- Kai Hu: [email protected]
- Jianhong Ou: [email protected]
- Rui Li: [email protected]
- Haibo Liu: [email protected]
- Lihua Julie Zhu: [email protected]
ChIP-seq combines chromatin immuno-precipitation (ChIP) with next-generation sequencing technology to analyze protein interactions with DNA. It has been widely adopted by biologists to identify transcription factor binding location and to map specific histone modification or nucleosome position on the genome. A typical workflow of ChIP-seq includes experimental design, sequencing, and downstream bioinformatics analysis. This workshop focuses on the bioinformatics part by comparing popularly practiced tools, their advantages and limitations. Specifically, we will demonstrate how to perform downstream analysis (after peak calling) with package ChIPpeakAnno and trackViewer.
- General understanding of ChIP-seq analysis or have strong interests
- Basic knowledge of R or Python
- Familiar or have interests in the following concepts:
- Short read mapping
- Peak calling/annotation
- Motif analysis
- A computer that runs on Unix-like system
A mini-lecture will be given at the beginning that will cover basic ideas behind ChIP-seq, comparision of commonly used tools for ChIP-seq data analysis. Then, a hands-on demo will be performed to demonstrate the downstream analysis with ChIPpeakAnno and trackViewer packages. Last will be a Q/A section.
- Install Docker (https://www.docker.com/)
- Pull the Docker image from Docker hub:
docker pull hukai916/integratedchipseqanalysis_workshop
- Run the image:
docker run -e PASSWORD=yourpassword -p 8787:8787 hukai916/integratedchipseqanalysis_workshop
- Log in to RStudio at http://localhost:8787 using username
and passwordyourpassword
. For Windows users, you also need to provide your IP address, you can find it usingdocker-machine ip default
. - Inside the RStudio, run:
browseVignettes(package = "hukai916/integratedchipseqanalysis_workshop")
- You can click one of the links: "HTML", "source", "R code"
- In case of
The requested page was not found
error, try add 'help/' in front of the hostname in the URL (this is a known bug): http://localhost:8787/help/library/integratedchipseqanalysisworkshop/doc/IntegratedChIPseqAnalysisWorkshop.html
- ChIPpeakAnno [1]
- ATACseqQC [2]
- trackViewer [3]
- MotifDb [4]
- ChIPQC [5]
- diffbind [6]
- csaw [7]
- rGADEM [8]
- motifStack [9]
- GeneNetworkBulider [10]
Activity | Time |
Overview of ChIP-seq | 3m |
Pipeline for ChIP-seq analysis | 2m |
Comparison of popular tools | 5m |
* short read aligner | |
* peak caller | |
Downstream analysis | 10m |
* peak annotation | |
* motif analysis | |
* metagene visualization | |
* etc. | |
Hands-on demonstration | 25m |
Q/A section | 5m |
- Describe the basic idea behind ChIP-seq
- Identify the commonly practiced tools used in ChIP-seq analysis
- Undertand the main challenges regarding ChIP-seq analysis
- Get familiar with the package ChIPpeakAnno and trackViewer
- Explore peak annotation
- Perform GO enrichment analysis
- Perform metagene visualization
- Identify binding motif
- pkgdown website that contains all workshop materials: https://hukai916.github.io/IntegratedChIPseqWorkshop
- docker image that contains all dependencies required for the workshop: https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/hukai916/integratedchipseqanalysis_workshop
- GitHub Action build status badge:
[1] https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/ChIPpeakAnno.html
[2] https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/ATACseqQC.html
[3] https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/trackViewer.html
[4] http://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/MotifDb.html
[5] https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/ChIPQC.html
[6] https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/DiffBind.html
[7] https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/csaw.html
[8] https://www.bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/rGADEM.html
[9] https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/motifStack.html