I'm Rafael. I'm a researcher at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) working primarily on wind energy modeling software. In addition to wind turbine and wind farm dynamics, I'm interested in improving the software development process especially as it relates to research software, and I pursued this throughout 2023/2024 as a Better Scienfitic Software Foundation Fellow where I develop processes and training material on visually communicating elements of software design as part of the software development process.
Please get in touch (LinkedIn) to talk about wind energy and research software!
Active projects:
- WETO Software Stack characterization and coordination
- wcomp steady-state wind farm wake modeling software comparison
- Communicating Design
- FLORIS 4ever
- Heat flow and humidity in my house
Talks and other things:
- TORQUE 2024: wcomp poster and paper
- IDEAS HPC Best Practices webinar: Visually communicating elements of software design
- SustainOSS Podcast: Advancing Wind Energy using OSS