The ProxySQL Admin (proxysql-admin) solution configures Percona XtraDB cluster nodes into ProxySQL.
Please log ProxySQL Admin bug reports here:
proxysql-admin usage info
Usage: proxysql-admin [ options ]
--config-file=<config-file> Read login credentials from a configuration file
(command line options override any configuration file values)
--login-file=<login-file-path> Read login credentials from an encrypted file.
If the --login-password or --login-password-file options
are not specified, then the user will be prompted
for the password.
(command line options override any login file values)
--login-password=<password> The key used to decrypt the encrypted login-file.
This cannot be used with --login-password-file.
--login-password-file=<path> Read the key from a file using the <path>.
This cannot be used with --login-password
--writer-hg=<number> The hostgroup that all traffic will be sent to
by default. Nodes that have 'read-only=0' in MySQL
will be assigned to this hostgroup.
--backup-writer-hg=<number> If the cluster has multiple nodes with 'read-only=0'
and max_writers set, then additional nodes (in excess
of max_writers), will be assigned to this hostgroup.
--reader-hg=<number> The hostgroup that read traffic should be sent to.
Nodes with 'read-only=0' in MySQL will be assigned
to this hostgroup.
--offline-hg=<number> Nodes that are determined to be OFFLINE will
be assigned to this hostgroup.
--proxysql-datadir=<datadir> Specify the proxysql data directory location
--proxysql-username=<user_name> ProxySQL service username
--proxysql-password[=<password>] ProxySQL service password
--proxysql-port=<port_num> ProxySQL service port number
--proxysql-hostname=<host_name> ProxySQL service hostname
--cluster-username=<user_name> Percona XtraDB Cluster node username
--cluster-password[=<password>] Percona XtraDB Cluster node password
--cluster-port=<port_num> Percona XtraDB Cluster node port number
--cluster-hostname=<host_name> Percona XtraDB Cluster node hostname
--cluster-app-username=<user_name> Percona XtraDB Cluster node application username
--cluster-app-password[=<password>] Percona XtraDB Cluster node application password
--without-cluster-app-user Configure Percona XtraDB Cluster without an application user
--monitor-username=<user_name> Username for monitoring Percona XtraDB Cluster nodes through ProxySQL
--monitor-password[=<password>] Password for monitoring Percona XtraDB Cluster nodes through ProxySQL
--use-existing-monitor-password Do not prompt for a new monitor password if one is provided.
--node-check-interval=<NUMBER> The interval at which the proxy should connect
to the backend servers in order to monitor the
Galera staus of a node (in milliseconds).
(default: 5000)
--mode=[loadbal|singlewrite] ProxySQL read/write configuration mode
currently supporting: 'loadbal' and 'singlewrite'
(default: 'singlewrite')
--write-node=<IPADDRESS>:<PORT> Specifies the node that is to be used for
writes for singlewrite mode. If left unspecified,
the cluster node is then used as the write node.
This only applies when 'mode=singlewrite' is used.
--max-connections=<NUMBER> Value for max_connections in the mysql_servers table.
This is the maximum number of connections that
ProxySQL will open to the backend servers.
(default: 1000)
--max-transactions-behind=<NUMBER> Determines the maximum number of writesets a node
can have queued before the node is SHUNNED to avoid
stale reads.
(default: 100)
--use-ssl=[yes|no] If set to 'yes', then connections between ProxySQL
and the backend servers will use SSL.
(default: no)
If set to 'yes', then all writers (backup-writers also)
are added to the reader hostgroup.
If set to 'no', then none of the writers (backup-writers also)
will be added to the reader hostgroup.
If set to 'backup', then only the backup-writers
will be added to the reader hostgroup.
(default: backup)
--remove-all-servers When used with --update-cluster, this will remove all
servers belonging to the current cluster before
updating the list.
--server=<IPADDRESS>:<PORT> Specifies the IP address and port for a single server. This can
be used with --syncusers or --sync-multi-cluster-users
to sync a single non-cluster server node.
--add-query-rule Create query rules for synced mysql user. This is applicable only
for singlewrite mode and works only with --syncusers
and --sync-multi-cluster-users options.
--force This option will skip existing configuration checks in mysql_servers,
mysql_users and mysql_galera_hostgroups tables. This option will
work with '--enable' and '--update-cluster'.
This will also cause certain checks to issue warnings instead
of an error.
--disable-updates Disable admin updates for ProxySQL cluster for the
current operation. The default is to not change the
admin variable settings. If this option is specifed,
these options will be set to false.
(default: updates are not disabled)
--use-stdin-for-credentials If set, then the MySQL client will use stdin to send credentials
to the client (instead of process substition).
(default: process subsitution is used)
--debug Enables additional debug logging.
--help Displays this help text.
These options are the possible operations for proxysql-admin.
One of the options below must be provided.
--adduser Adds the Percona XtraDB Cluster application user to the ProxySQL database
--disable, -d Remove any Percona XtraDB Cluster configurations from ProxySQL
--enable, -e Auto-configure Percona XtraDB Cluster nodes into ProxySQL
--update-cluster Updates the cluster membership, adds new cluster nodes
to the configuration.
--update-mysql-version Updates the mysql-server_version variable in ProxySQL with the version
from a node in the cluster.
--quick-demo Setup a quick demo with no authentication
--syncusers Sync user accounts currently configured in MySQL to ProxySQL
May be used with --enable. --server may be used with this
to specify a single server to sync.
(deletes ProxySQL users not in MySQL)
--sync-multi-cluster-users Sync user accounts currently configured in MySQL to ProxySQL
May be used with --enable. --server may be used with this
to specify a single server to sync.
(doesn't delete ProxySQL users not in MySQL)
--is-enabled Checks if the current configuration is enabled in ProxySQL.
--status Returns a status report on the current configuration.
If "--writer-hg=<NUM>" is specified, then the
data corresponding to the galera cluster with that
writer hostgroup is displayed. Otherwise, information
for all clusters will be displayed.
--version, -v Prints the version info
- ProxySQL and Percona XtraDB Cluster should be up and running.
- For security purposes, please change the default user settings in the ProxySQL configuration file.
- ProxySQL configuration file(/etc/proxysql-admin.cnf)
# proxysql admin interface credentials.
export PROXYSQL_DATADIR='/var/lib/proxysql'
export PROXYSQL_USERNAME='admin'
export PROXYSQL_PASSWORD='admin'
export PROXYSQL_HOSTNAME='localhost'
export PROXYSQL_PORT='6032'
# PXC admin credentials for connecting to the pxc-cluster-node.
export CLUSTER_USERNAME='admin'
export CLUSTER_PASSWORD='admin'
export CLUSTER_HOSTNAME='localhost'
export CLUSTER_PORT='3306'
# proxysql monitoring user. proxysql admin script will create this user in pxc to monitor pxc-nodes.
export MONITOR_USERNAME='monitor'
export MONITOR_PASSWORD='monit0r'
# Application user to connect to pxc-node through proxysql
export CLUSTER_APP_USERNAME='proxysql_user'
export CLUSTER_APP_PASSWORD='passw0rd'
# ProxySQL hostgroup IDs
# ProxySQL read/write configuration mode.
export MODE="singlewrite"
# max_connections default (used only when INSERTing a new mysql_servers entry)
export MAX_CONNECTIONS="1000"
# Determines the maximum number of writesets a node can have queued
# before the node is SHUNNED to avoid stale reads.
# Connections to the backend servers (from ProxySQL) will use SSL
export USE_SSL="no"
# Determines if a node should be added to the reader hostgroup if it has
# been promoted to the writer hostgroup.
# If set to 'yes', then all writers (including backup-writers) are added to
# the read hostgroup.
# If set to 'no', then none of the writers (including backup-writers) are added.
# If set to 'backup', then only the backup-writers will be added to
# the read hostgroup.
export WRITERS_ARE_READERS="backup"
It is recommended that you use --config-file to run this proxysql-admin script.
The login file contains the credentials needed by proxysql-admin in an encrypted format.
This is an example of the unencrypted data.
# --------------------------------
# This file is constructed as a set of "name=value" pairs.
# Notes:
# (1) Comment lines start with '#' and must be on separate lines
# (2) the name part
# - The only acceptable values are shown below in this example.
# Other values will be ignored.
# (3) The value part:
# - This does NOT use quotes, so any quote character will be part of the value
# - The entire line will be used (be careful with spaces)
# If a value is not specified here, than the default value from the
# configuration file will be used.
# --------------------------------
# --------------------------------
# proxysql admin interface credentials.
# --------------------------------
# --------------------------------
# PXC admin credentials for connecting to pxc-cluster-node.
# --------------------------------
# --------------------------------
# proxysql monitoring user. proxysql admin script will create
# this user in pxc to monitor pxc-nodes.
# --------------------------------
# --------------------------------
# Application user to connect to pxc-node through proxysql
# --------------------------------
The credentials information will be used in the following order:
- credentials provided from the command-line
- credentails provided in the login-file
- credentials provided in the ProxySQL admin configuration file
- Create the unencrypted data as shown above.
- Encrypt the data with the proxysql-login-file script
- Use the login-file with proxysql-admin
# create the file as shown above
$ echo "monitor.user=monitor" > data.cnf
$ echo "monitor.password=password" >> data.cnf
# Choose a secret password
$ passwd="secret"
# Method (1) : Encrypt this data with --password
$ proxysql-login-file --in data.cnf --out login-file.cnf --password=${passwd}
# Method (2a) : Encrypt the data with --password-file
# Sending the password via the command-line is insecure,
# it's better to use --password-file so that the
# password doesn't show up in the command-line
$ proxysql-login-file --in data.cnf --out login-file.cnf \
--password-file=<(echo "${passwd}")
# Method (2b) : Running the command using sudo will not work with
# bash's process substition. In this case, sending the
# password via stdin is another option.
$ sudo echo "${passwd}" | proxysql-login-file --in data.cnf --out login-file.cnf \
# Method (3) : The script will prompt for the password
# if no password is provided via the command-line options.
$ proxysql-login-file --in data.cnf --out login-file.cnf
# Remove the unencrypted data file
$ rm data.cnf
# Call the proxysql-admin script with the login-file
$ proxysql-admin --enable --login-file=login-file.cnf \
--login-password-file=<(echo "${passwd}")
# Call proxysql-status with the login-file
$ proxysql-status --login-file=login-file.cnf \
--login-password-file=<(echo "${passwd}")
- Decrypt the login-file with the proxysql-login-file-script
# Decrypt the login-file with the --decrypt option
# If --in is not used, the input data will be read from stdin
# If --out is not used, the unencrypted data will be written to stdout
$ proxysql-login-file --in login-file.cnf --password=secret --decrypt
This script can perform the following functions
1) --enable
This option will create the entry for the Galera hostgroups and add the Percona XtraDB Cluster nodes into ProxySQL.
It will also add two new users into the Percona XtraDB Cluster with the USAGE privilege; one is for monitoring the cluster nodes through ProxySQL, and another is for connecting to the PXC Cluster node via the ProxySQL console.
Note: Please make sure to use super user credentials from Percona XtraDB Cluster to setup the default users.
$ sudo proxysql-admin --config-file=/etc/proxysql-admin.cnf --enable
This script will assist with configuring ProxySQL for use with
Percona XtraDB Cluster (currently only PXC in combination
with ProxySQL is supported)
ProxySQL read/write configuration mode is singlewrite
Configuring the ProxySQL monitoring user.
ProxySQL monitor user name as per command line/config-file is monitor
User 'monitor'@'127.%' has been added with USAGE privileges
Configuring the Percona XtraDB Cluster application user to connect through ProxySQL
Percona XtraDB Cluster application user name as per command line/config-file is cluster_one
Percona XtraDB Cluster application user 'proxysql_user'@'127.%' has been added with ALL privileges, this user is created for testing purposes
Adding the Percona XtraDB Cluster server nodes to ProxySQL
Write node info
| hostname | hostgroup_id | port | weight |
| | 10 | 25000 | 1000000 |
ProxySQL configuration completed!
ProxySQL has been successfully configured to use with Percona XtraDB Cluster
You can use the following login credentials to connect your application through ProxySQL
mysql --user=proxysql_user -p --host= --port=6033 --protocol=tcp
mysql> select hostgroup_id,hostname,port,status from runtime_mysql_servers;
| hostgroup_id | hostname | port | status |
| 10 | | 25000 | ONLINE |
| 11 | | 25100 | ONLINE |
| 11 | | 25200 | ONLINE |
| 12 | | 25100 | ONLINE |
| 12 | | 25200 | ONLINE |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> select * from mysql_galera_hostgroups\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
writer_hostgroup: 10
backup_writer_hostgroup: 12
reader_hostgroup: 11
offline_hostgroup: 13
active: 1
max_writers: 1
writer_is_also_reader: 2
max_transactions_behind: 100
comment: NULL
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
--enable may be used at the same time as --update-cluster. If the cluster has not been setup, then the enable function will be run. If the cluster has been setup, then the update cluster function will be run.
2) --disable
This option will remove Percona XtraDB Cluster nodes from ProxySQL and stop the ProxySQL monitoring daemon.
$ proxysql-admin --config-file=/etc/proxysql-admin.cnf --disable
Removing cluster application users from the ProxySQL database.
Removing cluster nodes from the ProxySQL database.
Removing query rules from the ProxySQL database if any.
Removing the cluster from the ProxySQL database.
ProxySQL configuration removed!
A specific galera cluster can be disabled by using the --writer-hg option with --disable.
3) --adduser
This option will aid with adding the Cluster application user to the ProxySQL database for you
$ proxysql-admin --config-file=/etc/proxysql-admin.cnf --adduser
Adding Percona XtraDB Cluster application user to ProxySQL database
Enter Percona XtraDB Cluster application user name: root
Enter Percona XtraDB Cluster application user password:
Added Percona XtraDB Cluster application user to ProxySQL database!
4) --syncusers
This option will sync user accounts currently configured in Percona XtraDB Cluster with the ProxySQL database except password-less users and admin users. It also deletes ProxySQL users not in Percona XtraDB Cluster from the ProxySQL database.
The --server option can be used with --syncusers to specify a specific server that will be synced (rather than a PXC cluster).
$ /usr/bin/proxysql-admin --syncusers
Syncing user accounts from Percona XtraDB Cluster to ProxySQL
Synced Percona XtraDB Cluster users to the ProxySQL database!
From ProxySQL DB
mysql> select username from mysql_users;
| username |
| monitor |
| one |
| proxysql_user |
| two |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
From PXC
mysql> select user,host from mysql.user where authentication_string!='' and user not in ('admin','mysql.sys');
| user | host |
| monitor | 192.% |
| proxysql_user | 192.% |
| two | % |
| one | % |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
5) --sync-multi-cluster-users
This option works in the same way as --syncusers but it does not delete ProxySQL users that are not present in the Percona XtraDB Cluster. It is to be used when syncing proxysql instances that manage multiple clusters.
The --server option can be used with --sync-multi-cluster-users to specify a specific server that will be synced (rather than a PXC cluster).
6) --add-query-rule
Create query rules for synced mysql user. This is applicable only for singlewrite mode and works only with --syncusers and --sync-multi-cluster-users options.
$ sudo proxysql-admin --syncusers --add-query-rule
Syncing user accounts from PXC to ProxySQL
Note : 'admin' is in proxysql admin user list, this user cannot be addded to ProxySQL
-- (For more info, see
Adding user to ProxySQL: test_query_rule
Added query rule for user: test_query_rule
Synced PXC users to the ProxySQL database!
7) --quick-demo
This option is used to setup a dummy proxysql configuration.
$ sudo proxysql-admin --quick-demo
You have selected the dry test run mode. WARNING: This will create a test user (with all privileges) in the Percona XtraDB Cluster & ProxySQL installations.
You may want to delete this user after you complete your testing!
Would you like to proceed with '--quick-demo' [y/n] ? y
Setting up proxysql test configuration!
Do you want to use the default ProxySQL credentials (admin:admin:6032: [y/n] ? y
Do you want to use the default Percona XtraDB Cluster credentials (root::3306: [y/n] ? n
Enter the Percona XtraDB Cluster username (super user): root
Enter the Percona XtraDB Cluster user password:
Enter the Percona XtraDB Cluster port: 25100
Enter the Percona XtraDB Cluster hostname: localhost
ProxySQL read/write configuration mode is singlewrite
Configuring ProxySQL monitoring user..
User 'monitor'@'127.%' has been added with USAGE privilege
Configuring the Percona XtraDB Cluster application user to connect through ProxySQL
Percona XtraDB Cluster application user 'pxc_test_user'@'127.%' has been added with ALL privileges, this user is created for testing purposes
Adding the Percona XtraDB Cluster server nodes to ProxySQL
ProxySQL configuration completed!
ProxySQL has been successfully configured to use with Percona XtraDB Cluster
You can use the following login credentials to connect your application through ProxySQL
mysql --user=pxc_test_user --host= --port=6033 --protocol=tcp
mysql> select hostgroup_id,hostname,port,status from runtime_mysql_servers;
| hostgroup_id | hostname | port | status |
| 10 | | 25000 | ONLINE |
| 11 | | 25100 | ONLINE |
| 11 | | 25200 | ONLINE |
| 12 | | 25100 | ONLINE |
| 12 | | 25200 | ONLINE |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)
8) --update-cluster
This option will check the Percona XtraDB Cluster to see if any new nodes have joined the cluster. If so, the new nodes are added to ProxySQL. Any offline nodes are not removed from the cluster by default.
If used with --remove-all-servers, then the server list for this configuration will be removed before running the update cluster function.
A specific galera cluster can be updated by using the --writer-hg option with --update-cluster. Otherwise the cluster specified in the config file will be updated.
If --write-node is used with --update-cluster, then that node will be made the writer node (by giving it a larger weight), if the node is in the server list and is ONLINE. This should only be used if the mode is singlewrite.
$ sudo proxysql-admin --update-cluster --writer-hg=10 --remove-all-servers
Removing all servers from ProxySQL
Cluster node ( does not exist in ProxySQL, adding to the writer hostgroup(10)
Cluster node ( does not exist in ProxySQL, adding to the writer hostgroup(10)
Cluster node ( does not exist in ProxySQL, adding to the writer hostgroup(10)
Waiting for ProxySQL to process the new nodes...
Cluster node info
| hostgroup | hg_id | hostname | port | weight |
| writer | 10 | | 25000 | 1000 |
| reader | 11 | | 25100 | 1000 |
| reader | 11 | | 25200 | 1000 |
| backup-writer | 12 | | 25100 | 1000 |
| backup-writer | 12 | | 25200 | 1000 |
Cluster membership updated in the ProxySQL database!
9) --is-enabled
This option will check if a galera cluster (specified by the writer hostgroup, either from --writer-hg or from the config file) has any active entries in the mysql_galera_hostgroups table in ProxySQL.
0 is returned if there is an entry corresponding to the writer hostgroup and is set to active in ProxySQL. 1 is returned if there is no entry corresponding to the writer hostgroup. 2 is returned if there is an entry corresponding to the writer hostgroup but is not active.
$ sudo proxysql-admin --is-enabled --writer-hg=10
The current configuration has been enabled and is active
$ sudo proxysql-admin --is-enabled --writer-hg=20
ERROR (line:2925) : The current configuration has not been enabled
10) --status
If used with the --writer-hg option, this will display information about the given Galera cluster which uses that writer hostgroup. Otherwise it will display information about all Galera hostgroups (and their servers) being supported by this ProxySQL instance.
$ sudo proxysql-admin --status --writer-hg=10
mysql_galera_hostgroups row for writer-hostgroup: 10
| writer | reader | backup-writer | offline | active | max_writers | writer_is_also_reader | max_trans_behind |
| 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 100 |
mysql_servers rows for this configuration
| hostgroup | hg_id | hostname | port | status | weight | max_conn | use_ssl | gtid_port |
| writer | 10 | | 25000 | ONLINE | 1000000 | 1000 | 0 | 0 |
| reader | 11 | | 25100 | ONLINE | 1000 | 1000 | 0 | 0 |
| reader | 11 | | 25200 | ONLINE | 1000 | 1000 | 0 | 0 |
| backup-writer | 12 | | 25100 | ONLINE | 1000 | 1000 | 0 | 0 |
| backup-writer | 12 | | 25200 | ONLINE | 1000 | 1000 | 0 | 0 |
11) --update-mysql-version
This option will updates mysql server version (specified by the writer hostgroup, either from --writer-hg or from the config file) in proxysql db based on online writer node.
$ sudo proxysql-admin --update-mysql-version --writer-hg=10
ProxySQL MySQL version changed to 5.7.26
i) --mode
This option allows you to setup the read/write mode for PXC cluster nodes in the ProxySQL database based on the hostgroup. For now, the only supported modes are loadbal and singlewrite. singlewrite is the default mode, and it will configure Percona XtraDB Cluster to only accept writes on a single node only. Depending on the value of --writers-are-readers, the write node may accept read requests also. All other remaining nodes will be read-only and will only receive read statements.
With the --write-node option we can control which node ProxySQL will use as the writer node. The writer node is specified as an address:port - If --write-node is used, the writer node is given a weight of 1000000 (the default weight is 1000).
The mode loadbal on the other hand is a load balanced set of evenly weighted read/write nodes.
singlewrite mode setup:
$ sudo grep "MODE" /etc/proxysql-admin.cnf
export MODE="singlewrite"
$ sudo proxysql-admin --config-file=/etc/proxysql-admin.cnf --write-node= --enable
ProxySQL read/write configuration mode is singlewrite
ProxySQL configuration completed!
mysql> select hostgroup_id,hostname,port,status from runtime_mysql_servers;
| hostgroup_id | hostname | port | status |
| 10 | | 25000 | ONLINE |
| 11 | | 25100 | ONLINE |
| 11 | | 25200 | ONLINE |
| 12 | | 25100 | ONLINE |
| 12 | | 25200 | ONLINE |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)
loadbal mode setup:
$ sudo proxysql-admin --config-file=/etc/proxysql-admin.cnf --mode=loadbal --enable
This script will assist with configuring ProxySQL (currently only Percona XtraDB cluster in combination with ProxySQL is supported)
ProxySQL read/write configuration mode is loadbal
ProxySQL has been successfully configured to use with Percona XtraDB Cluster
You can use the following login credentials to connect your application through ProxySQL
mysql --user=proxysql_user --password=***** --host= --port=6033 --protocol=tcp
mysql> select hostgroup_id,hostname,port,status from runtime_mysql_servers;
| hostgroup_id | hostname | port | status |
| 10 | | 25000 | ONLINE |
| 10 | | 25100 | ONLINE |
| 10 | | 25200 | ONLINE |
3 rows in set (0.01 sec)
ii) --node-check-interval
This option configures the interval for the cluster node health monitoring by ProxySQL (in milliseconds). This is a global variable and will be used by all clusters that are being serverd by this ProxySQL instance. This can only be used with --enable.
$ proxysql-admin --config-file=/etc/proxysql-admin.cnf --node-check-interval=5000 --enable
iii) --write-node
This option is used to choose which node will be the writer node when the mode is singlewrite. This option can be used with --enable and --update-cluster.
A single IP address and port combination is expected. For instance, "--write-node="
iv) --force
This will skip existing configuration checks with --enable option in mysql_servers, mysql_users and mysql_galera_hostgroups tables This will also cause certain checks to issue warnings instead of an error, allowing the operation to proceed.
v) --disable_updates
This option (when used with any command), will disable updating of the ProxySQL admin checksums (for the mysql query rules, mysql servers, and mysql users tables). The default is to not to change the admin checksum variable settings. If this option is specified, then the values of the admin-checksum_mysql_query_rules, admin-checksum_mysql_servers, and admin-checksum_mysql_users will be set to 'false'.
vi) --server
This option is used with --syncusers or --sync-multi-cluster-users to specify a single server to sync, rather than a PXC cluster. This server does not have to belong to a PXC cluster and can be a standalone MySQL node.
Simple script to dump ProxySQL config and stats
Usage example:
$ proxysql-status [options] [<USER> <PASSWORD> <HOST> <PORT>]
--files : display contents of proxysql-admin related files
--main : display main tables (both on-disk and runtime)
--monitor : display monitor tables
--runtime : display runtime-related data
(implies --main)
--stats : display stats tables
--table=<table_name> : display only tables that contain the table name
(note: this is a case-sensitive match)
--with-stats-reset : display _reset tables, by default _reset tables
will not be queried.
: Read login credentials from an encrypted file.
If the --login-password or --login-password-file
options are not specified, then the user
will be prompted for the password.
(command line options override any login file values)
: The key used to decrypt the encrypted login-file.
This cannot be used with --login-password-file.
: Read the key from a file using the <path>.
This cannot be used with --login-password
: If set, then the MySQL client will use stdin to send
credentials to the client (instead of process
(default: process substitution is used)
The default is to display all tables and files.
If no credentials are specified (on the command line or via a login-file) then:
1. The default MySQL client credentials are used (usually found
in ~/.my.cnf), if they connect to a ProxySQL instance).
2. If the default MySQL client credentials do not exist, or do not connect
to a ProxySQL instance, then the credentials in /etc/proxysql-admin.cnf
are used.
Example: proxysql-status admin admin 6032
The Percona Scheduler Admin (percona-scheduler-admin) solution configures Percona XtraDB cluster nodes into ProxySQL and can be used to automatically perform failover due to node failures, service degradation and maintenence.
Please log ProxySQL Admin bug reports here:
percona-scheduler-admin usage info
Usage: percona-scheduler-admin [ options ]
You must include at least one option. Independent options do not require another
option to run successfully. Dependent options require another option to run
successfully. If you run a dependent option without the required option you see
an error message and the option does not run.
These options can be run without another option:
--adduser Adds the Percona XtraDB Cluster application user to the ProxySQL database
--config-file=<config-file> Read login credentials from a configuration file
(command line options override any configuration file values)
--debug Enables additional debug logging.
--disable, -d Removes any Percona XtraDB Cluster configurations from ProxySQL
--disable-updates Disable admin updates for ProxySQL cluster for the
current operation. The default is to not change the
admin variable settings. If this option is specifed,
these options will be set to false.
(default: updates are not disabled)
--enable, -e Auto-configure Percona XtraDB Cluster nodes into ProxySQL
--help Displays this help text.
--is-enabled Checks if the current configuration is enabled in ProxySQL.
--status Returns a status report on the current configuration.
--trace Enables shell-level tracing for this shell script
--update-cluster Updates the cluster membership, adds new cluster nodes
to the configuration.
--update-mysql-version Updates the mysql-server_version variable in ProxySQL with the version
from a node in the cluster.
--use-stdin-for-credentials If set, then the MySQL client uses stdin to send credentials
to the client (instead of process substition).
(default: process subsitution is used)
--version, -v Prints the version info
The following options require another option or a specific mode. Running these
options by themselves or with an incorrect option causes an error.
--add-query-rule Creates query rules for synced mysql user. This is applicable only
for singlewrite mode and works only with '--syncusers'
and '--sync-multi-cluster-users' options.
--auto-assign-weights When used with '--update-cluster', this option will auto assign
the weights if in 'singlewrite' mode.
--force Skips existing configuration checks in mysql_servers,
mysql_users and mysql_galera_hostgroups tables. This option will
work with '--enable' and '--update-cluster'.
This will also cause certain checks to issue warnings instead
of an error.
--remove-all-servers When used with '--update-cluster', this will remove all
servers belonging to the current cluster before
updating the list.
--server=<IPADDRESS>:<PORT> This option can be used with --syncusers or
--sync-multi-cluster-users to sync a single non-cluster server
--syncusers Sync user accounts currently configured in MySQL to ProxySQL
May be used with '--enable'. '--server' may be used with this
to specify a single server to sync.
NOTE: This option deletes the ProxySQL users not present in MySQL.
--sync-multi-cluster-users Sync user accounts currently configured in MySQL to ProxySQL
May be used with '--enable'. '--server' may be used with this
to specify a single server to sync.
NOTE: This option works in the same way as --syncusers but does not
delete ProxySQL users not present in MySQL. It's indicated to be
used when syncing proxysql instances that manage multiple clusters.
--update-read-weight=<IP:PORT,WT> When used with '--update-cluster', this option will assign the
specified read weight to the given node.
--update-write-weight=<IP:PORT,WT> When used with '--update-cluster', this option will assign the
specified write weight to the given node.
--write-node=<IPADDRESS>:<PORT> Specifies the node that is to be used for writes for singlewrite mode.
If left unspecified, the cluster node is then used as the write node.
This only applies when 'mode=singlewrite' is used.
- mysql client and my_print_defaults utility must be installed on the system.
- ProxySQL and Percona XtraDB Cluster should be up and running.
- For security purposes, please change the default user settings in the ProxySQL configuration file.
- Percona scheduler toml for its configuration file.
# For the detailed manual, see
activeFailover = 1
failBack = false
checkTimeOut = 2000
mainSegment = 0
sslClient = "client-cert.pem"
sslKey = "client-key.pem"
sslCa = "ca.pem"
sslCertificatePath = "/path/to/ssl_cert"
hgW = 100
hgR = 101
configHgRange =8000
maintenanceHgRange =9000
# --------------------------------
# Set to true if there is a single writer node. If this is set,
# then maxNumWriters is assumed to be 1.
# Allowable values: true,false
# Default: false
singlePrimary = true
# --------------------------------
# Set to the number of writer nodes desired.
# The value of this is assumed to be 1 if singlePrimary is true.
# If this is set to a value from 1 to 100, then the query rules
# are setup for a distinct writer hostgroup (writes are sent to the
# writer hostgroup and read are sent to the reader hostgroup).
# If this is set to a value > 100, then all queries (writes and reads)
# are sent to the writer hostgroup. This is assumed to be a
# load-balancing scenario, where all nodes are equivalent and accept
# both reads and writes.
# Default: (none)
maxNumWriters = 1
writerIsAlsoReader = 1
retryUp = 0
retryDown = 2
clusterId = 10
# Controls the primary settings during failover.
# More details at
# Allowed values:
# 0 Disable
# 1 Persist only write settings
# 2 Persist both read and write settings
# == proxysql ===================================================
# The proxysql section is for ProxySQL-specific information.
# These settings will be read and used whenever the scheduler is run.
port = 6032
host = ""
user = "<valid user to connect from real ip as for proxysql_server table>"
password = "<password>"
clustered = false
lockfilepath ="/var/run/pxc_scheduler_handler"
#== global ======================================================
# The global section are for variables that are not ProxySQL or
# cluster specific.
# These settings will be read and used whenever the scheduler is run.
debug = true
# stdout: output is redirected to proxysql logs
# file: output is written to the file pointed by logFile
logTarget = "stdout" #stdout | file
# Defines the log level to be used.
# Allowed options are [error,warning,info,debug]
logLevel = "info"
logFile = "/var/log/pxc_scheduler_handler/pscheduler.log"
# Should be set to false if we are pxc_scheduler_handler through percona-scheduler-admin.
daemonize = false
daemonInterval = 2000
# boolean variable which enables reporting of statistics.
performance = true
# Not used currently
OS = "na"
# Time in seconds after which the file lock is considered expired [local instance lock]
lockFileTimeout = 60 #seconds
# Time in seconds after which the cluster lock is considered expired
lockClusterTimeout = 600 #seconds
#== setup =======================================================
# These variables are used only upon Setup
# Changing these variables after setup will not affect operation
# --------------------------------
# The clusterAppUser is the ProxySQL user account that should be
# used by clients to access the cluster.
# Uncomment the following options (clusterAppUser and clusterAppUserPassword)
# to enable the setting of the clusterAppUser for this cluster.
# --------------------------------
# The monitorUser is used by ProxySQL to access the servers and
# check the connections.
# --------------------------------
# The clusterXXX information is used to setup the cluster for
# use by ProxySQL.
# --------------------------------
# ProxySQL will use SSL to connect to the backend servers
# --------------------------------
# Max number of connections from ProxySQL to the backend servers.
# --------------------------------
# Defines how frequently (in milliseconds) the scheduler must be run
It is recommended that you use --config-file to run the percona-scheduler-admin script.
Update the git submodules by executing
git submodule update --init
Build the scheduler submodule by running the
. After that we should be able to see thepxc_scheduler_handler
binary in the base directory. -
Create admin for communication through proxysql and pxc_scheduler_handler.
CREATE USER 'admin'@'192.%' IDENTIFIED WITH 'mysql_native_password' BY 'admin';
This script can perform the following functions
1) --enable / -e
This option will create the entries for Galera hostgroups and add the Percona XtraDB Cluster nodes into ProxySQL's 'mysql_servers' table.
It will also add two new users into the Percona XtraDB Cluster with the USAGE privilege; one is for monitoring the cluster nodes through ProxySQL, and another is for connecting to the PXC Cluster node via the ProxySQL console.
Note: Please make sure to use super user credentials from Percona XtraDB Cluster to setup the default users.
$ percona-scheduler-admin --config-file=config.toml --enable
Configuring using mode: singlewrite
The ClusterApp User or Password was unspecified and will not be configured.
This script will assist with configuring ProxySQL for use with
Percona XtraDB Cluster (currently only PXC in combination
with ProxySQL is supported)
ProxySQL read/write configuration mode is singlewrite
Configuring the ProxySQL monitoring user.
ProxySQL monitor user name as per command line/config-file is monitor
Monitoring user 'monitor'@'192.%' has been setup in the ProxySQL database.
Adding the Percona XtraDB Cluster nodes to ProxySQL
Using the scheduler binary located at /home/vagrant/proxysql-admin-tool/pxc_scheduler_handler
Waiting for scheduler script to process new nodes...
Proxysql status (mysql_servers rows) for this configuration
| hostgroup | hg_id | hostname | port | status | weight | max_conn | use_ssl | gtid_port |
| writer | 100 | | 3306 | ONLINE | 1000 | 1000 | 0 | 0 |
| reader | 101 | | 3306 | ONLINE | 1000 | 1000 | 0 | 0 |
| reader | 101 | | 3306 | ONLINE | 1000 | 1000 | 0 | 0 |
| reader | 101 | | 3306 | ONLINE | 1000 | 1000 | 0 | 0 |
| writer-config | 8100 | | 3306 | ONLINE | 1000 | 1000 | 0 | 0 |
| writer-config | 8100 | | 3306 | ONLINE | 1000 | 1000 | 0 | 0 |
| writer-config | 8100 | | 3306 | ONLINE | 1000 | 1000 | 0 | 0 |
| reader-config | 8101 | | 3306 | ONLINE | 1000 | 1000 | 0 | 0 |
| reader-config | 8101 | | 3306 | ONLINE | 1000 | 1000 | 0 | 0 |
| reader-config | 8101 | | 3306 | ONLINE | 1000 | 1000 | 0 | 0 |
ProxySQL configuration completed!
ProxySQL has been successfully configured to use with Percona XtraDB Cluster
Observe below that
select * from runtime_mysql_servers;
| hostgroup_id | hostname | port | gtid_port | status | weight | compression | max_connections | max_replication_lag | use_ssl | max_latency_ms | comment |
| 100 | | 3306 | 0 | ONLINE | 1000 | 0 | 1000 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
| 8101 | | 3306 | 0 | ONLINE | 1000 | 0 | 1000 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
| 8101 | | 3306 | 0 | ONLINE | 1000 | 0 | 1000 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
| 8101 | | 3306 | 0 | ONLINE | 1000 | 0 | 1000 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
| 8100 | | 3306 | 0 | ONLINE | 1000 | 0 | 1000 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
| 8100 | | 3306 | 0 | ONLINE | 1000 | 0 | 1000 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
| 8100 | | 3306 | 0 | ONLINE | 1000 | 0 | 1000 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
| 101 | | 3306 | 0 | ONLINE | 1000 | 0 | 1000 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
| 101 | | 3306 | 0 | ONLINE | 1000 | 0 | 1000 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
| 101 | | 3306 | 0 | ONLINE | 1000 | 0 | 1000 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
10 rows in set (0.01 sec)
mysql> select * from scheduler\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
id: 6
active: 1
interval_ms: 5000
filename: <path/to/pxc_scheduler>/pxc_scheduler_handler
arg1: --configfile=config.toml
arg2: --configpath=<path/to/config/dir>
arg3: NULL
arg4: NULL
arg5: NULL
comment: { hgW:100, hgR:101 }
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
2) --disable / -d
This option will remove Percona XtraDB Cluster nodes from ProxySQL and stop the ProxySQL monitoring daemon.
$ percona-scheduler-admin --config-file=config.toml --disable
Removing cluster application users from the ProxySQL database.
Removing cluster nodes from the ProxySQL database.
Removing query rules from the ProxySQL database if any.
3) --adduser
This option will aid with adding the Cluster application user to the ProxySQL database for you
$ percona-scheduler-admin --config-file=config.toml --adduser
Adding PXC application user to the ProxySQL database
Enter the PXC application user name: cluster_one
Enter the PXC application user password:
The application user 'cluster_one' does not exist in PXC. Would you like to proceed [y/n] ? y
Please create the user cluster_one in PXC to access the application through ProxySQL
Added PXC application user to the ProxySQL database!
4) --syncusers
This option will sync user accounts currently configured in Percona XtraDB Cluster with the ProxySQL database except password-less users and admin users. It also deletes ProxySQL users not in Percona XtraDB Cluster from the ProxySQL database.
The --server option can be used with --syncusers to specify a specific server that will be synced (rather than a PXC cluster).
# From ProxySQL DB
proxysql admin> SELECT DISTINCT username FROM mysql_users;
| username |
| monitor |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
# Add a new user on a PXC node
PXC node> mysql> SELECT user FROM mysql.user WHERE user LIKE 'test%';
Empty set (0.00 sec)
mysql> CREATE USER 'test_user'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH 'mysql_native_password' by 'passw0Rd';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.04 sec)
# Run percona-scheduler-admin with --syncusers
$ percona-scheduler-admin --config-file=config.toml --syncusers
Syncing user accounts from PXC( to ProxySQL
Adding user to ProxySQL: test_user
Synced PXC users to the ProxySQL database!
# Users will be synced in the proxysql
proxysql admin> SELECT DISTINCT username FROM mysql_users;
| username |
| monitor |
| test_user |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
5) --sync-multi-cluster-users
This option works in the same way as --syncusers but it does not delete ProxySQL users that are not present in the Percona XtraDB Cluster. It is to be used when syncing proxysql instances that manage multiple clusters.
The --server option can be used with --sync-multi-cluster-users to specify a specific server that will be synced (rather than a PXC cluster).
6) --add-query-rule
Create query rules for synced mysql user. This is applicable only for singlewrite mode and works only with --syncusers and --sync-multi-cluster-users options.
$ percona-scheduler-admin --config-file=config.toml --syncusers --add-query-rule
Syncing user accounts from PXC to ProxySQL
Note : 'admin' is in proxysql admin user list, this user cannot be addded to ProxySQL
-- (For more info, see
Adding user to ProxySQL: test_query_rule
Added query rule for user: test_query_rule
Synced PXC users to the ProxySQL database!
7) --update-cluster
This option will check the Percona XtraDB Cluster to see if any new nodes have joined the cluster. If so, the new nodes are added to ProxySQL. Any offline nodes are not removed from the cluster by default.
If used with --remove-all-servers, then the server list for this configuration will be removed before running the update cluster function.
If --write-node is used with --update-cluster, then that node will be made the writer node (by giving it a larger weight), if the node is in the server list and is ONLINE. This should only be used if the mode is singlewrite.
$ percona-scheduler-admin --config-file=config.toml --write-node= --update-cluster
No new nodes detected.
Waiting for scheduler script to process the nodes...
Cluster node info
| hostgroup | hg_id | hostname | port | status | weight |
| writer | 100 | | 3306 | ONLINE | 1000000 |
| reader | 101 | | 3306 | ONLINE | 1000 |
| reader | 101 | | 3306 | ONLINE | 1000 |
| reader | 101 | | 3306 | ONLINE | 1000 |
| writer-config | 8100 | | 3306 | ONLINE | 1000 |
| writer-config | 8100 | | 3306 | ONLINE | 1000 |
| writer-config | 8100 | | 3306 | ONLINE | 1000000 |
| reader-config | 8101 | | 3306 | ONLINE | 1000 |
| reader-config | 8101 | | 3306 | ONLINE | 1000 |
| reader-config | 8101 | | 3306 | ONLINE | 1000 |
Cluster membership updated in the ProxySQL database!
9) --is-enabled
This option will check if the hostgroups in ProxySQL have been configured by the percona-scheduler-admin.
0 is returned if there is an entry corresponding to the writer hostgroup and is set to active in ProxySQL. 1 is returned if there is no entry corresponding to the writer hostgroup.
$ percona-scheduler-admin --config-file=config.toml --is-enabled
The current configuration has been enabled and is active
$ echo $?
# When the cluster config is disabled, then -- is-enabled option shall throw an error
$ percona-scheduler-admin --config-file=config.toml --disable
Removing cluster application users from the ProxySQL database.
Removing cluster nodes from the ProxySQL database.
Removing query rules from the ProxySQL database if any.
ProxySQL configuration removed!
$ percona-scheduler-admin --config-file=config.toml --is-enabled
ERROR (line:2450) : The current configuration has not been enabled
10) --status
This option shall display information about all Galera hostgroups (and their servers) being supported by this ProxySQL instance.
$ percona-scheduler-admin --config-file=config.toml --status
Proxysql status (mysql_servers rows) for this configuration
| hostgroup | hg_id | hostname | port | status | weight | max_conn | use_ssl | gtid_port |
| writer | 100 | | 3306 | ONLINE | 1000 | 1000 | 0 | 0 |
| reader | 101 | | 3306 | ONLINE | 1000 | 1000 | 0 | 0 |
| reader | 101 | | 3306 | ONLINE | 1000 | 1000 | 0 | 0 |
| reader | 101 | | 3306 | ONLINE | 1000 | 1000 | 0 | 0 |
| writer-config | 8100 | | 3306 | ONLINE | 1000 | 1000 | 0 | 0 |
| writer-config | 8100 | | 3306 | ONLINE | 1000 | 1000 | 0 | 0 |
| writer-config | 8100 | | 3306 | ONLINE | 1000 | 1000 | 0 | 0 |
| reader-config | 8101 | | 3306 | ONLINE | 1000 | 1000 | 0 | 0 |
| reader-config | 8101 | | 3306 | ONLINE | 1000 | 1000 | 0 | 0 |
| reader-config | 8101 | | 3306 | ONLINE | 1000 | 1000 | 0 | 0 |
11) --update-mysql-version
This option shall update mysql server version in proxysql db based on online writer node.
$ percona-scheduler-admin --config-file=config.toml --update-mysql-version
ProxySQL MySQL version changed to 8.0.27
12) --auto-assign-weights
Enabling this option along with the --update-cluster
operation shall make the script to automatically assign weights of the PXC nodes when the whole cluster is in a singlewrite configuration.
As a best practice, we should always ensure that election of a primary node is always deterministic. In other words we must always set a clear priority for the writers like: 1000, 999, 998.. so that there will be a deterministic method of failover. In addition to that, we should also reduce the load of reads on the primary, which means that we should have something like: 900 for the writer while 1000,1000 for the other readers, so that the writer node is less loaded with reads while the reads are equally split across all the other readers.
This option shall do job for acheiving the above behavior automatically without any manual intervention.
This shall be the default configuration when the percona-scheduler-admin sets up the proxysql.
Cluster node info
| hostgroup | hg_id | hostname | port | status | weight |
| writer | 100 | | 3306 | ONLINE | 1000 |
| reader | 101 | | 3306 | ONLINE | 1000 |
| reader | 101 | | 3306 | ONLINE | 1000 |
| reader | 101 | | 3306 | ONLINE | 1000 |
| writer-config | 8100 | | 3306 | ONLINE | 1000 |
| writer-config | 8100 | | 3306 | ONLINE | 1000 |
| writer-config | 8100 | | 3306 | ONLINE | 1000 |
| reader-config | 8101 | | 3306 | ONLINE | 1000 |
| reader-config | 8101 | | 3306 | ONLINE | 1000 |
| reader-config | 8101 | | 3306 | ONLINE | 1000 |
$ percona-scheduler-admin --config-file=config.toml --update-cluster --auto-assign-weights
No new nodes detected.
Cluster node info
| hostgroup | hg_id | hostname | port | status | weight |
| writer | 100 | | 3306 | ONLINE | 1000 |
| reader | 101 | | 3306 | ONLINE | 900 |
| reader | 101 | | 3306 | ONLINE | 1000 |
| reader | 101 | | 3306 | ONLINE | 1000 |
| writer-config | 8100 | | 3306 | ONLINE | 998 |
| writer-config | 8100 | | 3306 | ONLINE | 999 |
| writer-config | 8100 | | 3306 | ONLINE | 1000 |
| reader-config | 8101 | | 3306 | ONLINE | 900 |
| reader-config | 8101 | | 3306 | ONLINE | 1000 |
| reader-config | 8101 | | 3306 | ONLINE | 1000 |
Cluster membership updated in the ProxySQL database!
As explained above, this suffices the two basic requirements that
Writer node should receive less reads i.e, the value 900 is assigned to writer node while it is 1000 for other readers, ensures writer node receives less writes.
All writer nodes should have unique weights like 999,998.
13) --update-read-weight
When used along with --update-cluster
, this option shall assign the specified read weight to the given node.
$ percona-scheduler-admin --config-file=config.toml --update-cluster --update-read-weight="<IP_ADDRESS:PORT>, <New Weight>"
The arguments to --update-read-weight
options follow the syntax <IP_ADDRESS:PORT>, <New Weight>
can be both in IPV4 and IPV6.
This shall be the default configuration when the percona-scheduler-admin sets up the proxysql.
Cluster node info
| hostgroup | hg_id | hostname | port | status | weight |
| writer | 100 | | 3306 | ONLINE | 1000 |
| reader | 101 | | 3306 | ONLINE | 1000 |
| reader | 101 | | 3306 | ONLINE | 1000 |
| reader | 101 | | 3306 | ONLINE | 1000 |
| writer-config | 8100 | | 3306 | ONLINE | 1000 |
| writer-config | 8100 | | 3306 | ONLINE | 1000 |
| writer-config | 8100 | | 3306 | ONLINE | 1000 |
| reader-config | 8101 | | 3306 | ONLINE | 1000 |
| reader-config | 8101 | | 3306 | ONLINE | 1000 |
| reader-config | 8101 | | 3306 | ONLINE | 1000 |
$ percona-scheduler-admin --config-file=config.toml --update-cluster --update-read-weight=",1111"
No new nodes detected.
Waiting for scheduler script to process the nodes...
Cluster node info
| hostgroup | hg_id | hostname | port | status | weight |
| writer | 100 | | 3306 | ONLINE | 1000 |
| reader | 101 | | 3306 | ONLINE | 1000 |
| reader | 101 | | 3306 | ONLINE | 1000 |
| reader | 101 | | 3306 | ONLINE | 1111 |
| writer-config | 8100 | | 3306 | ONLINE | 1000 |
| writer-config | 8100 | | 3306 | ONLINE | 1000 |
| writer-config | 8100 | | 3306 | ONLINE | 1000 |
| reader-config | 8101 | | 3306 | ONLINE | 1000 |
| reader-config | 8101 | | 3306 | ONLINE | 1000 |
| reader-config | 8101 | | 3306 | ONLINE | 1111 |
Cluster membership updated in the ProxySQL database!
The weights corresponding to the node
in the reader and reader-config hostgroups has been updated to the new value 1111
14) --update-write-weight
When used along with --update-cluster
, this option shall assign the specified write weight to the given node.
$ percona-scheduler-admin --config-file=config.toml --update-cluster --update-write-weight="<IP_ADDRESS:PORT>, <New Weight>"
The arguments to --update-write-weight
options follow the syntax <IP_ADDRESS:PORT>, <New Weight>
can be both in IPV4 and IPV6.
This shall be the default configuration when the percona-scheduler-admin sets up the proxysql.
Cluster node info
| hostgroup | hg_id | hostname | port | status | weight |
| writer | 100 | | 3306 | ONLINE | 1000 |
| reader | 101 | | 3306 | ONLINE | 1000 |
| reader | 101 | | 3306 | ONLINE | 1000 |
| reader | 101 | | 3306 | ONLINE | 1000 |
| writer-config | 8100 | | 3306 | ONLINE | 1000 |
| writer-config | 8100 | | 3306 | ONLINE | 1000 |
| writer-config | 8100 | | 3306 | ONLINE | 1000 |
| reader-config | 8101 | | 3306 | ONLINE | 1000 |
| reader-config | 8101 | | 3306 | ONLINE | 1000 |
| reader-config | 8101 | | 3306 | ONLINE | 1000 |
$ percona-scheduler-admin --config-file=config.toml --update-cluster --update-write-weight=",1111"
No new nodes detected.
Waiting for scheduler script to process the nodes...
Cluster node info
| hostgroup | hg_id | hostname | port | status | weight |
| writer | 100 | | 3306 | ONLINE | 1000 |
| reader | 101 | | 3306 | ONLINE | 1000 |
| reader | 101 | | 3306 | ONLINE | 1000 |
| reader | 101 | | 3306 | ONLINE | 1000 |
| writer-config | 8100 | | 3306 | ONLINE | 1000 |
| writer-config | 8100 | | 3306 | ONLINE | 1000 |
| writer-config | 8100 | | 3306 | ONLINE | 1111 |
| reader-config | 8101 | | 3306 | ONLINE | 1000 |
| reader-config | 8101 | | 3306 | ONLINE | 1000 |
| reader-config | 8101 | | 3306 | ONLINE | 1000 |
Cluster membership updated in the ProxySQL database!
The weights corresponding to the node
in the writer-config hostgroups has been updated to the new value 1111
. Note that only writer-config hostgroup has been updated since the node doesn't have a corresponding entry in the writer hostgroup.
i) -- write-node This option is used to choose which node will be the writer node when the mode is singlewrite. This option can be used with --enable and --update-cluster.
A single IP address and port combination is expected.
If --write-node is used, the writer node is given a weight of 1000000 (the default weight is 1000).
ii) --force
This will skip existing configuration checks with --enable option in mysql_servers, mysql_users and mysql_galera_hostgroups tables. This will also cause certain checks to issue warnings instead of an error, allowing the operation to proceed.
iii) --disable_updates
This option (when used with any command), will disable updating of the Percona Scheduler admin checksums (for the mysql query rules, mysql servers, and mysql users tables). The default is to not to change the admin checksum variable settings. If this option is specified, then the values of the admin-checksum_mysql_query_rules, admin-checksum_mysql_servers, and admin-checksum_mysql_users will be set to 'false'.
iv) --server
This option is used with --syncusers or --sync-multi-cluster-users to specify a single server to sync, rather than a PXC cluster. This server does not have to belong to a PXC cluster and can be a standalone MySQL node.
The below options are mutually exclusive. Any attempt to run them shall result in error.
It is recommended to not place the log file and the lock file (values pointed by
respectively in thetoml
file) in the Home Direcotry. This is because the scheduler script is run under the context of userproxysql:proxysql
, and there shall be be errors as proxysql service will not be able to write into the home directory.In order to override this, one could set