Releases: funfair-tech/BuildBot
Releases · funfair-tech/BuildBot
- Dependencies - Updated Roslynator.Analyzers to 4.3.0
- Dependencies - Updated SonarAnalyzer.CSharp to
- Dependencies - Updated Meziantou.Analyzer to 2.0.45
- Dependencies - Updated FunFair.Test.Common to
- Dependencies - Updated Octopus.Client to 14.3.589
What's Changed
- [Dependencies] Updating Meziantou.Analyzer (Code Analysis) to 2.0.43 by @github-actions in #120
Full Changelog: v1.4.4.631...v1.4.5.8
- Dependencies - Updated FunFair.Test.Common to
- Dependencies - Updated SonarAnalyzer.CSharp to
- Dependencies - Updated Meziantou.Analyzer to 2.0.36
- Dependencies - Updated Credfeto.Enumeration.Source.Generation to
Full Changelog: v1.4.3.2...v1.4.4.631
- Dependencies - Updated Octopus.Client to 14.3.547
- SDK - Updated DotNet SDK to 7.0.203
- Dependencies - Updated Meziantou.Analyzer to 2.0.34
What's Changed
- FF-950 - Updated changelog by @credfeto in #1
- Updated to .net core 3.1 by @credfeto in #2
- Standalone exe support by @credfeto in #3
- Added initial endpoint for octopus by @credfeto in #5
- Removed commented out code by @credfeto in #6
- Added notifications and release notes from octopus by @credfeto in #7
- [FF-1429] Code Cleanup on BuildBot.sln by @github-actions in #8
- [FF-1429]: Bump Octopus.Client from 8.4.0 to 8.4.2 by @dependabot-preview in #9
- [FF-1429]: Bump Discord.Net from 2.1.1 to 2.2.0 by @dependabot-preview in #10
- [FF-1429] Updated Code analysis package (FunFair.CodeAnalysis) to latest version by @github-actions in #11
- [FF-1429]: Bump Octopus.Client from 8.4.2 to 8.4.3 by @dependabot-preview in #12
- [FF-1429]: Bump Octopus.Client from 8.4.3 to 8.4.4 by @dependabot-preview in #14
- [FF-2244] Code Cleanup on BuildBot.sln by @github-actions in #16
- [FF-1429]: Bump Octopus.Client from 8.4.4 to 8.4.5 by @dependabot-preview in #17
- [FF-2244] Code Cleanup on BuildBot.sln by @github-actions in #20
- [FF-2488] - Feature/2488 net core update by @nukec in #21
- [FF-2652] - .net update by @vladimirnesic1980 in #24
- [FF-2244] - Code cleanup on BuildBot.sln by @github-actions in #26
- [FF-1429] Updating SonarAnalyzer.CSharp (Code analysis) to by @github-actions in #27
- [FF-1429] Updating FunFair.CodeAnalysis (Code analysis) to by @github-actions in #28
- [FF-2244] - Code cleanup on BuildBot.sln by @github-actions in #29
- .net core 5.0 Conversion by @credfeto in #51
- [FF-2244] - Code cleanup on BuildBot.sln by @github-actions in #52
- [FF-2244] - Code cleanup on BuildBot.sln by @github-actions in #53
- [FF-1429] - Update src\global.json to match the template repo by @github-actions in #54
- [FF-2244] - Code cleanup on BuildBot.sln by @github-actions in #55
- [FF-2244] - Code cleanup on BuildBot.sln by @github-actions in #56
- [FF-2244] - Code cleanup on BuildBot.sln by @github-actions in #57
- [FF-1429]: Bump Serilog.Sinks.Console from 3.1.1 to 4.0.0 by @dependabot in #68
- [FF-1429] Updating FunFair.CodeAnalysis (Code analysis) to by @github-actions in #69
- [FF-1429] - Update src\global.json to match the template repo by @github-actions in #70
- [FF-1429]: Bump Serilog.Extensions.Logging from 3.0.1 to 3.1.0 by @dependabot in #71
- FF-1429 - Updated DotNet to 5.0.403 by @github-actions in #73
- [FF-3856] - Dotnet 6.0 by @github-actions in #76
- [FF-2244] - Code cleanup on BuildBot.sln by @github-actions in #77
- [FF-2244] - Code cleanup on BuildBot.sln by @github-actions in #78
- [FF-2244] - Code cleanup on BuildBot.sln by @github-actions in #79
- [FF-2244] - Code cleanup on BuildBot.sln by @github-actions in #80
- [FF-2244] - Code cleanup on BuildBot.sln by @github-actions in #81
- [FF-2244] - Code cleanup on BuildBot.sln by @github-actions in #83
- [FF-2244] - Code cleanup on BuildBot.sln by @github-actions in #85
- [FF-1429]: Bump Discord.Net.Analyzers from 2.4.0 to 3.0.0 by @dependabot in #88
- [FF-2244] - Code cleanup on BuildBot.sln by @github-actions in #87
- [FF-2244] - Code cleanup on BuildBot.sln by @github-actions in #89
- [FF-2244] - Code cleanup on BuildBot.sln by @github-actions in #90
- [FF-1429] Updating FunFair.Test.Common (Test Infrastructure) to by @github-actions in #92
- [FF-3881] - Updated DotNet SDK to 6.0.201 by @github-actions in #93
- [FF-1429] Updating FunFair.Test.Common (Test Infrastructure) to by @github-actions in #94
- Depends/ff 3881/update dotnet/6.0.300/src/global.json by @credfeto in #95
- Dotnet 7 support by @credfeto in #97
- Depends/ff 1429/update serilog.enrichers.sensitive/1.4.0 by @credfeto in #99
- [FF-1429] Updating xunit (Test Infrastructure) to 2.4.2 [No commits for 75 days] by @github-actions in #102
- [FF-1429] Updating FunFair.Test.Common (Test Infrastructure) to [No commits for 68 days] by @github-actions in #100
- [FF-1429] Updating Octopus.Client (Octopus) to 14.2.262 [No commits for 9 days] by @github-actions in #101
- [FF-3881] - Updated DotNet SDK to 7.0.100 by @github-actions in #104
- [FF-1429] Updating Credfeto.Enumeration.Source.Generation (Code analysis) to by @github-actions in #109
- [FF-1429] Updating Microsoft.Extensions (Microsoft Extensions) to 7.0.0 by @github-actions in #108
- [FF-1429] Updating FunFair.Test.Common (Test Infrastructure) to by @github-actions in #107
- [FF-1429] Updating SecurityCodeScan.VS2019 (Code analysis) to 5.6.7 by @github-actions in #106
- [FF-1429] Updating SonarAnalyzer.CSharp (Code analysis) to by @github-actions in #112
- [SDK] - Updated DotNet SDK to 7.0.201 by @github-actions in #114
- [Dependencies] Updating Octopus.Client (Octopus) to 14.3.547 by @github-actions in #117
- [Dependencies] Updating Meziantou.Analyzer (Code Analysis) to 2.0.33 by @github-actions in #116
- [SDK] - Updated DotNet SDK to 7.0.203 by @github-actions in #118
New Contributors
- @credfeto made their first contribution in #1
- @github-actions made their first contribution in #8
- @dependabot-preview made their first contribution in #9
- @nukec made their first contribution in #21
- @vladimirnesic1980 made their first contribution in #24
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #68
Full Changelog: