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Efficient Object Detection, based on the AutoML EfficientDet code, optimised for Graphcore's IPU.

Framework Domain Model Datasets Tasks Training Inference Reference
TensorFlow 2 Vision EfficientDet N/A Object detection

Min. 4 IPUs (POD4) required

'EfficientDet: Scalable and Efficient Object Detection'

EfficientDet Image reproduced from the above paper.

Instructions summary

  1. Install and enable the Poplar SDK (see Poplar SDK setup)

  2. Install the system and Python requirements (see Environment setup)

Poplar SDK setup

To check if your Poplar SDK has already been enabled, run:


If no path is provided, then follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to your Poplar SDK root directory

  2. Enable the Poplar SDK with:

cd poplar-<OS version>-<SDK version>-<hash>

More detailed instructions on setting up your Poplar environment are available in the Poplar quick start guide.

Environment setup

To prepare your environment, follow these steps:

  1. Create and activate a Python3 virtual environment:
python3 -m venv <venv name>
source <venv path>/bin/activate
  1. Navigate to the Poplar SDK root directory

  2. Install the TensorFlow 2 and IPU TensorFlow add-ons wheels:

cd <poplar sdk root dir>
pip3 install tensorflow-2.X.X...<OS_arch>...x86_64.whl
pip3 install ipu_tensorflow_addons-2.X.X...any.whl

For the CPU architecture you are running on

  1. Install the Keras wheel:
pip3 install --force-reinstall --no-deps keras-2.X.X...any.whl

For further information on Keras on the IPU, see the documentation and the tutorial.

  1. Navigate to this example's root directory

  2. Install the Python requirements:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  1. Build the custom ops:

More detailed instructions on setting up your TensorFlow 2 environment are available in the TensorFlow 2 quick start guide.

Dataset setup

There are no datasets required for running this inference example, any images can be used.

Running and benchmarking

To run a tested and optimised configuration and to reproduce the performance shown on our performance results page, use the examples_utils module (installed automatically as part of the environment setup) to run one or more benchmarks. The benchmarks are provided in the benchmarks.yml file in this example's root directory.

For example:

python3 -m examples_utils benchmark --spec <path to benchmarks.yml file>

Or to run a specific benchmark in the benchmarks.yml file provided:

python3 -m examples_utils benchmark --spec <path to benchmarks.yml file> --benchmark <name of benchmark>

For more information on using the examples-utils benchmarking module, please refer to the README.

Custom inference

Downloading weights and AutoML test image.

These instructions closely mirror those on the original Google Brain AutoML repository (Inference for Images section).

By default the application expects to find weights in tmp/<model-name> to match the AutoML implementation. If you just want to benchmark, and don't need the predictions, you can instead use random weights by adding the --random-weights argument.

Google hosts EfficientDet checkpoints, trained on MS COCO, which you can use to validate the application.

Our implementation, by default, expects the checkpoint to be in a directory called tmp/efficientdet-d${MODEL_SIZE} in application working directory. To change this, use the --model-dir to set the path to the checkpoint.

To download the model checkpoints, you can use the following snippet:

for i in $(seq 0 ${MAX_MODEL_SIZE}); do
    wget${MODEL_NAME}.tar.gz -O tmp/${MODEL_NAME}.tar.gz
    tar zxf tmp/${MODEL_NAME}.tar.gz -C tmp

The test image used below, and in the original Google Brain AutoML repository, can be downloaded using wget:

$ wget -O tmp/img.png

High-throughput inference

In the simplest case, simply call the script, with the name of the model you'd like to run:

$ python --model-name efficientdet-d0

The script uses the model name to load a set of configuration options for the IPU - you can see the options used in ipu_configs/efficientdet.yml. Currently configs for D0-D4 are supplied.

Any command-line arguments provided overwrite those given in the YAML config.

For descriptions of the various possible arguments, please see or run:

$ python --help

Low-latency inference

Using standard TensorFlow calls provides a simple programming interface run the model; however there are setup and tear-down costs that can increase latency in real-world applications.

In cases where minimising latency is vital, using the embedded application runtime allows us to save a precompiled graph to a file, which can be run directly by the Poplar engine. To see this in action, run the benchmark:

$ python --model-name efficientdet-d0 --config efficientdet-low-latency

Please note that this script is provided as a benchmark only, and only supports random weights.

Note the inclusion of the --config argument, which switches the config to one optimised to low latency.

The script supports most of the arguments that can be provided to

The embedded application runtime is currently supported in TF1, so to use the Keras model from AutoML we use TF2 in compatibility mode.

Other features

Input datasets

There are several types of input dataset that have be configured for this application, which can be chosen using the --dataset-type flag.

In the following section benchmark_repeats refers to the number of times the input data are repeated to build up a large enough dataset for representative benchmarking.

  • generated [default]: Uniform random data, generated to be micro_batch_size * benchmark_repeats long.
  • image-directory: A directory of images. The number of images should be at least as large as the batch-size.
  • repeated-image: A single imageargument, repeated for micro_batch_size * benchmark_repeats times. Useful to benchmark when you also want to confirm predictions are reasonable.
  • single-image: Run inference on a single image. This will force the batch-size and benchmark_repeats to 1.

For all dataset types, except for generated, the input path is specified using the --image-path argument, e.g.:

$ python --model-name efficientdet-d0 --dataset-type single-image --image-path tmp/img.png

Saving outputs to a file

To save the bounding boxes and class annotations to a file, use the --output-predicitions flag, along with the --output-dir argument, which will create a directory in which to store the annotated images.



It is standard practice to run Non-Maximum Suppression (NMS) on the detections that come out of the model, as there are likely to be many overlapping bounding box candidates for the same class. The output tensors here reflect the 5 scales of the feature maps, the number of classes and the number of box candidate regions. These output tensors are relatively large; in the case of D0:

(micro_batch_size, 64, 64, 810),  // Feature map 3 class scores per anchor
(micro_batch_size, 32, 32, 810),  // Feature map 4 class scores per anchor
(micro_batch_size, 16, 16, 810),  // Feature map 5 class scores per anchor
(micro_batch_size, 8, 8, 810),    // Feature map 6 class scores per anchor
(micro_batch_size, 4, 4, 810),    // Feature map 7 class scores per anchor
(micro_batch_size, 64, 64, 36),   // Feature map 3 bbox coords per anchor
(micro_batch_size, 32, 32, 36),   // Feature map 4 bbox coords per anchor
(micro_batch_size, 16, 16, 36),   // Feature map 5 bbox coords per anchor
(micro_batch_size, 8, 8, 36),     // Feature map 6 bbox coords per anchor
(micro_batch_size, 4, 4, 36)      // Feature map 7 bbox coords per anchor

In half-precision, this equates to a total size of 8.8 MB for batch-size 1. At 5.5GB/s bandwidth back to the host, via the gateway, this gives a total transmission latency of 3.1ms, against a compute time of about 1ms.

We can reduce this cost substantially by performing NMS on the IPU, then only passing back valid bounding box candidates. Since the IPU requires the number of boxes to be static, we cap this at a sensible number (e.g. 100), and then our output tensors become:

(micro_batch_size, 100, 4),  // Bounding box coordinates
(micro_batch_size, 100),     // Score per box
(micro_batch_size, 100),     // Class ID per box
(micro_batch_size, 100),     // NMS index per box

Now the total output size is reduced to 1.37KB, which equates to <0.5μs transmission time back to the host. The post-processing for D0 at batch-size 1 only adds 1ms to the compute time, giving a saving of 2ms - 50% of the previous round-trip time, which didn't include any time spent for host-side NMS. The following section will give advice on how to benchmark the difference in throughput for IPU NMS, host NMS and no NMS.

IPU NMS Operator

Streaming these back to the host creates an IO bottleneck, so it is preferable to run NMS on the host and This application includes a custom implementation of Non-Maximum Suppression, which is used to post-process the raw bounding box data from the model and remove overlapping detections.

There are two flavours of NMS included here, vanilla NMS, which assumes one class per bounding box, and multiclass-NMS, in which a bounding box may represent several classes. To follow the AutoML code, we use the vanilla implementation here, but this can be changed by enabling multinms in

The NMS op must be built before running the model, by calling make in this directory. This will build both the vanilla and multiclass implementations. They can be built individually by calling make from within the NMS/tf and NMS/tf_multi directories respectively.

NMS on the host

To remove the IPU NMS and post-processing from the graph, call the application with --onchip-nms false, e.g.:

$ python --model-name efficientdet-d0 --onchip-nms false

By default, no post-processing will be performed, and the benchmark will just include the time to stream the outputs back to the host. If you wish to also benchmark the time to perform NMS on the host, add the --benchmark-host-postprocessing flag:

$ python --model-name efficientdet-d0 --onchip-nms false --benchmark-host-postprocessing


This example is licensed under the Apache License 2.0 - see the LICENSE file in this directory.

The following files are reproduced without modification from the Brain AutoML EfficientDet example:

  • backbone/*, except where explicitly stated below.
  • tf2/*, except where explicitly stated below.
  • visualize/*
  • dataloader*.py

The following files are reproduced with modification from the Brain AutoML EfficientDet example:

  • backbone/ (Line 262)
  • tf2/ (Lines 298 and 928)
  • tf2/ (Line 150)
  • (Lines 179, 244)
  • (Lines 24, 45-46, 678)