- Fix UniFi block client switches on 2022.11.2 (@Kane610 - #81884) (unifi docs)
- Fix Z-Wave JS cover stop support (@Yukon - #78723) (zwave_js docs)
- Fix instability with HomeKit trigger accessories (@bdraco - #80703) (homekit docs)
- Fix accelerator sensor in fibaro integration (@rappenze - #81237) (fibaro docs)
- Fix Fully Kiosk start application service field (@chpego - #81738) (fully_kiosk docs)
- Fix ibeacon source attribute not being updated (@multigcs - #81740) (ibeacon docs)
- Upgrade huawei-lte-api to 1.6.7, fixes empty username issues (@scop - #81751) (huawei_lte docs) (dependency)
- Change life360 timeouts & retries (@pnbruckner - #81799) (life360 docs)
- Fix switchbot not becoming available again after unavailable (@bdraco - #81822) (switchbot docs)
- Fix statistic_during_period for data with holes (@emontnemery - #81847) (recorder docs)
- Fix rest schema (@epenet - #81857) (rest docs)
- Bump aiohomekit to 2.2.19 (@bdraco - #81867) (homekit_controller docs) (dependency)
- Fix homekit_controller climate entity not becoming active when changing modes (@Jc2k - #81868) (homekit_controller docs)
- Bump oralb-ble to 0.14.1 (@bdraco - #81869) (oralb docs) (dependency)
- Bump gcal_sync to 4.0.1 to fix Google Calendar config flow (@allenporter - #81873) (google docs) (dependency)
- Fix ZHA configuration APIs (@dmulcahey - #81874) (zha docs)
- Revert google calendar back to old API for free/busy readers (@allenporter - #81894) (google docs)
- Fix bluetooth adapters with missing firmware patch files not being discovered (@bdraco - #81926) (bluetooth docs)
- Bump aioridwell to 2022.11.0 (@bachya - #81929) (ridwell docs) (dependency)
- Fix esphome bleak client seeing disconnects too late (@bdraco - #81932) (esphome docs)
- Bump bleak-retry-connector to 2.8.4 (@bdraco - #81937) (bluetooth docs) (dependency)
- Bump PySwitchbot to 0.20.3 (@bdraco - #81938) (switchbot docs) (dependency)
- Fix ONVIF subscription errors (@dgomes - #81965) (onvif docs)
- Bump ZHA quirks lib to 0.0.86 (@dmulcahey - #81966) (zha docs) (dependency)
- Increasing device usage update interval for Flume (@jeeftor - #81968) (flume docs)
- Bump oralb-ble to 0.14.2 (@bdraco - #81969) (oralb docs) (dependency)
- Bump gcal_sync 4.0.2 (@allenporter - #82017) (google docs)
- Bump airthings-ble to 0.5.3 (@vincegio - #82033) (airthings_ble docs) (dependency)
- Make sure the config_flow key is set for brands (@bdraco - #82038)
- Bump pySwitchbot to 0.20.4 (@bdraco - #82055) (switchbot docs) (dependency)
- Restore color_temp handling for lifx.set_state (@Djelibeybi - #82067) (lifx docs)
- Bump growattServer to 1.2.4 (@muppet3000 - #82071) (growatt_server docs)
- Bump PySwitchbot to 0.20.5 (@bdraco - #82099) (switchbot docs) (dependency)
- Update sqlalchemy to 1.4.44 (@frenck - #82129) (recorder docs) (sql docs) (dependency)
- Always update attributes on an update for MQTT update (@jbouwh - #82139) (mqtt docs)
- Add missing strings in Onvif (@tkdrob - #82141) (onvif docs)
- Fix Google Sheets formula input (@tkdrob - #82157) (google_sheets docs)
- Fix Growatt incorrect energy dashboard values for grid import (@muppet3000 - #82163) (growatt_server docs)
- Fix static version in homekit tests (@bdraco - #82201) (homekit docs)
- Fix missing await in nexia emergency heat (@bdraco - #82207) (nexia docs)