- databases: /research/groups/cab/projects/automapper/common/tchang1/Softwares/sRNAtools/db/ (defined by DBCONFIG.txt)
- bowtie-1.2.2 index: /research/groups/cab/projects/automapper/common/hjin/bin/bowtie-1.2.2/indexes
- modules: nextflow/21.10.5, R/4.3.2,perl/5.20.1, samtools/1.9 , bedtools/2.25.0, bowtie/1.2.2, trimgalore/0.6.6,fastqc/0.11.8, python37
# export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/hpcf/authorized_apps/rhel8_apps/gcc/13.1.0/install/lib64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"
module nextflow/21.10.5
nextflow run --help
Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -XX:ParallelGCThreads=1 -XX:ConcGCThreads=1
N E X T F L O W ~ version 22.04.3
Launching `/research/groups/cab/projects/automapper/common/hjin/bin/cab_nextflow/sRNAtools/` [naughty_blackwell] DSL2 - revision: cb50824d71
Welocme to run Nextflow Pipeline [version 1.3.0, 12/15/2024]
A typical command for running the pipeline is as follows:
nextflow run -profile local --fqlist fq1.lst --Trim_Mode 1 --outdir run1 --prefix hendegrpq
nextflow run -profile local --fqlist fq2.lst --Trim_Mode 2 --outdir run2 --prefix sapkogrp
Configurable arguments:
--outdir The directory for the pipeline output
--prefix output prefix for your analysis
--A adapter sequence for read 1 if Trim_Mode is 3
--fqlist Fastq file list that you want to call sRNAtools
format1 (2 columns) for single_end_oneLane:
SampleName L001_R1_001.fastq.gz
format2 (2 columns) for single_end_multiLanes:
SampleName L001_R1_001.fastq.gz,L002_R1_001.fastq.gz
--species hsa or mmu (use hsa for human; mmu for mouse)
--Trim_Mode Select a Small RNA-seq protocol
1 NextFlex Small RNA-Seq Kit v3 (Hartwell Center protocl)
2 NEBNext + sapkogrp/TrueSeq Index 26
3 custom ; need to set adapter sequence by -A
--sRNAtools_path if you use your own sRNAtools installation
--conda_env_path if you create your own sRNAtools conda_env
--help | h Show this usage statement.
All the above arguments can be configured by the command line interface or in the nextflow.config (default)
A tab-delimited sample list text file is needed. There are two acceptable formats as follows.
- Format1 (2 columns) for single_end_oneLane.The first column is the SampleName and the second column is the fastq.gz filename of that sample.
Sample1 | Sample1_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz |
Sample2 | Sample2_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz |
- Format2 (2 columns) for single_end_multiLanes. If there are multiple lanes (fastq.gz files) per sample, concatenate multiple fastq.gz filenames by comma in the second column:
Sample1 | Sample1_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz,Sample1_L002_R1_001.fastq.gz |
Sample2 | Sample2_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz,Sample2_L002_R1_001.fastq.gz,Sample2_L003_R1_001.fastq.gz |
- table.result.txt # raw counts table of all small RNA species (one file for each sample)
- all.count.txt /all.RPM.txt # merged raw counts /RPM table of all small RNA species (including all samples)
- miRNA.count.txt / miRNA.RPM.txt # merged raw counts /RPM table of miRNA (including all samples)
cat fq1.lst
R022_3P /research/groups/sapkogrp/projects/CAB/common/UMD_sRNA_seq/R022_3P_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz
R044_3P /research/groups/sapkogrp/projects/CAB/common/UMD_sRNA_seq/R044_3P_L002_R1_001.fastq.gz
cmd="nextflow run -c nextflow_conda.config -profile cluster --fqlist fq1.lst --Trim_Mode 1 --species hsa --outdir sapkogrp --prefix sapkogrp"
└── sapkogrp
├── clean
│ ├── R022-12P
│ │ └── R022-12P_clean.fa
│ └── R022-3P
│ └── R022-3P_clean.fa
├── results
│ ├── R022-12P_table.result.txt
│ ├── R022-3P_table.result.txt
│ ├── sapkogrp_hsa_all.count.txt
│ ├── sapkogrp_hsa_all.RPM.txt
│ ├── sapkogrp_hsa_miRNA.count.txt
│ └── sapkogrp_hsa_miRNA.RPM.txt
└── Trim_Galore
├── R022-12P
│ ├── R022-12P_R1.fastq.gz_trimming_report.txt
│ ├── R022-12P_trimmed_fastqc.html
│ └── R022-12P_trimmed.fq
└── R022-3P
├── R022-3P_R1.fastq.gz_trimming_report.txt
├── R022-3P_trimmed_fastqc.html
└── R022-3P_trimmed.fq
- 2023-04-18, Version 1.0.0. implement NEXTflex small RNAseq protocol
- 2023-04-20, Version 1.2.0. implement NEBNext small RNAseq protocol
- 2024-11-16, Version 1.3.0. check compatibility with rhel8; minor changes
- 2024-12-15, finished internal test.