XtraDB Cluster node
  --cluster-app-username=user_name   Application username for connecting to the Percona XtraDB Cluster node
  --cluster-app-password[=password]  Application password for connecting to the Percona XtraDB Cluster node
  --monitor-username=user_name       Username for monitoring Percona XtraDB Cluster nodes through ProxySQL
  --monitor-password[=password]      Password for monitoring Percona XtraDB Cluster nodes through ProxySQL
  --enable, -e                       Auto-configure Percona XtraDB Cluster nodes into ProxySQL
  --disable, -d                      Remove any Percona XtraDB Cluster configurations from ProxySQL
  --node-check-interval=3000         Interval for monitoring node checker script (in milliseconds)
  --mode=[loadbal|singlewrite]       ProxySQL read/write configuration mode, currently supporting: 'loadbal' and 'singlewrite' (the default) modes
  --write-node=host_name:port        Writer node to accept write statments. This option is supported only when using --mode=singlewrite
  --adduser                          Adds the Percona XtraDB Cluster application user to the ProxySQL database
  --syncusers                        Sync user accounts currently configured in MySQL to ProxySQL (deletes ProxySQL users not in MySQL)
  --version, -v                      Print version info


  • ProxySQL and Cluster should be up and running.
  • For security purposes, please ensure to change the default user settings in the ProxySQL configuration file.

It is recommend you use --config-file to run this proxysql-admin script.

This script will accept two different options to configure Cluster nodes

1) --enable

This option will configure Cluster nodes into the ProxySQL database, and add cluster monitoring script into the ProxySQL scheduler table for checking the cluster status.

scheduler script info :

  • proxysql_galera_checker : will check desynced nodes, and temporarily deactivate them. This will also call proxysql_node_monitor script to check cluster node membership, and re-configure ProxySQL if cluster membership changes occur

It will also add two new users into the Percona XtraDB Cluster with the USAGE privilege; one is for monitoring cluster nodes through ProxySQL, and another is for connecting to Cluster node via the ProxySQL console.

Note: Please make sure to use super user credentials from Percona XtraDB Cluster to setup the default users.

$ sudo proxysql-admin --config-file=/etc/proxysql-admin.cnf --enable

This script will assist with configuring ProxySQL (currently only Percona XtraDB cluster in combination with ProxySQL is supported)

ProxySQL read/write configuration mode is singlewrite

Configuring ProxySQL monitoring user..
ProxySQL monitor username as per command line/config-file is monitor

User 'monitor'@'127.%' has been added with USAGE privilege

Configuring the Percona XtraDB Cluster application user to connect through ProxySQL
Percona XtraDB Cluster application username as per command line/config-file is proxysql_user

Percona XtraDB Cluster application user 'proxysql_user'@'127.%' has been added with the USAGE privilege, please make sure to the grant appropriate privileges

Adding the Percona XtraDB Cluster server nodes to ProxySQL

You have not given the writer node info through the command line or in the config-file. Please enter the writer-node info (eg :

ProxySQL configuration completed!

ProxySQL has been successfully configured to use with Percona XtraDB Cluster

You can use the following login credentials to connect your application through ProxySQL

mysql --user=proxysql_user --password=*****  --host= --port=6033 --protocol=tcp 


mysql> select hostgroup_id,hostname,port,status,comment from mysql_servers;
| hostgroup_id | hostname  | port  | status | comment |
| 11           | | 25400 | ONLINE | READ    |
| 10           | | 25000 | ONLINE | WRITE   |
| 11           | | 25100 | ONLINE | READ    |
| 11           | | 25200 | ONLINE | READ    |
| 11           | | 25300 | ONLINE | READ    |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)


2) --disable

This option will remove Percona XtraDB Cluster nodes from ProxySQL and stop the ProxySQL monitoring daemon.

$ proxysql-admin --config-file=/etc/proxysql-admin.cnf --disable
ProxySQL configuration removed!

Extra options

i) --mode

This option allows you to setup read/write mode for cluster nodes in ProxySQL database based on the hostgroup. For now, the only supported modes are loadbal and singlewrite. singlewrite is the default mode, and it will configure Percona Cluster to only accept writes on one single node only (and this node can be provided either interactively or instead by using the --write-node option to specify the hostname and the port number for the one single write node). All other remaining nodes will be read-only and accept only read statements. The mode loadbal on the other hand is a load balanced set of evenly weighted read/write nodes.

singlewrite mode setup:

$ sudo grep "MODE" /etc/proxysql-admin.cnf
export MODE="singlewrite"
$ sudo proxysql-admin --config-file=/etc/proxysql-admin.cnf --write-node= --enable
ProxySQL read/write configuration mode is singlewrite
ProxySQL configuration completed!

mysql> select hostgroup_id,hostname,port,status,comment from mysql_servers;
| hostgroup_id | hostname  | port  | status | comment |
| 11           | | 25400 | ONLINE | READ    |
| 10           | | 25000 | ONLINE | WRITE   |
| 11           | | 25100 | ONLINE | READ    |
| 11           | | 25200 | ONLINE | READ    |
| 11           | | 25300 | ONLINE | READ    |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)


loadbal mode setup:

$ sudo proxysql-admin --config-file=/etc/proxysql-admin.cnf --mode=loadbal --enable
This script will assist with configuring ProxySQL (currently only Percona XtraDB cluster in combination with ProxySQL is supported)

ProxySQL read/write configuration mode is loadbal
ProxySQL has been successfully configured to use with Percona XtraDB Cluster

You can use the following login credentials to connect your application through ProxySQL

mysql --user=proxysql_user --password=*****  --host= --port=6033 --protocol=tcp 


mysql> select hostgroup_id,hostname,port,status,comment from mysql_servers;
| hostgroup_id | hostname  | port  | status | comment   |
| 10           | | 25400 | ONLINE | READWRITE |
| 10           | | 25000 | ONLINE | READWRITE |
| 10           | | 25100 | ONLINE | READWRITE |
| 10           | | 25200 | ONLINE | READWRITE |
| 10           | | 25300 | ONLINE | READWRITE |
5 rows in set (0.01 sec)


ii) --node-check-interval

This option configures the interval for monitoring via the proxysql_galera_checker script (in milliseconds)

$ proxysql-admin --config-file=/etc/proxysql-admin.cnf --node-check-interval=5000 --enable

iii) --adduser

This option will aid with adding the Cluster application user to ProxySQL database for you

$ proxysql-admin --config-file=/etc/proxysql-admin.cnf --adduser

Adding Percona XtraDB Cluster application user to ProxySQL database
Enter Percona XtraDB Cluster application user name: root   
Enter Percona XtraDB Cluster application user password: 
Added Percona XtraDB Cluster application user to ProxySQL database!

iv) --syncusers

This option will sync user accounts currently configured in Percona XtraDB cluster to ProxySQL database except password less users and user admin. It also deletes ProxySQL users not in Percona XtraDB cluster from ProxySQL database.

$ /usr/bin/proxysql-admin --syncusers

Syncing user accounts from Percona XtraDB Cluster to ProxySQL

Synced Percona XtraDB Cluster users to the ProxySQL database!

From ProxySQL DB
mysql> select username from mysql_users;
| username      |
| monitor       |
| one           |
| proxysql_user |
| two           |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)


From PXC

mysql> select user,host from mysql.user where authentication_string!='' and user not in ('admin','mysql.sys');
| user          | host  |
| monitor       | 192.% |
| proxysql_user | 192.% |
| two           | %     |
| one           | %     |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)


v) --test-run

This option is used to setup dummy proxysql configuration.

$ sudo  proxysql-admin  --enable --quick-demo

You have selected the dry test run mode. WARNING: This will create a test user (with all privileges) in the Percona XtraDB Cluster & ProxySQL installations.

You may want to delete this user after you complete your testing!

Would you like to proceed with '--quick-demo' [y/n] ? y

Setting up proxysql test configuration!

Do you want to use the default ProxySQL credentials (admin:admin:6032: [y/n] ? y
Do you want to use the default Percona XtraDB Cluster credentials (root::3306: [y/n] ? n

Enter the Percona XtraDB Cluster username (super user): root
Enter the Percona XtraDB Cluster user password: 
Enter the Percona XtraDB Cluster port: 25100
Enter the Percona XtraDB Cluster hostname: localhost

ProxySQL read/write configuration mode is singlewrite

Configuring ProxySQL monitoring user..

User 'monitor'@'127.%' has been added with USAGE privilege

Configuring the Percona XtraDB Cluster application user to connect through ProxySQL

Percona XtraDB Cluster application user 'pxc_test_user'@'127.%' has been added with ALL privileges, this user is created for testing purposes

Adding the Percona XtraDB Cluster server nodes to ProxySQL

ProxySQL configuration completed!

ProxySQL has been successfully configured to use with Percona XtraDB Cluster

You can use the following login credentials to connect your application through ProxySQL

mysql --user=pxc_test_user  --host= --port=6033 --protocol=tcp 


mysql> select hostgroup_id,hostname,port,status,comment from mysql_servers;
| hostgroup_id | hostname  | port  | status | comment |
| 11           | | 25300 | ONLINE | READ    |
| 10           | | 25000 | ONLINE | WRITE   |
| 11           | | 25100 | ONLINE | READ    |
| 11           | | 25200 | ONLINE | READ    |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)



ProxySQL Admin







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