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termination strategies
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Summary: Replace lossy hashing as a way to avoid non-termination with a set of
some explicit termination strategies.

The main source of non-termination comes from polymorphism and how it interacts
with subtyping and type inference in the system. Via polymorphism it is easy to
set up types such that simplifying a subtyping constraint generates expanded
versions of essentially the same flow constraint, in ways that are difficult to
detect statically.

This diff installs some general strategies to avoid non-termination:
1. Force unique instantiations for a polymorphic definition per use in code.
2. Avoid expanding type applications when doing so may cause unbounded recursion (the finite unfoldings should be enough).

It is important to note that these strategies are not proved to form a complete
set of defenses. As such, a recursion limiter is necessary for us to debug cases
as they come up and think of additional defenses.

However, I now feel confident that we're mostly there.
For example, this diff handles the kind of recursive type aliases required for zero-or-more and one-or-more Promise wrapped types, for structural matching of generic interfaces, and so on.

Fixes #514
Fixes #376

Reviewed By: @bhosmer

Differential Revision: D2119022
  • Loading branch information
avikchaudhuri authored and facebook-github-bot-7 committed Jun 19, 2015
1 parent 419d159 commit 7a4a629
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Showing 22 changed files with 774 additions and 252 deletions.
39 changes: 39 additions & 0 deletions src/common/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -23,7 +23,44 @@ open Utils
module Ast = Spider_monkey_ast
module Json = Hh_json

let mk_id () = Ident.make ""

(* Reasons are included in types mainly for error reporting, but sometimes we
also use reasons in types to recover information on the source code that
caused those reasons to be created. Two examples of such secondary uses of
reasons are:
- strictness analysis: we use reasons to locate the origin of an object and
the origin of an operation on the object, and use such origins to determine
whether certain errors should be suppressed.
- termination analysis: we use reasons to limit instantiation of type
parameters in polymorphic types at particular locations, to prevent the type
checker from generating an unbounded number of constraints. The `pos` field
of reasons is sufficient to distinguish code locations, except that as an
implementation strategy for checking polymorphic definitions, we walk over
the same source code multiple times to check it with different instantiations
of type parameters, and to index "copies" of the reasons created in those
passes over the same source code, we use an additional `test_id` field.
module TestID = struct
let _current = ref None

(* Get current test id. *)
let current() = !_current

(* Call f on a, installing new_test_id as the current test_id, and restoring
the current test_id when done. (See also the function new_reason below.) *)
let run f a =
let test_id = current () in
_current := Some (mk_id ());
f a;
_current := test_id


type reason = {
test_id: int option;
derivable: bool;
desc: string;
pos: Pos.t;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -116,7 +153,9 @@ let json_of_pos pos = Json.(Pos.(Lexing.(

(* reason constructors, accessors, etc. *)

(* The current test_id is included in every new reason. *)
let new_reason s pos = {
test_id = TestID.current();
derivable = false;
desc = s;
pos = pos;
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6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions src/common/reason_js.mli
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Expand Up @@ -10,8 +10,14 @@

open Spider_monkey_ast (* Loc *)

val mk_id: unit -> int

type reason

module TestID: sig
val run: ('a -> unit) -> 'a -> unit

val lexpos: string -> int -> int -> Lexing.position

(* reason constructors *)
Expand Down
206 changes: 199 additions & 7 deletions src/typing/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -194,7 +194,12 @@ module Type = struct
| OrT of reason * t * t

(* operation on polymorphic types *)
| SpecializeT of reason * t list * t
(** SpecializeT(_, cache, targs, tresult) instantiates a polymorphic type with
type arguments targs, and flows the result into tresult. If cache is set,
it looks up a cache of existing instantiations for the type parameters of
the polymorphic type, unifying the type arguments with those
instantiations if such exist. **)
| SpecializeT of reason * bool * t list * t

(* operation on prototypes *)
| LookupT of reason * reason option * string * t
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -337,9 +342,12 @@ module Type = struct


(* The typechecking algorithm often needs to maintain sets of types. In
addition, for logging we need to associate some provenanced information to
types. Both these purposes are served by using type maps. *)
(* The typechecking algorithm often needs to maintain sets of types, or more
generally, maps of types (for logging we need to associate some provenanced
information to types). *)

module TypeSet : Set.S with type elt = Type.t
= Set.Make(Type)

module TypeMap : MapSig with type key = Type.t
= MyMap(Type)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -932,7 +940,7 @@ let rec reason_of_t = function
| EqT (reason, t) ->

| SpecializeT(reason,_,_)
| SpecializeT(reason,_,_,_)
-> reason

| TypeAppT(t,_)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1091,7 +1099,7 @@ let rec mod_reason_of_t f = function
| AndT (reason, t1, t2) -> AndT (f reason, t1, t2)
| OrT (reason, t1, t2) -> OrT (f reason, t1, t2)

| SpecializeT(reason, ts, t) -> SpecializeT (f reason, ts, t)
| SpecializeT(reason, cache, ts, t) -> SpecializeT (f reason, cache, ts, t)

| TypeAppT (t, ts) -> TypeAppT (mod_reason_of_t f t, ts)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1582,7 +1590,8 @@ let rec _json_of_t stack cx t = Json.(
"resultType", _json_of_t stack cx res

| SpecializeT (_, targs, tvar) -> [
| SpecializeT (_, cache, targs, tvar) -> [
"cache", JBool cache;
"types", JList ( (_json_of_t stack cx) targs);
"tvar", _json_of_t stack cx tvar
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2171,3 +2180,186 @@ let reasons_of_trace ?(level=0) ?(tab=2) trace =
else []
in f level trace

(********* type visitor *********)

(* We walk types in a lot of places for all kinds of things, but often most of
the code is boilerplate. The following visitor class for types aims to
reduce that boilerplate. It is designed as a fold on the structure of types,
parameterized by an accumulator.
WARNING: This is only a partial implementation, sufficient for current
purposes but intended to be completed in a later diff.
class ['a] type_visitor = object(self)
method type_ cx (acc: 'a) = function
| OpenT (_, id) -> self#id_ cx acc id

| NumT _
| StrT _
| BoolT _
| UndefT _
| MixedT _
| AnyT _
| NullT _
| VoidT _ -> acc

| FunT (_, static, prototype, funtype) ->
let acc = self#type_ cx acc static in
let acc = self#type_ cx acc prototype in
let acc = self#fun_type cx acc funtype in

| ObjT (_, { dict_t; props_tmap; proto_t; _ }) ->
let acc = self#opt (self#dict_ cx) acc dict_t in
let acc = self#props cx acc props_tmap in
let acc = self#type_ cx acc proto_t in

| ArrT (_, t, ts) ->
let acc = self#type_ cx acc t in
let acc = self#list (self#type_ cx) acc ts in

| ClassT t -> self#type_ cx acc t

| InstanceT (_, static, super, insttype) ->
let acc = self#type_ cx acc static in
let acc = self#type_ cx acc super in
let acc = self#inst_type cx acc insttype in

| OptionalT t -> self#type_ cx acc t

| RestT t -> self#type_ cx acc t

| PolyT (typeparams, t) ->
let acc = self#list (self#type_param cx) acc typeparams in
let acc = self#type_ cx acc t in

| TypeAppT (t, ts) ->
let acc = self#type_ cx acc t in
let acc = self#list (self#type_ cx) acc ts in

| BoundT typeparam -> self#type_param cx acc typeparam

| ExistsT _ -> acc

| MaybeT t -> self#type_ cx acc t

| IntersectionT (_, ts)
| UnionT (_, ts) -> self#list (self#type_ cx) acc ts

| UpperBoundT t
| LowerBoundT t -> self#type_ cx acc t

| AnyObjT _
| AnyFunT _ -> acc

| ShapeT t -> self#type_ cx acc t

| DiffT (t1, t2) ->
let acc = self#type_ cx acc t1 in
let acc = self#type_ cx acc t2 in

| EnumT (_, t) -> self#type_ cx acc t

| TypeT (_, t) -> self#type_ cx acc t

| BecomeT (_, t) -> self#type_ cx acc t

| SpeculativeMatchFailureT (_, t1, t2) ->
let acc = self#type_ cx acc t1 in
let acc = self#type_ cx acc t2 in

| ModuleT (_, exporttypes) ->
self#export_types cx acc exporttypes

(* Currently not walking use types. This will change in an upcoming diff. *)
| SummarizeT (_, _)
| CallT (_, _)
| MethodT (_, _, _)
| SetT (_, _, _)
| GetT (_, _, _)
| SetElemT (_, _, _)
| GetElemT (_, _, _)
| ConstructorT (_, _, _)
| SuperT (_, _)
| ExtendsT (_, _)
| AdderT (_, _, _)
| ComparatorT (_, _)
| PredicateT (_, _)
| EqT (_, _)
| AndT (_, _, _)
| OrT (_, _, _)
| SpecializeT (_, _, _, _)
| LookupT (_, _, _, _)
| ObjAssignT (_, _, _, _, _)
| ObjFreezeT (_, _)
| ObjRestT (_, _, _)
| ObjSealT (_, _)
| ObjTestT (_, _, _)
| UnifyT (_, _)
| ConcretizeT (_, _, _, _)
| ConcreteT _
| KeyT (_, _)
| HasT (_, _)
| ElemT (_, _, _)
| CJSRequireT (_, _)
| ImportModuleNsT (_, _)
| ImportTypeT (_, _)
| CJSExtractNamedExportsT (_, _, _)
| SetCJSExportT (_, _, _)
| SetNamedExportsT (_, _, _)
-> self#__TODO__ cx acc

(* The default behavior here could be fleshed out a bit, to look up the graph,
handle Resolved and Unresolved cases, etc. *)
method id_ cx acc id = acc

method private dict_ cx acc { key; value; _ } =
let acc = self#type_ cx acc key in
let acc = self#type_ cx acc value in

method private props cx acc id =
self#smap (self#type_ cx) acc (IMap.find_unsafe id cx.property_maps)

method private type_param cx acc { bound; _ } =
self#type_ cx acc bound

method private fun_type cx acc { this_t; params_tlist; return_t; _} =
let acc = self#type_ cx acc this_t in
let acc = self#list (self#type_ cx) acc params_tlist in
let acc = self#type_ cx acc return_t in

method private inst_type cx acc { type_args; fields_tmap; methods_tmap; _ } =
let acc = self#smap (self#type_ cx) acc type_args in
let acc = self#props cx acc fields_tmap in
let acc = self#props cx acc methods_tmap in

method private export_types cx acc { exports_tmap; cjs_export } =
let acc = self#props cx acc exports_tmap in
let acc = self#opt (self#type_ cx) acc cjs_export in

method private __TODO__ cx acc = acc

method private list: 't. ('a -> 't -> 'a) -> 'a -> 't list -> 'a =

method private opt: 't. ('a -> 't -> 'a) -> 'a -> 't option -> 'a =
fun f acc -> function
| None -> acc
| Some x -> f acc x

method private smap: 't. ('a -> 't -> 'a) -> 'a -> 't SMap.t -> 'a =
fun f acc map ->
SMap.fold (fun _ t acc -> f acc t) map acc
10 changes: 8 additions & 2 deletions src/typing/constraint_js.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ module Type :
| AndT of reason * t * t
| OrT of reason * t * t

| SpecializeT of reason * t list * t
| SpecializeT of reason * bool * t list * t

| LookupT of reason * reason option * string * t

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -185,6 +185,7 @@ module Type :
val open_tvar: t -> (reason * ident)

module TypeSet : Set.S with type elt = Type.t
module TypeMap : MapSig with type key = Type.t

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -392,5 +393,10 @@ val loc_of_t : Type.t -> Spider_monkey_ast.Loc.t

val string_of_predicate : Type.predicate -> string

(* TODO should be in constraint_js, ocaml scoping quirk stymies me for now *)
val pos_of_predicate : Type.predicate -> Pos.t

class ['a] type_visitor : object
(* Only exposing a few methods for now. *)
method type_ : context -> 'a -> Type.t -> 'a
method id_ : context -> 'a -> ident -> 'a
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/typing/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ let clear_env () =
(* TODO maintain changelist here too *)
let push_env cx scope =
(* frame id goes with new scope *)
let frame = Flow_js.mk_id cx in
let frame = mk_id () in
(* push scope and frame *)
scopes := scope :: !scopes;
frames := frame :: !frames;
Expand Down

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