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dbt_fivetran_log v0.6.1

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@fivetran-joemarkiewicz fivetran-joemarkiewicz released this 07 Jun 14:52
· 314 commits to main since this release

Happy Tuesday! 🌮

This release of the dbt_fivetran_log package includes the following updates:


  • Added the option to disable the user, account_membership, and destination_membership models that may not be available depending on your Fivetran setup. In your dbt_project.yml you can now change these flags to disable parts of the package. Use the below to configure your project. (#52) and (#55)

    fivetran_log_using_account_membership: false # Disables account membership models
    fivetran_log_using_destination_membership: false # Disables account membership models
    fivetran_log_using_user: false # Disables account membership models
