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Thaw Tar thawtar
Research engineer working on CFD and Machine Learning
Chenguang Zhang ChenguangZhang

Ansys Lebanon, New Hampshire


Istanbul, Turkey

Wolf Dynamics wolfDynamics
Wolf Dynamics is a young university startup, specialize in CFD simulations, design optimization, data analytics, data visualization, and software development

Wolf Dynamics

CFD is my middle name
Jiarong Wu jiarong-wu

Courant Institute, NYU

sede-open sede-open

2596 HR The Hague, The Netherlands

Florian Pinault floriankrb
Machine Learning for Climate and Meteorology.

@ecmwf floriankrb

Hui Cheng hui-aqua
Focus on Aquaculture and Fisheries

AKVA Group Stavanger, Norway

Charles Turner charles-turner-1
Research Software Engineer @ACCESS-NRI. Pro making data analysis less hassle, caffeine, playing football with the dog.

Perth AU

Keith Roberts krober10nd
Researcher/numerical modeler

W.F. Baird

Levi Kilcher lkilcher

National Renewable Energy Lab Golden, CO

Konstantinos Christakos KonstantinChri
Develop open-source Metocean tools

@metno @NTNU-IMT Norway

André Palóczy apaloczy

National Oceanography Centre Liverpool, UK

Jaap Nienhuis jhnienhuis

Utrecht University Utrecht, NL

Nate VanArendonk NateVanArendonk
I can stand in the deep end of your pool

Netsmart Bellingham, Washington

Jason Ducker jduckerOWP
Scientific Programmer Lynker Technologies LLC. contractor working for the NOAA Office of Water Prediction.


Davis W Hoffman dwhoff
I am a Ph.D. candidate at Stanford University in the department of Mechanical Engineering.
Kaveh Zamani kavehzamani
Application of CFD, Stochastic Methods & Analytical Models in: Flood, Sediment, Water Quality, Risk Analysis and Two-Phase Flow

California Department of Water Resources California

Alexandre Erich Sébastien Georges aesgeorges
PhD Student in Environmental Engineering at the UC Berkeley. Interested in Fluid Mechanics and Remote Sensing for Climate Change Adaptation in the Caribbean

UC Berkeley Berkeley, CA

Spicer Bak SBFRF
Nearshore research coastal engineer. Robots and numerical models

USACE ERDC - Field Research Facility Duck, North Carolina

Tarandeep Singh Kalra tarankalra1
Computing Scientist with a background in CFD on aerospace and oceanographic applications.

Woods Hole Group Bourne

Gabriel Thomas Scarlett gabscarlett
Gabriel has a PhD from The University of Edinburgh in Unsteady Hydrodynamics of Tidal Turbine Blades. He is now a Numerical Modeller at Mocean Energy.

Mocean Energy Edinburgh, UK

Yingyi Liu YingyiLiu

Kyushu University Fukuoka, Japan

Elyas Larkermani ElyasKermani

NTNU: Norwegian University of Science and Technology Norway

Widar Weizhi Wang WidarWW
researcher wave modelling

NTNU Trondheim, Norway

Hans Bihs hansbihs

NTNU Trondheim Norway

Martin Kvisvik Larsen markvilar
Marine robotics, machine learning, and software enthusiast. Engineer and tinkerer by heart.

Trondheim, Norway

Pablo Higuera phicau

The University of Auckland Auckland

Alexey Matveichev mrklein

O2M Solutions France

Johan Roenby roenby


Harry B. Bingham hbbingham
Professor of Marine Hydrodynamics at the Technical University of Denmark.
Allan Peter Engsig-Karup apengsigkarup
Professor (Assoc.), Scientific Computing. Main developer and lead Architect of open source OceanWave3D software.

Technical University of Denmark Kongens Lyngby

Robert Hallberg Hallberg-NOAA
Oceanographer at NOAA/GFDL and Lecturer in the Princeton University Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences Program

NOAA/GFDL Princeton, New Jersey, USA

Repositories for DHI Solution Software Components


Alistair Adcroft adcroft

Princeton Univsersity and NOAA/GFDL NJ, USA

Deepak Cherian dcherian

@earth-mover Golden