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Konstantin edited this page May 11, 2018 · 1 revision

Initially we have installed Yosys commit dd5fab69c135135fa46b6325a39c184a2ddc6156 but haven't found synth_intel command there. We have found earlier commit

  • 9ac560f 2018-01-09 18:42:19 +0100 Add "dffinit -highlow" and fix synth_intel [Clifford Wolf]

that stated synth_intel command presence. We tried that, but had compilation error with abc tool. Abc is used for technology mapping of Yosys's internal gate library to a target architecture. It is, actually, berkeley-abc and is a part of Yosys. Compilation error were caused by command

which is legal, but the repository has been moved from Bitbucket to GitHub for that time...

So, we have chosen to pull commit 37504a4 of abc, make that, and set ABCEXTERNAL parameter in Yosys' Makefile

# set ABCEXTERNAL = <abc-command> to use an external ABC instance
# Note: The in-tree ABC (yosys-abc) will not be installed when ABCEXTERNAL is set.
ABCEXTERNAL ?= /home/const/dev/yosys/abc/abc

After that we got Yosys installation with synth_intel command supported

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