- Fix Lyric LCC thermostats auto mode (@apt-itude - #104853) (lyric docs)
- Bump zeroconf to 0.128.0 (@bdraco - #104936) (zeroconf docs) (dependency)
- Fix CI test_invalid_rrule_fix test by freezing the time (@jbouwh - #105294) (google docs)
- Add missing configuration for services.yaml in blink (@mkmer - #105310) (blink docs)
- Bump pyschlage to 2023.12.0 (@dknowles2 - #105349) (schlage docs) (dependency)
- Fix preset modes error in Smartthings (@gjohansson-ST - #105375) (smartthings docs)
- Fix service missing key in Blink (@mkmer - #105387) (blink docs)
- Fix adding/updating todo items with due date in CalDAV integration (@DerFlob - #105435) (caldav docs)
- Check if heat area exists when setting up valve opening and battery sensors in moehlenhoff alpha2 (@j-a-n - #105437) (moehlenhoff_alpha2 docs)
- Bump hatasmota to 0.8.0 (@emontnemery - #105440) (tasmota docs)
- Bump plugwise to v0.35.3 (@bouwew - #105442) (plugwise docs) (dependency)
- Fix alexa calling not featured cover services (@jbouwh - #105444) (alexa docs)
- Fix fitbit oauth reauth debug logging (@allenporter - #105450) (fitbit docs)
- Write Enphase Envoy data to log when in debug mode (@catsmanac - #105456) (enphase_envoy docs)
- Bump ical to 6.1.1 (@allenporter - #105462) (local_calendar docs) (local_todo docs) (dependency)
- Bump zeroconf to 0.128.4 (@bdraco - #105465) (zeroconf docs) (dependency)
- Remove Aftership import issue when entry already exists (@joostlek - #105476) (aftership docs)
- Disconnect before reconnecting to satellite (@synesthesiam - #105500) (wyoming docs)
- Bump caldav to 1.3.8 (@FrnchFrgg - #105508) (caldav docs)
- Bump pyhiveapi to v0.5.16 (@KJonline - #105513) (hive docs) (dependency)
- Fix setup Fast.com (@gjohansson-ST - #105580) (fastdotcom docs)
- Add name slot to HassClimateGetTemperature intent (@synesthesiam - #105585) (climate docs)
- Skip TTS events entirely with empty text (@synesthesiam - #105617) (assist_pipeline docs)
- Rename "satellite enabled" to "mute" (@synesthesiam - #105619) (wyoming docs)
- Fix timing issue in Withings (@joostlek - #105203) (withings docs)
- Update pylint to 3.0.3 (@cdce8p - #105491) (mqtt docs) (zha docs) (improv_ble docs) (dependency)
- Reload ZHA integration on any error, not just recoverable ones (@puddly - #105659) (zha docs)
- Bump ZHA dependencies (@puddly - #105661) (zha docs) (dependency)