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Code Examples
The code for this example is also contained in the windows dependencies as a project.
Initializing the library and creating a scene is done like this:
const int width = 1024, height = 1024;
const float fov = 90;
const int NPasses = 10;
SimpleFileManager fManager;
Sensor camera = CreateAggregate<Sensor>(PerspectiveSensor(width, height, fov));
//A SceneInitData object specifies the maximum number of meshes/triangles to allocate sufficient storage on the GPU
DynamicScene scene(&camera, SceneInitData::CreateForScene(10, 10, 1000), &fManager);
Objects can be loaded and positioned like this:
auto ground = scene.CreateNode(data_path + "plane2.obj");
//sets the object to world matrix for this node
scene.SetNodeTransform(float4x4::Scale(Vec3f(10)), ground);
//enables seperate materials for each node of this mesh
auto mat = scene.getMaterials(ground)(0);
auto tex = CreateAggregate<Texture>(ImageTexture(TextureMapping2D(), "cobblestone.jpg", Spectrum(1.0f)));
//set the reflectence distribution ( = material type) and a displacement map
mat->bsdf = CreateAggregate<BSDFALL>(diffuse(tex));
mat->SetHeightMap("cobblestone_disp.jpg"); mat->enableParallaxOcclusion = true; mat->HeightScale = 0.025f;
//invalidating the reference lets the library know to copy the object onto the GPU
auto window = scene.CreateNode(data_path + "plane2.obj");
scene.SetNodeTransform(float4x4::Translate(1, 6, 0) % float4x4::RotateZ(PI / 2), window);
auto mat = scene.getMaterials(window)(0);
auto tex1 = CreateAggregate<Texture>(ConstantTexture(Spectrum(0.0f)));
auto tex2 = CreateAggregate<Texture>(ImageTexture(TextureMapping2D(), "WindowTexture.jpg", Spectrum(1.0f)));
//a dielectric is made up of the index of refrection, the reflection and transmittance, here no light is reflected
mat->bsdf = CreateAggregate<BSDFALL>(dielectric(1.0f, tex1, tex2));
Finishing the scene setup, this adds a light, volume and positions the camera:
auto light = scene.CreateLight(SpotLight(Vec3f(5, 10, 0), Vec3f(0, 5, 0), Spectrum(1000), 10, 10));
camera.SetToWorld(Vec3f(-5.107796f, 5.408825f, -5.528843f), Vec3f(0.3678481f, -0.3674385f, 0.8542113f));
//an isotropic phase function distributes incoming radiance uniformly in the 2 sphere
auto pFunc = CreateAggregate<PhaseFunction>(IsotropicPhaseFunction());
//the volume is in [0, 1]³, using a transformation it can be positioned/scaled
auto volToWorld = float4x4::Translate(-10,0,-10) % float4x4::Scale(11,7,20);
//a homogeneous volume has constant absorption and scattering coefficients and here emits no light
scene.CreateVolume(HomogeneousVolumeDensity(pFunc, volToWorld, 0.005f, 0.05f, 0));
//an enviornement map can be scaled by a constant factor
scene.setEnvironementMap(Spectrum(1), "envmap.exr");
Lastly, a tracer needs to be constructed for rendering images:
//this constructor allocates sufficient storage for pixel values on host and device.
//other constructors can use opengl or D3D textures for real-time rendering
Image outImage(width, height);
//Here the tracer from the device example is used
PhotonTracer tracer;
//initialize the tracer object with the output size and scene
tracer.Resize(width, height);
//construct/update the scene BVH and copy data to the device
//do the actual rendering
for (int i = 0; i < NPasses; i++)
tracer.DoPass(&outImage, !i);
//apply a simple box filter to the image
applyImagePipeline(tracer, outImage, CreateAggregate<Filter>(BoxFilter()));
//write the resulting image to a file with an exif comment
outImage.WriteDisplayImage("result.jpg", "");
For completeness, here is the SimpleFileManager referenced above. The library compiles meshes into a simple binary format which holds BVH instances for faster loading times. This FileManager simply stores them in a sub directory.
const std::string data_path = "Data/";
class SimpleFileManager : public IFileManager
virtual std::string getCompiledMeshPath(const std::string& name)
return data_path + "Compiled/" + name;
virtual std::string getTexturePath(const std::string& name)
return data_path + name;
virtual std::string getCompiledTexturePath(const std::string& name)
return data_path + "Compiled/" + name;
No longer possible due to changes in CUDA 8.0 Sadly it is currently not possible to implement custom tracers in separate projects on windows. This is but a slight inconvenience because now they have to be implemented in the library itself.
As discussed a simple tracer only needs to override RenderBlock like this:
class ExampleTracer : public Tracer<true, true>
void DebugInternal(Image* I, const Vec2i& p);
virtual void RenderBlock(Image* I, int x, int y, int blockW, int blockH);
Implement the following in a *.cu
file to use CUDA:
CUDA_FUNC_IN Spectrum ComputePixel(const NormalizedT<Ray>& r, Sampler& rng)
//trace a ray through the scene, this is the actual heavy weight operation
auto prim_res = traceRay(r);
if (!prim_res.hasHit())
return 0.0f;
//stores info about the intersection, like normal, pixel derivatives and uv coordinates
BSDFSamplingRecord bRec;
//computes the intersection data and does normal/height (POM) sampling
prim_res.getBsdfSample(r, bRec, ETransportMode::ERadiance);
const int NSamples = 4;
float acc_dist = 0, acc_weight = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < NSamples; i++)
//samples an outgoing direction, returning f/pdf as in mitsuba
prim_res.getMat().bsdf.sample(bRec, rng.randomFloat2()).avg();
auto res = traceRay(Ray(bRec.dg.P, bRec.getOutgoing()));
if (res.hasHit())
//compute an average, relative occlusion distance
acc_dist += res.m_fDist / g_SceneData.m_sBox.Size().length();
acc_weight += 1;
return acc_dist / acc_weight * 0.5f;
CUDA_GLOBAL void pathKernel(unsigned int w, unsigned int h, unsigned int xoff, unsigned int yoff, Image img)
//for tracer using the block sampler this will give the pixel position of this CUDA thread
Vec2i pixel = TracerBase::getPixelPos(xoff, yoff);
//get a rng object for random numbers on the device
auto rng = g_SamplerData(TracerBase::getPixelIndex(xoff, yoff, w, h));
if (pixel.x < w && pixel.y < h)
NormalizedT<Ray> r;
//the position of the pixel to sample a ray for
auto pixelPos = Vec2f(pixel.x, pixel.y) + rng.randomFloat2();
//the last parameter is used for sampling an outgoing direction, if necessary
Spectrum imp = g_SceneData.sampleSensorRay(r, pixelPos, rng.randomFloat2());
Spectrum col = imp * ComputePixel(r, rng);
//adds the result to the output image
img.AddSample(pixel.x, pixel.y, col);
void ExampleTracer::RenderBlock(Image* I, int x, int y, int blockW, int blockH)
pathKernel << <BLOCK_SAMPLER_LAUNCH_CONFIG >> > (w, h, x, y, *I);
Splitting the code into multiple functions like this enables one to do simple debugging:
void ExampleTracer::DebugInternal(Image* I, const Vec2i& pixel)
//nearly all functions can be used as on the device
auto rng = g_SamplerData(pixel.y * I->getWidth() + pixel.x);
NormalizedT<Ray> r;
auto pixelPos = Vec2f((float)pixel.x, (float)pixel.y) + rng.randomFloat2();
Spectrum imp = g_SceneData.sampleSensorRay(r, pixelPos, rng.randomFloat2());
ComputePixel(r, rng);