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Add cost estimation wrapper (#1180)
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* Add cost estimation wrapper
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paulpdaniels authored Dec 2, 2021
1 parent 4e3d076 commit 771aa9a
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Showing 4 changed files with 503 additions and 2 deletions.
7 changes: 6 additions & 1 deletion core/src/main/scala/caliban/schema/Annotations.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -35,7 +35,12 @@ object Annotations {
* Annotation used to provide directives to a schema type
case class GQLDirective(directive: Directive) extends StaticAnnotation
class GQLDirective(val directive: Directive) extends StaticAnnotation

object GQLDirective {
def unapply(annotation: GQLDirective): Option[Directive] =

* Annotation to make a sealed trait an interface instead of a union type or an enum
Expand Down
284 changes: 284 additions & 0 deletions core/src/main/scala/caliban/wrappers/CostEstimation.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
package caliban.wrappers

import caliban.CalibanError.ValidationError
import caliban.InputValue.ListValue
import caliban.ResponseValue.ObjectValue
import caliban.Value.{ FloatValue, IntValue, StringValue }
import caliban.execution.{ ExecutionRequest, Field }
import caliban.parsing.adt.{ Directive, Document }
import caliban.schema.Annotations.GQLDirective
import caliban.schema.Types
import caliban.wrappers.Wrapper.{ EffectfulWrapper, OverallWrapper, ValidationWrapper }
import caliban.{ CalibanError, GraphQLRequest, GraphQLResponse, ResponseValue }
import zio.{ IO, Ref, UIO, URIO, ZIO }

import scala.annotation.tailrec

object CostEstimation {

final val COST_DIRECTIVE_NAME = "cost"
final val COST_EXTENSION_NAME = "queryCost"

case class GQLCost(cost: Double, multipliers: List[String] = Nil)
extends GQLDirective(CostDirective(cost, multipliers))

* A directive that can be applied to both fields and types to flag them as targets for cost analysis.
* This allows a simple estimation to be applied which can be used to prevent overly expensive queries from being executed
object CostDirective {
def apply(cost: Double): Directive =
Directive(COST_DIRECTIVE_NAME, arguments = Map("weight" -> FloatValue(cost)))

def apply(cost: Double, multipliers: List[String]): Directive = {
val multi = multipliers match {
case Nil => Map.empty
case _ => Map("multipliers" -> ListValue(
arguments = Map("weight" -> FloatValue(cost)) ++ multi

* Computes field cost by examining the @cost directive. This can be used in conjunction with `queryCost` or [[maxCost]]
* In order to compute the estimated cost of executing a query.
* @note This will be executed *before* the actual resolvers are called, which allows you to stop potentially expensive queries
* from being run, but may also require more work on the developer part to determine the correct heuristic for estimating field cost.
val costDirective: Field => Double = (f: Field) => {
def computeDirectiveCost(directives: List[Directive]) =
directives.collectFirst {
case d if == COST_DIRECTIVE_NAME =>
val weight = d.arguments
.collect {
case i: IntValue => i.toInt.toDouble
case f: FloatValue => f.toDouble

val multipliers = d.arguments
.collect { case ListValue(values) =>
values.collect {
case StringValue(name) =>
f.arguments.get(name).collectFirst {
case i: IntValue => i.toInt.toDouble
case d: FloatValue => d.toDouble
case _ => None

weight * multipliers

val directiveCost = computeDirectiveCost(f.directives)

val typeCost = Types

(directiveCost orElse typeCost).getOrElse(1.0)

* Computes the estimated cost of the query based on the default cost estimation (backed by the @GQLCost directive) and adds it as an extension to the GraphQLResponse.
* This is useful for tracking the overall cost of a query either when you are trying to dial in a correct heuristic or when you
* want to inform users of your graph how expensive their queries are.
* @see queryCostWith, queryCostZIO
lazy val queryCost: Wrapper[Any] = queryCost(costDirective)

* Computes the estimated cost of the query based on the provided field cost function and adds it as an extension to the GraphQLResponse.
* This is useful for tracking the overall cost of a query either when you are trying to dial in a correct heuristic or when you
* want to inform users of your graph how expensive their queries are.
* @see queryCostWith, queryCostZIO
def queryCost(f: Field => Double): Wrapper[Any] =

* Computes the estimated cost of the query based on the provided field cost function and passes it to the second function
* which can run an arbitrary side effect with the result.
* @see queryCost
def queryCostWith[R](f: Field => Double)(p: Double => URIO[R, Any]): Wrapper[R] =
queryCostZIOWrapperState[R](costWrapper(_)(f))((cost, r) => p(cost).as(r))

* A more powerful version of `queryCost` which allows the field cost computation to return an effect instead of a plain value
* when computing the cost estimate.
* @param f The field cost estimate function
* @see queryCostZIOWith for a more powerful version
def queryCostZIO[R](f: Field => URIO[R, Double]): Wrapper[R] =

* A more powerful version of [[queryCostZIO]] that allows the total result of the query to be pushed into a separate effect.
* This is useful when you want to compute the cost of the query but you already have your own system for recording the cost.
* @param f The field cost estimate function
* @param p A function which receives the total estimated cost of executing the query and can
def queryCostZIOWith[R](f: Field => URIO[R, Double])(p: Double => URIO[R, Any]): Wrapper[R] =
queryCostZIOWrapperState(costWrapperZIO(_)(f))((cost, r) => p(cost) as r)

* The most powerful version of `queryCost` that allows maximum freedom in how the wrapper is defined. The function accepts
* a function that will take a Ref that can be used for book keeping to track the current cost of the query, and returns a wrapper.
* Normally this wrapper is a validation wrapper because it should be run before execution for the purposes of cost estimation.
* However, the API provides the flexibility to redefine that. The second parameter of the function will receive the final cost estimate of the query
* as well as the current graphql response, it returns an effect that produces a potentially modified response.
* @param costWrapper User provided function that will result in a wrapper that may be used when computing the cost of a query
* @param p The response transforming function which receives the cost estimate as well as the response value.
* @see queryCostZIOWith, queryCostZIO, queryCost
def queryCostZIOWrapperState[R](
costWrapper: Ref[Double] => Wrapper[R]
p: (Double, GraphQLResponse[CalibanError]) => URIO[R, GraphQLResponse[CalibanError]]
): Wrapper[R] = EffectfulWrapper(
Ref.make(0.0).map { cost =>
costWrapper(cost) |+| costOverall(resp => cost.get.flatMap(p(_, resp)))

* Computes the estimated cost of executing the query using the provided function and compares it to
* the `maxCost` parameter which determines the maximum allowable cost for a query.
* @param maxCost The maximum allowable cost for executing a query
* @param f The field cost estimate function
def maxCost(maxCost: Double)(f: Field => Double): ValidationWrapper[Any] =
maxCostOrError(maxCost)(f)(cost => ValidationError(s"Query costs too much: $cost. Max cost: $maxCost.", ""))

* More powerful version of [[maxCost]] which allow you to also specify the error that is returned when the cost exceeds the maximum cost.
* @param maxCost The total cost allowed for any one query
* @param f The function used to evaluate the cost of a single field
* @param error A function that will be provided the total estimated cost and must return the error that will be returned
def maxCostOrError(maxCost: Double)(f: Field => Double)(error: Double => ValidationError): ValidationWrapper[Any] =
new ValidationWrapper[Any] {
override def wrap[R1 <: Any](
process: Document => ZIO[R1, ValidationError, ExecutionRequest]
): Document => ZIO[R1, ValidationError, ExecutionRequest] =
(doc: Document) =>
for {
req <- process(doc)
cost = computeCost(req.field)(f)
_ <- IO.when(cost > maxCost)(
} yield req

* More powerful version of [[maxCost]] which allows the field computation function to specify a function which returns an effectful computation
* for the cost of a field.
* @param maxCost The total cost allowed for any one query
* @param f The function used to evaluate the cost of a single field returning an effect which will result in the field cost as a double
def maxCostZIO[R](maxCost: Double)(f: Field => URIO[R, Double]): ValidationWrapper[R] =
new ValidationWrapper[R] {
override def wrap[R1 <: R](
process: Document => ZIO[R1, ValidationError, ExecutionRequest]
): Document => ZIO[R1, ValidationError, ExecutionRequest] =
(doc: Document) =>
for {
req <- process(doc)
cost <- computeCostZIO(req.field)(f)
_ <- IO.when(cost > maxCost)("Query costs too much: $cost. Max cost: $maxCost.", ""))
} yield req

private def costWrapper(total: Ref[Double])(f: Field => Double): ValidationWrapper[Any] =
new ValidationWrapper[Any] {
override def wrap[R1 <: Any](
process: Document => ZIO[R1, ValidationError, ExecutionRequest]
): Document => ZIO[R1, ValidationError, ExecutionRequest] =
(doc: Document) =>
for {
req <- process(doc)
_ <- total.set(computeCost(req.field)(f))
} yield req

private def costWrapperZIO[R](total: Ref[Double])(f: Field => URIO[R, Double]): ValidationWrapper[R] =
new ValidationWrapper[R] {
override def wrap[R1 <: R](
process: Document => ZIO[R1, ValidationError, ExecutionRequest]
): Document => ZIO[R1, ValidationError, ExecutionRequest] =
(doc: Document) =>
for {
req <- process(doc)
_ <- computeCostZIO(req.field)(f) >>= total.set
} yield req

private def addCostToExtensions(
cost: Double,
resp: GraphQLResponse[CalibanError]
): UIO[GraphQLResponse[CalibanError]] =
extensions = Some(
resp.extensions.foldLeft[List[(String, ResponseValue)]](
List(COST_EXTENSION_NAME -> FloatValue(cost))
)(_ ++ _.fields)

private def costOverall[R](
f: GraphQLResponse[CalibanError] => URIO[R, GraphQLResponse[CalibanError]]
): OverallWrapper[R] =
new OverallWrapper[R] {
override def wrap[R1 <: R](
process: GraphQLRequest => ZIO[R1, Nothing, GraphQLResponse[CalibanError]]
): GraphQLRequest => ZIO[R1, Nothing, GraphQLResponse[CalibanError]] =
(req: GraphQLRequest) => process(req).flatMap(f)

private def computeCost(field: Field)(f: Field => Double): Double = {
def go(fields: List[Field], total: Double): Double = fields match {
case Nil => total
case head :: tail => go(head.fields ++ tail, f(head) + total)

go(List(field), 0.0)

private def computeCostZIO[R](field: Field)(f: Field => URIO[R, Double]): URIO[R, Double] = {
def go(fields: List[Field], result: List[URIO[R, Double]]): List[URIO[R, Double]] = fields match {
case Nil => result
case head :: tail =>
go(head.fields ++ tail, f(head) :: result)

URIO.mergeAllPar(go(List(field), Nil))(0.0)(_ + _)


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