Releases: fluent/fluent-bit
Releases · fluent/fluent-bit
Fluent Bit 3.2.7
What's Changed
- log: added a new management signal to overcome a deadlock by @leonardo-albertovich in #9933
- stackdriver: add cloud_logging_base_url (#9779) by @braydonk in #9955
- in_kubernetes_events: fix sqldb cleanup (backport to v3.2) by @cm-rudolph in #9895
- tests: in_kubernetes_events: backport flake test fix from #9877. by @pwhelan in #9900
- http input layer: parser realloc fixes (#9970) by @edsiper in #9971
- opentelemetry: backports from git master by @edsiper in #9975
- in_http: add compression handling support for gzip, snappy and zstd (backport v3.2) by @edsiper in #9978
- input_chunk: log plugin alias instead of plugin name if exists. - backport to 3.2 by @lecaros in #9973
- out_http: add support for zstd and snappy compression (backport for v3.2) by @edsiper in #9984
- security update: CVE-2024-50608 and CVE-2024-50609 (v3.2) by @edsiper in #9994
- workflows: pin QEMU version for Raspbian only by @patrick-stephens in #10006
- ci: update to version 3.2.7 by @patrick-stephens in #10009
Full Changelog: v3.2.6...v3.2.7
Fluent Bit 3.2.6
What's Changed
- release: update to 3.2.6 by @patrick-stephens in #9879
- workflows: fix debug image manifest by @patrick-stephens in #9884
- in_opentelemetry: fix finalization of group for gRPC payload (backport for v3.2) by @edsiper in #9883
- in_tail: reintroduced the old ignore_older behavior as opt-in by @leonardo-albertovich in #9912
- workflows: remove qemu usage by @edsiper in #9934
Full Changelog: v3.2.5...v3.2.6
Fluent Bit 3.2.5
What's Changed
- release: update to 3.2.5 by @github-actions in #9780
- 3.2: lib: monkey files by @edsiper in #9805
- pack: fix missing scientific notation in JSON parser [Backport 3.2] by @aivarasbaranauskas in #9853
- backports: v3.2 20240108 by @edsiper in #9811
- package: distro: dockerfiles: Install libcurl development package for oauthoicd on rdkafka [Backport 3.2] by @cosmo0920 in #9863
- workflows: increase size of container builders by @patrick-stephens in #9870
- workflows: remove s390x and armv7 platforms for container builds by @patrick-stephens in #9871
- workflows: split into per-arch container builds by @patrick-stephens in #9876
Full Changelog: v3.2.4...v3.2.5
Fluent Bit 3.2.4
What's Changed
- release: update to 3.2.4 by @github-actions in #9754
- workflows: bump helm/kind-action from 1.11.0 to 1.12.0 by @dependabot in #9763
- internal: add conditionals evaluation API by @niedbalski in #9749
- in_systemd: fix memory leak by @bpetermannS11 in #9773
- Regression fix: Selects docker image target fpr by @Tradunsky in #9767
New Contributors
- @bpetermannS11 made their first contribution in #9773
- @Tradunsky made their first contribution in #9767
Full Changelog: v3.2.3...v3.2.4
Fluent Bit 3.2.3
What's Changed
- release: update to 3.2.3 by @github-actions in #9665
- out_calyptia: retry agent registration on flush callback by @niedbalski in #9656
- cmake: fix UNICODE-escaped characters on aarch64 by @RamaMalladiAWS in #8851
- filter_parser: fix reserve data and preserve key handling by @niedbalski in #9675
- prometheus_remote_write: Fix a typo in configuration by @baonq-me in #9674
- wasm: Plug a resource leak on exception (CID 508177) by @cosmo0920 in #9615
- calyptia: generate machine id for fleet agents by @patrick-stephens in #9691
- lib: wasm-micro-runtime: Bump up wasm-micro-runtime to v1.3.3 by @cosmo0920 in #9643
- in_winevtlog: Use correct flag for EvtRender by @mkfrey in #9659
- in_process_exporter_metrics: Fix error logic when directory cannot be… by @PromyLOPh in #9549
- Fix a typo in out opentelemetry plugin by @baonq-me in #9673
- in_systemd: Process enumerated data as cfl_kvlist(s) at first by @cosmo0920 in #9291
- cfl_record_accessor: cfl_ra_key: Implement generic CFL based record accessor by @cosmo0920 in #9566
- http_server: hs: Handle IPv4 and IPv6 addresses by @cosmo0920 in #9449
- in_forward: Support empty_shared_key parameter by @cosmo0920 in #9681
- utils: Detect machine_id corruption and fill out a dummy value by @cosmo0920 in #9690
- build: Use signed char in RISC-V 64bit by @cosmo0920 in #9524
- update fluentbit_users.png by @erikbledsoe in #9710
- docs: update deployment details by @edsiper in #9711
- in_forward: Recreate connection when resumed by @cosmo0920 in #9605
- utf8: enhancements for handling of multibyte sequences by @edsiper in #9687
- opentelemetry: add Logs metadata support for JSON payload by @edsiper in #9724
- cfl_record_accessor: Plug resource leaks (CID 516097) by @cosmo0920 in #9728
- plugin: Detect config format and use a proper loader by @cosmo0920 in #9738
- workflows: bump helm/kind-action from 1.10.0 to 1.11.0 by @dependabot in #9736
- lib: update cprofiles and c-ares libraries by @edsiper in #9747
- workflows: resolve ubuntu 24 packaging problems by @patrick-stephens in #9751
- plugin_proxy: Allow to execute flush callback on Golang side during hot-reloading by @imankurpatel000 in #9734
New Contributors
- @RamaMalladiAWS made their first contribution in #8851
- @baonq-me made their first contribution in #9674
- @mkfrey made their first contribution in #9659
- @PromyLOPh made their first contribution in #9549
Full Changelog: v3.2.2...v3.2.3
Fluent Bit 3.2.2
What's Changed
- release: update to 3.2.2 by @github-actions in #9610
- signv4: added missing length calculation (CID 514601) by @leonardo-albertovich in #9606
- http_client: added missing exit path (CID 514596, 514571) by @leonardo-albertovich in #9607
- http_common: added missing initializers (CID 514594, 514583) by @leonardo-albertovich in #9608
- out_opentelemetry: added missing result checks and fixed leaks (CID 514593) by @leonardo-albertovich in #9609
- http_client: fixed potential memory corruption (CID 514587) by @leonardo-albertovich in #9611
- http_client: added missing exit path (CID 514585) by @leonardo-albertovich in #9612
- http_common: moved initializers to correct a bug introduced in PR 9608 by @leonardo-albertovich in #9619
- ci: extended CI script to pass test for flb_utils_get_machine_id by @mabrarov in #9630
- in_forward: Plug a resource leak on exception (CID 508064) by @cosmo0920 in #9616
- node_exporter_metrics: Use real_path for complaining on glob error by @cosmo0920 in #9618
- plugin: Plug a use-after-free issue (CID 514582) by @cosmo0920 in #9639
- http_client: assorted HTTP/2 related fixes by @leonardo-albertovich in #9645
- out_azure_kusto : fix multiple files tail issue and timeout issue by @tanmaya-panda1 in #8430
- in_opentelemetry: Propogate tag in http2 metrics and trace handlers by @nuclearpidgeon in #9635
- processor_labels: Process operations for output purposed contexts of metrics instead of the original one by @cosmo0920 in #9632
- filter_lua: expose env variables in FLB_ENV Lua table by @edsiper in #9617
- custom_calyptia: honour collector interval in secs and nano secs. by @niedbalski in #9648
- out_stackdriver bug fix: return cached token when current_timestamp is less than cached_expiration by @shuaich in #9652
- http_client: out_es: lib: implement http client response testing mechanism by @cosmo0920 in #9401
- in_http: use 'tag_key' option when json array is received by @imankurpatel000 in #9590
- network: fix IPV6 handling for accepting connections by @jomillerOpen in #9404
New Contributors
- @mabrarov made their first contribution in #9630
- @tanmaya-panda1 made their first contribution in #8430
- @imankurpatel000 made their first contribution in #9590
- @jomillerOpen made their first contribution in #9404
Full Changelog: v3.2.1...v3.2.2
Fluent Bit 3.2.1
What's Changed
- config_format: windows: Handle static config on windows correctly by @cosmo0920 in #9582
- ci: support 3.2 releases as latest version by @patrick-stephens in #9445
- Retrieve Kubernetes pod IP address if it is set in status.podIP by @kgtw in #2783
- tests: runtime: kubernetes: fixes tests after addition of pod_ip by @lecaros in #9591
- in_ebpf: Prepare build directory for building eBPF objects by @cosmo0920 in #9592
- in_splunk: splunk token validation must be case-insensitive by @lecaros in #9518
- in_ebpf: Handle debian like systems' signal probes by @cosmo0920 in #9596
- security: supported versions now are 3.1.x and 3.2.x by @lecaros in #9594
- tls: removed alpn selector requirement by @leonardo-albertovich in #9599
- update: bump version to v3.2.1 by @edsiper in #9602
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v3.2.0...v3.2.1
Fluent Bit 3.2.0
What's Changed
- build: bump to v3.2 series by @edsiper in #9322
- workflows: bump peter-evans/create-pull-request from 6 to 7 by @dependabot in #9342
- workflows: linux: Compile and execute internal test on non-amd64 platforms Linux by @cosmo0920 in #9313
- engine: added missing explicit cast (CID 508212) by @leonardo-albertovich in #9329
- in_elasticsearch: fixed potential issue caused by ingored reallocation (CID 508180) by @leonardo-albertovich in #9356
- input: added missing initializer (CID 508207) by @leonardo-albertovich in #9331
- out_opentelemetry: fixed memory leaks (CID 508192) by @leonardo-albertovich in #9334
- tests: internal: signv4: uncommented code that caused a leak (CID 508181) by @leonardo-albertovich in #9348
- in_elasticsearch: fixed memory leak (CID 507822) by @leonardo-albertovich in #9358
- out_influxdb: Handle signed/unsigned integer as influx's integer of that representation by @cosmo0920 in #9301
- in_calyptia_fleet: fixed memory leaks (CID 508187) by @leonardo-albertovich in #9346
- out_http: Request timed out(408) to be treated as retry by @cosmo0920 in #9377
- tests: internal: signv4: fixed leak (CID 508222) by @leonardo-albertovich in #9344
- input: disable coroutines for custom events and input callbacks that do not support coroutines. by @pwhelan in #9338
- filter_log_to_metrics: Add timer callback for emitting metrics by @drbugfinder-work in #9251
- lib: cmetrics: upgrade to v0.9.6 by @edsiper in #9392
- out_splunk: Extend retrying HTTP status code by @cosmo0920 in #9375
- workflows: Update scorecard workflow and remove Dockerfile warnings by @patrick-stephens in #9421
- config_format: cf_yaml: Plug memory leaks on exception for processing variants on plugin elements by @cosmo0920 in #9426
- out_calyptia: register OS and architecture for agents. by @pwhelan in #8466
- lib: ctraces: upgrade to v0.5.6 by @edsiper in #9430
- in_calyptia_fleet: fix 'unable to find fleet by name'. by @pwhelan in #9410
- filter_multiline: Reset group metadata buf on flush - Fixes 9262,8925,9337,8567 by @drbugfinder-work in #9425
- lib: fluent-otel-proto: update generated files and add profiling support by @edsiper in #9434
- reload: do not call flb_stop when flb_start fails to avoid crash on RHEL/CentOS. by @pwhelan in #9432
- upstream: Improve error message for misconfigured HTTP_PROXY variable by @lecaros in #9328
- core: signal blob implementation by @edsiper in #9326
- workflows: update for 3.1 branch by @patrick-stephens in #9444
- motd: v3.2 by @edsiper in #9442
- in_opentelemetry: add tag_from_uri support to http2 codepath by @nuclearpidgeon in #8963
- motd: add missing null character by @edsiper in #9474
- cmake: update emails and urls for Chronosphere by @patrick-stephens in #9408
- lib: monkey: upgrade to v1.8.1 (add support for HTTP/1.1 chunked transfer encoding) by @edsiper in #9466
- blob: assorted improvements (cleanup) by @edsiper in #9479
- http_server: http1: always reset the parser context on pending status by @edsiper in #9480
- tests/internal: fix use-after-free for input_chunks test input_chunk_dropping_chunks. by @pwhelan in #9472
- out_opentelemetry: metrics handling fixes by @edsiper in #9481
- scan: coverity fixes 20241012 by @edsiper in #9488
- out_azure_blob: fixed blob endpoint tracking by @leonardo-albertovich in #9493
- blob: assorted fixes by @leonardo-albertovich in #9511
- simd: add new SIMD support for JSON escaping by @edsiper in #9500
- config: complete Yaml support by @edsiper in #9513
- processor_content_modifier: add support for Metrics processing by @edsiper in #9531
- tls: include X509 error string when verify result is not x509_V_OK. by @niedbalski in #9527
- tls: improve debug information on the cause of the failure when loading system certificates on windows by @niedbalski in #9533
- docs: DEVELOPER_GUIDE: add instructions for windows 2022. by @niedbalski in #9522
- input_chunk: fix input plugin metrics not counting records re-emitted by filters downstream by @mindw in #9487
- lib: fluent-otel-proto: update files for latest profiles support by @edsiper in #9540
- tls: macos load system certificates using security framework. by @niedbalski in #9539
- http_client: HTTP/2 client addition by @leonardo-albertovich in #9541
- out_blob: consider auto_create_container by @uristernik in #9457
- in_forward: fixed incorrect shared key length in authentication by @leonardo-albertovich in #9550
- filter_multiline: Add functionality to use as processor by @drbugfinder-work in #9521
- output: allow records size 0 on flb event type logs processor by @niedbalski in #9554
- processor_opentelemetry_envelope: add support for Metrics by @edsiper in #9558
- in_calyptia_fleet: fleet id search by name must use exact name. by @lecaros in #9561
- in_calyptia_fleet: make the http client buffer size configurable. by @pwhelan in #9515
- in_calyptia_fleet: fix registering agent after first invocation. by @pwhelan in #9516
- filter: Add dropped_bytes_total / drop_bytes metrics by @cosmo0920 in #9419
- network: tcp keepalive addition by @leonardo-albertovich in #9249
- out_datadog: custom added ability ot set custom HTTP headers by @AndrewChubatiuk in #9441
- build: use the system provided packages if found by @ThomasDevoogdt in #8930
- out_kinesis_streams: add custom port support for Kinesis output plugin by @azalio in #9317
- metrics_exporter: add support for filter metrics inside processors by @cw-Guo in #9341
- fix: ARES_OPT_TRIES must be set to update opt.tries by @bazzargh in #8587
- out_kafka: Introduce raw_log_key to write a single value to kafka by @zecke in #8655
- network: use TCP_KEEPALIVE instead of TCP_KEEPIDLE in OSX by @lecaros in #9574
- in_ebpf: initial version of the plugin (experimental) by @niedbalski in #9576
- lib: cprofiles addition by @leonardo-albertovich in #9584
- lib: cprofiles: fixed incorrect check by @leonardo-albertovich in #9586
- opentelemetry: initial addition of the experimental otlp profile signal by @leonardo-albertovich in #9583
New Contributors
- @mindw made their first contribution in #9487
- @uristernik made their first contribution in #9457
- @AndrewChubatiuk made their first contribution in #9441
- @azalio made their first contribution in #9317
- @cw-Guo made their first contribution in #9341
- @bazzargh made their first contribution in #8587
Full Changelog: v3.1.7...v3.2.0
Fluent Bit 3.1.10
What's Changed
- in_opentelemetry: add tag_from_uri support to http2 codepath by @lecaros in #9447
- in_http: fix parsing of root JSON object by @edsiper in #9467
- out_opentelemetry: metrics handling fixes (backport for v3.1) by @edsiper in #9483
- in_forward: fixed incorrect shared key length in authentication by @leonardo-albertovich in #9551
Full Changelog: v3.1.9...v3.1.10
Fluent Bit 3.1.9
What's Changed
- in_calyptia_fleet: fix 'unable to find fleet by name'. by @pwhelan in #9412
- 3.1: backport fixes 2024-09-26 by @edsiper in #9433
- reload: do not call flb_stop when flb_start fails and fix crash on RHEL by @pwhelan in #9435
- upstream: Improve error message for misconfigured HTTP_PROXY variable - Backport to 3.1 by @lecaros in #9438
Full Changelog: v3.1.8...v3.1.9