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MCP39F511N metrics provider #429

merged 4 commits into from
Oct 20, 2023

MCP39F511N metrics provider #429

merged 4 commits into from
Oct 20, 2023


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@ArneTR ArneTR commented Aug 16, 2023

@ribalba Can you give the C code a quick read.

As said in the file: I am including a library of unknown original origin.

This file is mostly copied from
Credits to Sven Köhler and the OSM group from the HPI

In case the file is not original work: Possible prior origins of the file are unknown. However it is an implementation
of the protocol defined here:

@ArneTR ArneTR requested a review from ribalba August 16, 2023 08:37
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Eco-CI Output:

Label 🖥 avg. CPU utilization [%] 🔋 Total Energy [Joules] 🔌 avg. Power [Watts] Duration [Seconds]
Total Run 21.1555 2286 3.00394 771
Measurement #1 21.2793 2286 3.00394 764

📈 Energy graph:

 5.89 ┤                                        ╭╮                     ╭╮                                                                            ╭───╮                      ╭──────╮   ╭───╮╭─╮
 5.47 ┤            ╭╮                          ││                 ╭╮  ││                                                                            │   ╰╮   ╭─╮╭╮             │      ╰╮  │   ││ │
 5.04 ┤            │╰╮  ╭─╮              ╭╮╭╮ ╭╯│          ╭╮╭╮ ╭─╯│ ╭╯│         ╭╮      ╭──╮   ╭╮╭╮    ╭─╮               ╭╮   ╭╮     ╭╮   ╭╮       │    ╰╮╭─╯ ╰╯╰╮            │       ╰╮ │   ╰╯ ╰╮       ╭╮  ╭──╮                                                                                                                                      ╭╮                                            ╭╮            ╭╮                                                                            ╭╮                           ╭╮                                                                                  ╭╮                     ╭╮                                ╭╮              ╭╮                                                                 ╭╮ ╭╮                          ╭
 4.62 ┤      ╭╮╭╮ ╭╯ │╭─╯ ╰───────────╮╭─╯╰╯╰─╯ ╰──────────╯╰╯╰─╯  ╰─╯ ╰╮╭─────╮╭╯╰─────╮│  ╰───╯╰╯│    │ │╭╮ ╭╮╭─────────╯╰───╯╰─────╯╰───╯╰───────╯     ││      │            │        │ │       │       │╰╮ │  ╰─╮                           ╭╮                     ╭╮                      ╭╮         ╭─╮                                            ││          ╭╮                                ││          ╭─╯│                         ╭╮                                                 ││                           ││                         ╭──╮                         ╭─╮          ╭╮╭╮        ╭╮ │╰╮                    ││                                ││           ╭╮ ││╭╮                       ╭╮                        ╭╮            ││ ││                         ╭╯
 4.20 ┤      ││││ │  ╰╯               ╰╯                                ││     ╰╯       ││         ╰╮╭╮ │ ╰╯╰─╯╰╯                                         ╰╯      │           ╭╯        │╭╯       │       │ │╭╯    │                          ╭╯│         ╭╮          ││         ╭─╮         ╭╯│         │ │                     ╭╮         ╭─╮         │╰╮         ││         ╭╮          ╭╮         ││          │  │         ╭╮           ╭─╮││                     ╭───╮                  ╭╮ ╭╮││          ╭╮╭╮        ╭╮ ╭─╯│          ╭╮          ╭╮ │  │         ╭╮              │ │          ││││        ││ │ │                    ││                                │╰╮          ││ ││││          ╭─╮          ││            ╭╮          ││            │╰╮││          ╭╮          ╭╮ │
 3.78 ┤      │││╰─╯                                                     ││              ╰╯          │││ │                                                         │╭╮         │         ╰╯        │       │ ││     │          ╭╮╭╮        ╭╮ ╭╯ │         ││         ╭╯│         │ │         │ │         │ │         ╭─╮         ││         │ │         │ │         ││         ││          ││         │╰╮         │  │         ││        ╭╮ │ ╰╯│                  ╭╮ │   │                  ││ │╰╯│          ││││        ││ │  │          ││╭╮        ││ │  │         │╰╮         ╭─╮╭╯ ╰╮         ││││        ││ │ │         ╭╮         │╰╮                               │ │          │╰╮││││          │ │         ╭╯│╭╮          ││         ╭╯│            │ ╰╯│          ││╭╮        ││ │
 3.36 ┤    ╭─╯╰╯                                                        ╰╯                          ╰╯│╭╯                                                         ╰╯│        ╭╯                   │      ╭╯ ╰╯     ╰╮       ╭─╯╰╯╰╮       │╰╮│  │         ││         │ ╰╮        │ │         │ ╰╮        │ ╰╮        │ │         │╰╮        │ │         │ │         │╰╮        │╰╮        ╭╯│         │ │         │  ╰╮        │╰╮       │╰╮│   │         ╭╮       │╰╮│   │        ╭╮        │╰╮│  ╰╮       ╭─╯╰╯╰╮       │╰╮│  ╰╮       ╭─╯╰╯│        ││ │  │        ╭╯ ╰─╮       │ ││   │       ╭─╯│││        ││ │ │         ││         │ │         ╭╮         ╭╮        ╭╯ │        ╭─╯ ╰╯│││        ╭╮│ │        ╭╯ │││         ╭╯│        ╭╯ │╭╮       ╭╮ │   ╰╮       ╭─╯│││       ╭╯│ │
 2.93 ┤    │                                                                                          ╰╯                                                            │    ╭─╮ │                    │      │          │       │     │       │ ││  │         │╰╮        │  │        │ ╰╮        │  │        │  │        │ │        ╭╯ │        │ │         │ │         │ │        │ │        │ │         │ │         │   │        │ │       │ ││   │        ╭╯│       │ ││   │        │╰╮       │ ││   │       │     │       │ ││   │       │    │       ╭╯│ │  │       ╭╯    │       │ ││   │       │  ╰╯│        ││ │ │         ││        ╭╯ │        ╭╯│        ╭╯│        │  ╰╮       │     │││        │││ │        │  ││╰╮      ╭╮│ ╰╮       │  │││       ││╭╯    │       │  ╰╯│       │ │╭╯
 2.51 ┤    │                                                                                                                                                        │    │ │ │                    ╰╮     │          │       │     │       │ ││  │         │ │ ╭╮     │  │        │  │        │  │       ╭╯  │        │ │        │  │        │ │         │ │         │ │        │ │        │ │         │ ╰╮        │   │       ╭╯ │       │ ││   │        │ │       │ ││   │        │ │       │ ││   │       │     │       │ ││   │       │    │       │ ╰─╯  │       │     │       │ ││   │       │    │        │╰╮│ │         ││        │  │        │ │        │ │        │   │       │     │││       ╭╯││ ╰╮       │  ││ │      │││  │       │  ╰╯│       │││     │       │    │       │ ││
 2.09 ┼╮  ╭╯                                                                                                                                                        ╰────╯ │ │                     │     │          ╰─╮     │     │   ╭╮╭╮│ ╰╯  ╰╮╭╮╭╮  ╭─╯ ╰╮││     │  ╰─╮   ╭╮╭╯  │       ╭╯  │   ╭╮╭╮│   │   ╭╮╭╮╭╯ │  ╭╮   ╭╯  │╭╮     ╭╯ ╰╮╭╮      │ │ ╭╮  ╭──╮│ ╰╮╭╮    ╭╯ │    ╭╮ ╭╯ │╭╮     ╭╮│  │╭╮  ╭╮ ╭╯   ╰╮ ╭╮ ╭╮│  │      ╭╯ ╰╯   ╰╮╭╮    ╭╯ │    ╭╮ │ ││   │╭╮   ╭─╮│ │ ╭─╮  ╭╯ ││   │       │     ╰╮╭╮ ╭╮╭╯ ││   ╰──╮  ╭╮│    ╰╮    ╭╮│      │╭╮╭─╮  │     ╰╮      │ ││   │ ╭─╮╭╮╭╯    ╰╮   ╭╮ ╭╯ ╰╯ ╰╮╭╮     ╭╯╰╮╭╮   ╭─╯  ╰─╮╭╮    │ │  ╭╮   ╭╯ │ ╭╮  ╭╮╭╯   ╰─╮  ╭╮ │     ╰╯╰╮ ╭──╮ │ ││  ╰╮ ╭╮   │  ╰╯ │     ╭╯││  │╭╮╭─╮  │    │╭─╮╭╮╭╮│││     │  ╭╮   │    │ ╭╮ ╭╮╭╯ ││
 1.67 ┤╰──╯                                                                                                                                                                ╰─╯                     ╰─────╯            ╰─────╯     ╰───╯╰╯╰╯      ╰╯╰╯╰──╯    ╰╯╰─────╯    ╰───╯╰╯   ╰───────╯   ╰───╯╰╯╰╯   ╰───╯╰╯╰╯  ╰──╯╰───╯   ╰╯╰─────╯   ╰╯╰──────╯ ╰─╯╰──╯  ╰╯  ╰╯╰────╯  ╰────╯╰─╯  ╰╯╰─────╯╰╯  ╰╯╰──╯╰─╯     ╰─╯╰─╯╰╯  ╰──────╯        ╰╯╰────╯  ╰────╯╰─╯ ╰╯   ╰╯╰───╯ ╰╯ ╰─╯ ╰──╯  ╰╯   ╰───────╯      ╰╯╰─╯╰╯  ╰╯      ╰──╯╰╯     ╰────╯╰╯      ╰╯╰╯ ╰──╯      ╰──────╯ ╰╯   ╰─╯ ╰╯╰╯      ╰───╯╰─╯      ╰╯╰─────╯  ╰╯╰───╯      ╰╯╰────╯ ╰──╯╰───╯  ╰─╯╰──╯╰╯      ╰──╯╰─╯        ╰─╯  ╰─╯ ╰╯   ╰─╯╰───╯     ╰─────╯ ╰╯  ╰╯╰╯ ╰──╯    ╰╯ ╰╯╰╯╰╯╰╯     ╰──╯╰───╯    ╰─╯╰─╯╰╯  ╰╯
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Watts over time

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@ribalba ribalba left a comment

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Just an initial quick read. Is this something we want to maintain for the future? The I would probably refactor it. I can do this :)

printf("\t-i : specifies the milliseconds sleep time that will be slept between measurements\n\n");
case 'i':
msleep_time = atoi(optarg);
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Why is msleep_time global and not in main?

(unsigned char *)&reply, fd);
if(res < 0) return res;
return fd;
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Where is fd defined? Or is this the global fd? Why return it then?

setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0);

long fd = f511_init("/dev/ttyACM0");
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The function returns an int but is long here? And fd is already defined globally?

command_packet[0] = 0xa5;
command_packet[1] = cmd_length + 3;
memcpy(command_packet + 2, cmd, cmd_length);
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cmd and cmd_length are not checked if they fit into cmd

for (i = 0; i < cmd_length + 2; i++) {
checksum += command_packet[i];
command_packet[i] = checksum;
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why if cmd_length is > 80

command_packet[i] = checksum;
tcflush(fd, TCIOFLUSH);
len = write(fd, command_packet, cmd_length + 3);
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Why is fd passed as a parameter if it is defined globally?

const unsigned char f511_read_active_power[] = { 0x41, 0x0, 0x16, 0x4E, 8 };
const unsigned char f511_read_active_power1[] = { 0x41, 0x0, 0x16, 0x4E, 4 };
const unsigned char f511_read_active_power2[] = { 0x41, 0x0, 0x1a, 0x4E, 4 };
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What is the difference between these read power chars?

* main: (103 commits)
  Removing some noise debug
  BCC typos
  Bump actions/checkout from 3 to 4 (#450)
  Bump orjson from 3.9.7 to 3.9.9 (#506)
  Bump fastapi from 0.103.2 to 0.104.0 (#511)
  Added BCC functionality for email sending (#510)
  Refactors the system checkers (#507)
  Bump psutil from 5.9.5 to 5.9.6 (#508)
  FIXME disabled in Pylint
  Added simple HTML5 validation to request.html
  Network key is optional for HOG
  Clarified error message and clarified actual exception caught
  extends the install script to have a random password option (#504) now sends email when old jobs are present; Bugfixes in SQL query
  Flow process runtime bumped to 60+ minutes
  Sorting must be additionaly done by table to show indicator
  Repositories generated table also shall show sorting indicators
  Removing legacy datatable includes for energy-timeline
  Removed 'sortable' class where we are using datatables and not jQuery-Sort
  Bugifx: If Jobs object is not set do not access
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Eco-CI Output:

Label 🖥 avg. CPU utilization [%] 🔋 Total Energy [Joules] 🔌 avg. Power [Watts] Duration [Seconds]
Total Run 18.4406 1743.41 2.3948 735
Measurement #1 18.5379 1743.41 2.3948 729

📈 Energy graph:

 7.07 ┤                                                                                         ╭╮                                                     ╭╮
 6.53 ┤                                                                                         ││                                                     ││
 5.99 ┤                                                                                         ││                 ╭─╮                    ╭╮╭╮     ╭─╮ ││
 5.45 ┤                                                        ╭╮                              ╭╯│                 │ ╰╮                   │││╰──╮  │ ╰─╯│
 4.91 ┤      ╭╮                                              ╭╮││   ╭╮                         │ │                ╭╯  │   ╭────╮          │╰╯   ╰╮ │    │
 4.37 ┤     ╭╯│                ╭──╮                        ╭╮│││╰╮  ││                         │ ╰╮      ╭╮       │   ╰╮╭─╯    │          │      │╭╯    │         ╭╮╭╮                                                                                                                                                                                          ╭╮                                                                                        ╭╮                          ╭╮                                                      ╭╮
 3.83 ┤     │ ╰────╮╭─────────╮│  ╰╮ ╭──────────╮╭─────────╯││││ │  ││╭───╮╭─╮   ╭────────────╮│  ╰──────╯╰───────╯    ││      │          │      ││     │        ╭╯│││ ╭─╮                        ╭╮                                   ╭╮          ╭╮          ╭╮                                                                                  ╭╮           ││         ╭─╮                    ╭╮   ╭╮                       ╭╮                    ╭╮  ││                      ╭╮ ╭╯│                          ╭╮                         ╭╯│                         ╭╮                                                         ╭╮                                                                              ╭──╮╭╮                     ╭╮
 3.29 ┤    ╭╯      ╰╯         ╰╯   ╰─╯          ╰╯          ╰╯╰╯ │  │╰╯   ╰╯ ╰───╯            ││                       ││      ╰╮         │      ││     │        │ │││ │ │         ╭╮          ╭╮ │╰╮          ╭╮         ╭─╮          │╰╮         │╰╮         │╰╮          ╭╮         ╭─╮         ╭─╮         ╭─╮          ╭╮         ╭─╮         │╰╮         ╭╯│         │ ╰╮                   ││ ╭─╯╰╮                  ╭╮ ╭╯╰╮                   ││ ╭╯╰╮         ╭╮          ││ │ ╰╮         ╭╮             ╭╯╰╮         ╭╮          ╭╮ │ ╰╮         ╭╮          ╭╮ │╰╮         ╭╮          ╭─╮         ╭╮         ╭╮          │╰╮         ╭──╮             ╭╮                       ╭─╮         ╭╮            │  ╰╯│                     ││ ╭─╮
 2.75 ┤    │                                                     │╭─╯                         ││                       ╰╯       │╭╮      ╭╯      ╰╯     ╰╮       │ ╰╯╰─╯ │        ╭╯│╭╮        ││ │ ╰╮        ╭╯│         │ ╰╮        ╭╯ │         │ │         │ │         ╭╯│         │ │         │ │         │ ╰╮        ╭╯│         │ │         │ │         │ │         │  │         ╭╮        ││ │   │                  ││ │  ╰╮        ╭╮        ││ │  │         ││╭╮        ││ │  │        ╭╯│╭╮       ╭─╮╭╯  │         ││╭╮        ││ │  │        ╭╯│╭╮        ││ │ │         │╰╮        ╭╯ │         ││         │╰╮        ╭╯ │         │  │╭╮          ╭╯╰╮        ╭─╮           │ │        ╭╯│            │    ╰╮        ╭─╮         ││ │ ╰╮       ╭
 2.21 ┤    │                                                     ╰╯                           ╰╯                                │││      │               │      ╭╯       │        │ │││       ╭╯│╭╯  │        │ ╰╮        │  │        │  │   ╭╮    │ ╰╮        │ ╰╮        │ ╰╮        │ │         │ ╰╮        │  │        │ ╰╮        │ │         │ │        ╭╯ ╰╮        │  ╰╮        ││        ││ │   │        ╭╮        │╰╮│   │        ││        ││ │  ╰╮       ╭╯╰╯│        ││ │  │        │ │││       │ ││   │       ╭─╯│││       ╭╯│╭╯  │        │ │││       ╭╯│╭╯ │         │ │        │  │        ╭╯│         │ │        │  ╰╮       ╭╯  ╰╯│        ╭╮│  │       ╭╯ ╰╮          │ │        │ ╰─╮       ╭╮╭╯     │    ╭╮ ╭╯ ╰╮        ││ │  │       │
 1.67 ┼────╯                                                                                                                    ╰╯╰──────╯               ╰──────╯        ╰────────╯ ╰╯╰───────╯ ╰╯   ╰────────╯  ╰────────╯  ╰────────╯  ╰───╯╰────╯  ╰────────╯  ╰────────╯  ╰────────╯ ╰─────────╯  ╰────────╯  ╰────────╯  ╰────────╯ ╰─────────╯ ╰────────╯   ╰────────╯   ╰────────╯╰────────╯╰─╯   ╰────────╯╰────────╯ ╰╯   ╰────────╯╰────────╯╰─╯   ╰───────╯   ╰────────╯╰─╯  ╰────────╯ ╰╯╰───────╯ ╰╯   ╰───────╯  ╰╯╰───────╯ ╰╯   ╰────────╯ ╰╯╰───────╯ ╰╯  ╰─────────╯ ╰────────╯  ╰────────╯ ╰─────────╯ ╰────────╯   ╰───────╯     ╰────────╯╰╯  ╰───────╯   ╰──────────╯ ╰────────╯   ╰───────╯╰╯      ╰────╯╰─╯   ╰────────╯╰─╯  ╰───────╯
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Watts over time

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ArneTR commented Oct 20, 2023

Updated. @ribalba Can you give it another look?

I clarified in the code what the original author is doing, although some implementations are not documented and cannot be checked completely

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ArneTR commented Oct 20, 2023

I will merge it in for now, please put your comments in here if you have any

@ArneTR ArneTR merged commit 984a854 into main Oct 20, 2023
4 checks passed
@ArneTR ArneTR deleted the MCP39F511N branch October 20, 2023 13:45
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2 participants