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IK and Physical Bone Improvements #750

Tracked by #1
NHodgesVFX opened this issue Apr 25, 2020 · 12 comments
Tracked by #1

IK and Physical Bone Improvements #750

NHodgesVFX opened this issue Apr 25, 2020 · 12 comments


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Describe the project you are working on:
3D game that makes use IK and PhysicalBones

Describe the problem or limitation you are having in your project:
IK in Godot is standalone and as such doesn't really integrate with the animation tree. In addition its missing some features such as full body IK and constraints.

Physical Bones also suffer from not being integrated into the animation tree. In addition it would be great for physical bones to work while the animation is playing.

Describe the feature / enhancement and how it helps to overcome the problem or limitation:

IK in godot uses the Fabric algorithm, an extension to the base paper extends the algorithm for support of constraints. So, it shouldn't be to much work to add constraints or full body IK.

Full body support basically just needs constraints and a method to specify multiple targets per IK systems. There might be more needed but it seems the current IK solver can solve an arbitrary amount of bones.

The other issue is that IK needs to work with the animation tree somehow. Maybe IK could have its own node in the animation tree that can then be blended with other animations. For blending it should support a Mix Mode and a Add mode at least.

A Minor improvement to the IK system would be to support directly using a node for the magnet position.

Physical Bones should be able to calculate physics on top of an animation. This way if you punch a character the physics system can respond to the impact. In UE4 this is accomplished by converting animation data to physics motors.

Describe how your proposal will work, with code, pseudocode, mockups, and/or diagrams:

I sorta explained this above so, Ill use this to show other implementations of IK

Full Body IK and Additive Blending:
Full Body IK:

Physical Animation:

If this enhancement will not be used often, can it be worked around with a few lines of script?:
Animation blending for IK is used frequently in games and full body IK is very popular for VR games. Physical Animation is useful to add more interactivity and realism to characters. It can not be worked around with a few lines of script.

Is there a reason why this should be core and not an add-on in the asset library?:
IK, PhysicalBone, and the animation tree are in core already.

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fire commented Jul 14, 2020

@NHodgesVFX are you on Discord, was wondering if we can chat about what is possible in Godot Engine?

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NHodgesVFX commented Jul 14, 2020

@NHodgesVFX are you on Discord, was wondering if we can chat about what is possible in Godot Engine?

Yes i am on discord, i also messaged you back in irc :)

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2021 update

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ywmaa commented Jan 11, 2022

For anyone working on this feature, here is my code for FABRIK Constraints (Ball And Socket type)

`private Vector3 chain_ball_constraint(int i){

	// Get the inner-to-outer direction of this bone as well as the previous bone to use as a baseline
	// Direction for the line L1 "Godot has a good function (DirectionTo) which does (B - A).Normalized  : A.DirectionTo(B)"
	Vector3 thisBoneInnerToOuterdirection = fabrik_transfroms[i-1].origin.DirectionTo(fabrik_transfroms[i].origin);
	Vector3 prevBoneInnerToOuterdirection = fabrik_transfroms[i+1].origin.DirectionTo(fabrik_transfroms[i].origin);
	float angleBetweeninDegs = getAngleBetweenDegs(thisBoneInnerToOuterdirection,prevBoneInnerToOuterdirection);
	float constraintAngleinDegs = fabrik_joints[i].RotorConstraintDegs;

	if (angleBetweeninDegs > constraintAngleinDegs){
		return getAngleLimitedUnitVectorDegs(thisBoneInnerToOuterdirection,prevBoneInnerToOuterdirection,constraintAngleinDegs);
		return Vector3.Zero;

private Vector3 getAngleLimitedUnitVectorDegs(Vector3 vecToLimit, Vector3 vecBaseline, float angleLimitDegs)
	// Get the angle between the two vectors
	// Note: This will ALWAYS be a positive value between 0 and 180 degrees.
    float angleBetweenVectorsDegs = getAngleBetweenDegs(vecBaseline, vecToLimit);
    if (angleBetweenVectorsDegs > angleLimitDegs)
    	// The axis which we need to rotate around is the one perpendicular to the two vectors - so we're
        // rotating around the vector which is the cross-product of our two vectors.
    	// Note: We do not have to worry about both vectors being the same or pointing in opposite directions
    	// because if they bones are the same direction they will not have an angle greater than the angle limit,
    	// and if they point opposite directions we will approach but not quite reach the precise max angle
    	// limit of 180.0f (I believe).
        Vector3	correctionAxis = (vecBaseline.Normalized().Cross(vecToLimit.Normalized())).Normalized();
        // Our new vector is the baseline vector rotated by the max allowable angle about the correction axis
        return vecBaseline.Rotated(correctionAxis,Mathf.Deg2Rad(angleLimitDegs)).Normalized();
    else // Angle not greater than limit? Just return a normalised version of the vecToLimit
    	// This may already BE normalised, but we have no way of knowing without calcing the length, so best be safe and normalise.
    	// TODO: If performance is an issue, then I could get the length, and if it's not approx. 1.0f THEN normalise otherwise just return as is.
        return vecToLimit.Normalized();
private float getAngleBetweenDegs(Vector3 vec1,Vector3 vec2){
	return Mathf.Rad2Deg(Mathf.Acos(vec1.Normalized().Dot(vec2.Normalized())));

this work is done by reading its implementation from this repo

it is in c# so someone will need to translate it to cpp and do it directly in Godot and he will probably need to add bone type feature so user can choose if they want (Ball And Socket Constraints) or hinge constraints, though I didn't do hinge constraints

here is how it is integrated in FABRIK iteration :

`private void chain_backwards() {
	// Set the position of the final joint to the target position
	int final_bone_index = fabrik_joints.Length-1;
	Transform final_joint_trans = fabrik_transfroms[final_bone_index];
	float final_joint_length = fabrik_joints[final_bone_index].twisted_bone.get_global_pose_length();
	final_joint_trans.origin = target_transform.origin - (-final_joint_trans.basis.z.Normalized() * final_joint_length);
	fabrik_transfroms[final_bone_index] = final_joint_trans;

	// For all other bones, move them towards the target
	for (int i = final_bone_index; i >= 1; i--) {
		Transform next_bone_trans = fabrik_transfroms[i];
		Transform current_bone_trans = fabrik_transfroms[i-1];

		float length = fabrik_joints[i-1].twisted_bone.get_global_pose_length() / (next_bone_trans.origin -current_bone_trans.origin).Length();

		Vector3 NewPoint = Vector3.Zero;
		if (limit_rotation == true & i < final_bone_index)
			NewPoint = chain_ball_constraint(i);
		current_bone_trans.origin = next_bone_trans.origin.LinearInterpolate(current_bone_trans.origin + NewPoint, length );
		fabrik_transfroms[i-1] = current_bone_trans;

yes it should be in Backward iteration and no it doesn't need to be added to forward iteration (For this type of constraints only Ball And Socket)

this work was tested using the TwistedIK Plugin for Godot 3.x

Here is the Result :

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Was this integrated in any branch of 4.0 at some point? Otherwise I will try and give a go since I need it.

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Calinou commented Jun 13, 2022

Was this integrated in any branch of 4.0 at some point? Otherwise I will try and give a go since I need it.

This was implemented by godotengine/godot#51368 to an extent, but PhysicalBone hasn't changed much in 4.0 to my knowledge.

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I added the code proposed by @ywmaa in a new branch here:
I still have to test it to any extent.

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@KaruroChori When U test it, it would be great if others can too if you provide a simple example to test

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godotengine/godot#61994 closed, perhaps we could close this

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jitspoe commented Jun 28, 2024

I did a lot of stuff with ragdoll death animations on LawBreakers using UE4, and being able to use animations to drive the physics with motors is huge. Even a simple death pose can go a long way in making the death ragdolls look convincing vs. looking like a sack of potatoes. I was going to open a proposal for that, but I see this one pretty much covers it.

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GeorgeS2019 commented Jun 28, 2024


Godot 4.3 beta many fundamental change in Animation API

We need your expertise to upgrade old not working iK and ragdoll examples to the new and more unify Animation API

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