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Example Renderings

Hannes Hergeth edited this page Apr 8, 2018 · 23 revisions

Example Renderings

Production Scenes

I would like to thank Benedikt Bitterli and the original artists for all of the above scenes!

The living room scene is a standard Corona scene(courtesy of the original author Ludvik Koutny!) which exhibits friendly lighting conditions. Rendering time on a GTX 680 was one hour. The lighting setup was not completely reconstructed because Corona uses a proprietary sun light.

Standard Global Illumination Scenes

All images below were rendered on a Nvidia GTX 680 in about 3-5 minutes unless otherwise noted.

The Box scene by Toshiya Hachisuka with participating media rendered using PPPM. The sharp volume edges were only visible after about 90 minutes of rendering.

Two examples of subsurface scattering both rendered using PPPM
PPPM on the conference scene Bidirectional Path Tracing and highly glossy transport

In the image of the conference scene, PPPM averages about 3 million photons per second with around 5 million per iteration. Next event estimation and density estimation have to be balanced optimally.

Jarsoz's 1D beam beam radiance estimate Vertex Connection and Merging
A simple scene for the old Path Tracer Jarsoz's beam radiance estimate

The Crytek Sponza Auditorium rendered with Bidirectional Path Tracing in about 8 minutes.


PPPM Volumetric Photon Tracing

All of these scenes used an unrealistic linear model for the relationship between wavelength and index of refraction instead of the Cauchy or Sellmeier equation. The PPPM scene took one and a half hours to converge and the others about 5 minutes.

Pseudo Realtime / Applications

Skeletal animation on an old Doom 3 mesh Bullet physics
Large number of dynamic objects sin(x²y²) wave as deformable object

All of these were rendered in about 15 minutes at a resolution of 2000² pixels.

For the Doom 3 model with about 3000 triangles, the time for rebuilding the BVH is in the order of 3ms. Suprisingly, the "Tiger 2 in the ball pit" scene with about 600 meshes is significantly slower at 10ms.

The stones on the floor are not present in the scene geometry but only created with Parallax Occlusion Mapping.